Renge’s Winter Snowstorm ’13

Hello again folks! The snowstorm sure attacked Ottawa quickly and brutally with the heavy wet snow. One moment the roads were clear and the next you notice massive snowflakes adding to the inches of the snow. Nothing new, yet still impressive with each snowstorm. Many buses ended up getting stuck, one of which I spotted.

– Renge proudly posing in the heavy snowfall snowstorm, snowflakes falling in background.

(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens.)

Continue reading Renge’s Winter Snowstorm ’13

A’K’s Anime Viewing – 2/12/13 – R3

I feel that it is time for Round 3 of what I’m watching. Now that I allowed a new season to settle with their new shows time to take a peak as to what we have airing and what I deem worthy of watching. So, what am I even watching?

– Great advice from Erza and the Fairy Tail Anime. So, live on and do things at your own pace! Show that world that pride of yours! Don’t pretend, be yourself!

(All images taken using Fraps on WMP or taken from other sites.)

Continue reading A’K’s Anime Viewing – 2/12/13 – R3

Arctic Kitsune’s Favorite Images P4 – Images from 2012

Hello folks! A bit late on my end but still wanting to keep the tradition going, I shall continue with “my favorite images from 20xx”. I still want a nice lovely article to look back in and for others to skim. Going to add everything but game-highlights to keep this article shorter than last year’s.

– Discovering Renge and new ways.

(All images taken with a Lumix GF-1 – Pancake lens.)

Continue reading Arctic Kitsune’s Favorite Images P4 – Images from 2012