Image Galleries:

Click image to enter gallery.

(Below are also linked for user convenience.)
- Canada - Ottawa
- Canada, Grananosque/Thousand Islands
- Montreal - Formula 1 2007
- Europe - Slovakia - Bratislava
- Europe - Slovakia - Devin/Castle
- Europe - Slovakia - Modra
- Austria - Vienna
- Croatia - Tucepi
- Figma Image
- Flight Simulator X
- Ottawa - Tulip Festival 2007
- Ottawa - Ferrari Festival 2007
- Ottawa - Ferrari Festival 2008

Other Galleries:

Figma/Anime/Ferrari model Gallery page:

(Click above image!)

Video Game & Let's Play Gallery:

(Click above image!)


Send me your banner and it will be linked here:

Image Gallery page

Welcome to the gallery page. Simply click on the banners to the left that what you maybe seeking or interested in. I shall be updating the galleries within a monthly period (maybe longer) as I gather more images to share with others. I shall be sharing things I mostly see on a daily basis or things happening by "chance".

Still trying to organize this web page so you may find some loose ends.

- Canadian Region:

Canada, Ottawa-(Various) Canada, Ottawa-(Downtown) Canada, Ottawa-(Christmas 2009) Canada, Thousand islands
Canada, Montreal

- Local & Regional Events:

Canada, Montreal -
Formula 1 2007
Canada, Ottawa -
Ferrari Festival 2007
Canada, Ottawa -
Tulip Festival 2008
Canada, Ottawa -
Ferrari Festival 2008
Canada, Ottawa -
Winterlude 2010
Canada, Montreal -
Otakuthon 2010
Canada, Ottawa -
Naru2u (Anime con) 2010
Canada, Ottawa/Gatineau -
G-Anime 2011

- World Travels:

Slovakia, Bratislava Slovakia, Modra Slovakia, Devin Castle Austria, Vienna
Croatia, Tucepi Cuba, Varadero Cuba, Havana

If you don't see the type of galleries or images that you were expecting then feel free to give me a shout. Want me to do an image in a special style? Let me know via blog comments!

- Ghostly Substance/EuroSubstance/SubTrance/Arctic Kitsune


Highlights of my site.
Canada, Ottawa

The city of Ottawa. Have a more local view on the city, and the nature surroundings the nation's capital.

Europe Gallery

Imagine Galleries from Slovakia, Austria, and Croatia. Enjoy!

Figma & Ferrari Photoshoots

Imagine galleries containing Figmas, Figures, and Ferrari's - Real and fake