Category: First Glance Reviews
I review what I see at first glance and have known before hand when reviewing. These reviews contain rantable content as I randomly speak from my mind that may confuse people.
For more Figma related material may want to check out Figma Photoshoots or request more information/images about the Figma.
MG – Gundam Epyon (Endless Waltz) Model Kit
The Book of Boba Fett – First 3 Ep Impressions

[Game] She Will Punish Them

(Note: If you’re overly sensitive about lewdness then this blog posting may not be for you.)
Continue reading [Game] She Will Punish ThemFlight Sim 2020 – Having Fun Flying Again

MG – Tallgeese (Endless Waltz) Model Kit

[Drone]DJI Tello

Let’s Get Baited | “No Fun Allowed!” Baity & Sour Journalistic Sites
Let’s get baited by Polygon, Gamespot, IGN, & other fake game journalistic site turning our interests into a baiting guilt trip. You’re not allowed to enjoy what you enjoy, it’s a sin; It’s taboo!

Continue reading Let’s Get Baited | “No Fun Allowed!” Baity & Sour Journalistic Sites
[VRchat] Neko Nights Nagzz Hangout | Feels Like Home
Heyo! Still on the VR & VRchat hype train while still loving how homely VRchat feels. VRchat feels awesome on both busy and quiet days while loving how it all feels.

Continue reading [VRchat] Neko Nights Nagzz Hangout | Feels Like Home
[SWG] Galaxies – An Empire Remembered Guidebook
The nostalgia is real here with Star Wars. Quite belated in sharing, yet finally able to share this with you all, to share the Star Wars love, and the heavy nostalgia from the Star Wars side of things.

Continue reading [SWG] Galaxies – An Empire Remembered Guidebook
Nendoroid – Yuudachi Kai Ni
Frame Arms Girl – Hresvelgr
A belated review finally checking out the heavily armoured and equipped Hresvelgr. She’s the heavy guns of the grouping while also being able to glide on her giant sword, if you customize her to be that way. Hresvelgr is armed to the teeth, yet the bulkiness can be felt with this one that I jokingly nicknamed her a ‘Flying Fortress’.
Frame Arms Girl – Jinrai (Indigo Ver.)
A lovely battle ready Frame Arms Girl has been waiting months to be unboxed, and here she is. The lovely Jinrai, if in the Indigo verison. Lots of blades, ninja starts, knives, and even a butcher knife. She’s quite a character.
[All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens.]
[AGP] Bismarck Drei
FEUER!~ Bismarck is finally being reviewed after sitting at my Canadian drydock for a good two months. Finally able to review her, and thus we shall see the glorious German battleship in her KanColle form!
[All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens.]
[Doujin] Busou Shinki ‘Pandoor Lovers’
Heyo!~ Finally back with another Busou Shinki related article, and it’s all Renge focused. All Renge related in a Busou Shinki “project” I partook when invited to do so. I gladly accepted, and highly pleased that I have. So many small kind gestures that it was awesome!