Playstation 3 & Anime

Well I got my PS3 on March 16th and bought Gundam:Crossfire with it. The price with warranty went straight into $1000 Canadian, insane but for the free software the price shall balance itself out soon. On that same day I also got a Death Note manga first part which is actually pretty cool and stopped at Chapter 2. The PS3 was my B-day gift for the 28th so might as well get it early then have to find out its been sold (safe then sorry) and i’m waiting for Sony’s service called “Home”. I’m using this new program which plays with proteins and when a task is done it is sent back to some a University. Pretty helpful for health Science and lets see Xbox 360 compete with that :p

My PSN: EuroSubstance


Back to the Death Note Manga, It sure follows the anime closely and it must if the anime was based on it. Gonna get more when I can so I might as well finish this at my own pace. I saw a Saber figure in the anime shop that I’ve tried to get before but I only went in there for my manga. The figure was $40 CAD. Next time I guess.

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