Shinki Renge P2 – Battle Rondo Review

Welcome back to part two of Renge’s Review! Why? Because she was finally added into Konami’s Battle Rondo! My other review of her was too large to add to so I thought I’d split it up into her own second review article. It’s been a long time waiting for her to appear in Battle Rondo, even when planned to be the first Shinki in my collection back in August 2010.

(Link – MySite) – Setting up Renge

Continue reading Shinki Renge P2 – Battle Rondo Review

Flight Sim X – Shinden flight 3

Hello again! Up for another flight? Me and my friend flew our digital planes down the west coast of North America towards Mexico, and then Cuba. Also snuck in some Japanese flights inbetween Tijuna and Phoenix’s flight because I was testing out a few add-ons before friend wanted to join.

(Link – MySite) –

(Images of varying quality  and planes. Not actual representation as I don’t have the top of the line gaming computer. This game is a resource hog.)

Continue reading Flight Sim X – Shinden flight 3

My Favorite Anime – Top 7 – Round 3

Whoops, I kind off slipped on these bi-monthly Anime favorites. But hey, at least I had more time to figure out which Anime was my actual favorite and ones that you may actually enjoy. My last one was for November 11th, which was posted early, and I forgot about Decembers. Time to merge November and January together :).

(Link – Safebooru) – Kobato, our carefree naive helpful girl with an angelic voice!

Continue reading My Favorite Anime – Top 7 – Round 3

Flight Sim X – Shinden Ottawa tour

Part two of my belated Flight Simulator X articles. This time I found some nice add-on packs for my local area – Ottawa – and attempted a quick tour.  I think it came out pretty well, and was highly pleased with the quality of the Ottawa airport.

(Link – MySite) – AI Air Canada at CYOW – Ottawa Airport.

(Images of varying quality  and planes. Not actual representation as I don’t have the top of the line gaming computer. This game is a resource hog.)

Continue reading Flight Sim X – Shinden Ottawa tour

Flight Simulator X – Screenshots

Hello! I never did add an FSX article? Well, here is the long belated/awaited FSX article! And with more to come later.

Ah, looking back I see I don’t have many gaming articles on games I like. Let’s go ahead and add one right now to change pace, and to add a slightly different vibe to the place. It’s not one ‘hard-core’ gamers may play, but it is still highly entertaining. With my interest in travel, flight, and planes this simulator manages to please most of my wants and desires. Though, it does lack in scenery quality.

Am I reviewing FSX? Maybe, maybe not. I simply wanted to share my for the game with others, nothing more.

(Link – MySite) – P-3C V2.9 – Lockhead and Kawasaki Canadian Air-force over Northern Canada

(Images of varying quality  and planes. Not actual representation as I don’t have the top of the line gaming computer. This game is a resource hog.)

Continue reading Flight Simulator X – Screenshots

Snow fun Shinkis

More snow, more pictures, more shinkis, and the first actual photoshoot of 2011 on my end. Ya, sorry get all bloggy cliche about the yearly thing but I had to make a plug; couldn’t resist haha. Well, lets venture out with the shinkis and get our hands cold enough to nearly get frost-bite on it!

(Link – MySite) – Renge trudging through snow.

(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens.)

Continue reading Snow fun Shinkis

My Favorite Images P2 – Figure Images from 2010

What an interesting start to a New Year! Also got a fresh patch of snow, with more on the way! Snowed twice now Nice! Need a tad bit more to photoshoot my figures in.

But ya, I thought I’d continue with “My favorite images”, meaning my own images, from the past year – 2010. I already did it once condensing three years into one and thought I’d do one exactly after New Year’s this time. Well, time to look back to see my Figma’s roaming around Ontario, Canada, Cuba, and the birth of my Shinki collection! Oh, and sorry if this seems cliche of an article for the more hardcore figure photoshooters. I just wanted something slightly easier to look back at and to see where I should move on in the future. You know, something to gauge how much I’ve improved and to see where I should go next.

Part 1

Starting off after March 2010: – April 3rd’s Easter Weekend

(Link – MySite) – Miku Moose

-> Warning: Possible image overload.  This article contains more images than my usual articles may usually have. Randomly worded paragraphs may or may not confuse you as well.

Continue reading My Favorite Images P2 – Figure Images from 2010