3D Custom Girl – Round 2 – Foxyness

Ah, hello! Been playing around with 3DCG some more to see if I could (re-)create Varakitsu in 3DCG for…Sadly couldn’t, but got close. She will stay as Celeste until I acquire necessary mod-packs. Kon!~

– Celeste attempting to seduce.

(All images taken with 3D Custom Girl.)

This may be a hit-or-miss type article, but shall share regardless. I’ve been using 3DCG as both a casual game and something to visualize my character thoughts in 3DCG form. Can’t fully because I can’t draw, nor do I have the necessary mod-packs/accessories to fully customize them. Also poking around because I want get a “basic” idea of my future Dollfie’s appearance. Dollfies are costly, I need to know what I’m getting and how to customize to the fullest price. Granted, 3DCG & Dollfie stuff differ greatly in accessory variety and appearance. Not the point though.

I was mainly curious to see if I could re-create Varakitsu in 3DCG form…sadly not fully. Need to find or get someone to make arctic fox ears and tail set and my own sword concept 3DCG’fied. First need to however modernize my sword concept.

Yes, yes…I know 3DCG is an hentai game. I’m not going to show you R-18 content, I’m going to be showing you Celeste who is supposed to be Varakitsu, yet isn’t due to missing accessories. Would be nice if I could, at the very least, get my hands on Caster Extra or Yukikaze in 3DCG form.


Related Articles:

3DCG – Custom Girls:

3D Custom Girl – Round 1 – Celeste The Fox:


Celeste – Recap Information:

Name: Celeste (Meaning: from the sky, heavenly)
Gender: Female
Personality: Kind, cute, yet calculating. Enjoys teasing & pranking people. She is more playful (prankful) during the day and more serious during the night. Tries to stay classy and elegant whenever possible.
Other: A fox spirit, and an alter-ego of Varakitsu the arctic fox spirit of Canada (will merge once I find arctic fox related goodies). Enjoys playing with weapons – swords, claws, and supernatural spawned weapons most specifically.

*Note: She is supposed to be Varakitsu, yet isn’t due to lacking accessories, weapons, and customization, thus her being called Celeste. They will merge as one when found.


Briefly playing around with Chinese Dresses (Qipao) and their variants.

– Looking beautiful with the kiseru in her mouth.

– I try to go “beauty” more than “moe”; Always seeking that red & white pattern.

– Nice pose and all, minus me rushing to change the purple earrings to light-blue.

– Zzzzz~ – Foxes love sleeping.

– I’ve been over-using the Chinese dresses, and their variants a bit too much. Time for a change, and in a more playful summer way with a red yukata. Looks nice on her.

– Purposely made her harder to see with the with kimono. Wanted to see how much she would blend, and if she would even look beautiful or photogenic at all. I’m actually pleased. She is after all supposed to be themed up with Canada’s winter, and now to RWBY’s new “White” themed girl.

– Looks like a ghost with that brightness. Missing Arctic Fox ears and tail, and a sword concept needing to be modernized of mine.


– Which clothing & image set do you prefer? (Chinese Dress, red yukata, or white kimono?)

I prefer the white kimono because it shows her beauty more. I also get to see her more snow-blinding side which is what I’m partially aiming for. Anything that references to Canada & winter is what I’m aiming at.

The red yukata also looks nice, makes her look playful…Sadly, I overused the Chinese dress that I can’t seem to enjoy the quality of it anymore. You may. So which you prefer?

I can see the last image sets – white kimono – being the closest to any Dollfie creation I make of Varakitsu. A secret this stays? Maybe not at this point with the numerous mentions I keep making and all the hints I keep releasing. A surprise party it shall not be.

It is soon time to open up the gate to my very own fox familiar! Let all freeze over!