My Favorite Anime – Top 7

Hello again, I guess this kind of article is long over due. I’ve been watching Anime ever since Gundam Wing has appeared on YTV, and probably even long before that with Sailor Moon and other kid shows that found it’s way into North American television. I’ve watched up to 300 series/shows/movies and still like what I’m watching. Now I’ll be trying to narrow down my completed shows down to 7 (Youtube embed limit) most liked Anime.

(Link – MySite)

Continue reading My Favorite Anime – Top 7

Ottawa Tulip – P4 & Ottawa Tour – Final

Ottawa Tulip Festival’s final article as today (Monday) is the last day for the event. I went back to Major’s Hill Park for the final time on Sunday to obtain some final Friendship stage content and to also wrap up the touristic view of Downtown Ottawa. I hope those following the blog enjoyed the 4 (or 5, counting the intro) covering both the Tulips and the Canadian-Dutch WW2’s 1945 celebration.

(Link – MySite)

(All images and videos were taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens.)

Continue reading Ottawa Tulip – P4 & Ottawa Tour – Final

Ottawa Tulip – P3 & Ottawa tour

Part three of the Tulip Festival with an added and continued downtown Ottawa tour. Basically got stuck in the same place due to the incoming storm but it started off differently. I decided to finally get around to showing you guys and gals a long wall of graffiti that other locals and photographers tend to photograph. You may want to view this in large to make out the fine details.

(Link – MySite)

(All images and videos were taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens. Article contains 57 images and 2 videos.)

Continue reading Ottawa Tulip – P3 & Ottawa tour

Ottawa Tulip Festival – P2 & Ottawa Tour

Went back to the Ottawa Tulip Festival on Major’s Hill Park to try and add missing bits and pieces from the previous article.  As the Pavilion wasn’t really packed like it was on Saturday I managed to get some decent shots.  As I already upped a few videos I didn’t take any new ones of the Tulip.

(Link – MySite)

(All images were taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens on a sunny yet cloudy day.)

Continue reading Ottawa Tulip Festival – P2 & Ottawa Tour

Ottawa Tulip Festival – Part 1

The Canada-Netherland’s 2010 Tulip Festival – explained here. This article will cover the International Pavilion at Major’s Hill Park and the various other two food tents related to the Pavilion.

(Link – Mysite)

(All images and videos taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens. The article contains 88 images and three embedded videos. Hope people have fast internet or patience to wait out the loading.)

Continue reading Ottawa Tulip Festival – Part 1

Girl Scouts – Parliament & Violinist

As I was heading to the Tulip Festival on Major’s Hill Park  and took a short cut through Sparks street. I came across two street performers. I only recorded one of them (below). After that, I headed towards the Parliament  to notice lots of activity up on Parliament Hill. Curiosity got the better of me so I decided to check up on what was happening.

(Link – MySite)

Continue reading Girl Scouts – Parliament & Violinist

Sharbot Lake trip w/Figma Saber & Signum

For those that have been lurking on my forum may have noticed a “trend” of me saying “for a change of scenery I decided to  -here- to take pictures of Figmas“. Well, to continue that trend I shall now say:

For a change of scenery I decided to take pictures of my Figma’s outside of Ottawa, at Sharbrot Lake.

Only for Figmas? Of course not. I assisted with some minor tasks. Taking pictures of Figmas was just me taking advantage of different scenery.

(Link – MySite)

(All images were taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens.)

Continue reading Sharbot Lake trip w/Figma Saber & Signum

Possible Cherry Blossoms – Ottawa

It appears that the Cherry Blossoms are in full bloom in Canada, Ottawa. I took pictures of the one on the Experimental Farm, went too early for the one at Andrew Haydon park, and checking up on some group of trees at a busy Transit way. Someone’s blog mentioned these were Cherry Blossoms but I’m too unsure if these are or not.

(Link – MySite)

(All images and video were taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens.)

Continue reading Possible Cherry Blossoms – Ottawa