3D Custom Girl – Round 1 – Celeste The Fox

Hello again! Been taking loads of images from 3DCG game that I felt like sharing a semi-large batch of images with you. No +18 content but I will still warn you with some NSFW content just to be sure you don’t get in trouble wherever you’re viewing this.

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(All images taken in 3DCG – 3D Custom Girl – Article is tagged NSFW!)

Took me a few tries but I finally did get a nice looking fox spirit made within 3DCG. Also took me awhile to find appropriate fox ears, tails, miko outfits, and a few stages. Good thing I downloaded the mod pack. She will be one of the three fox spirits representing my blog from now on – Varkitsu, Shinki Renge, and Celeste.

Side-note: I don’t mind sharing 3DCG, even if it is an eroge type game. If I can share non-ecchi related content then I’m fine with it.

Celeste – From the sky, heavenly.

Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Place of Birth: Unknown (Rumored to be Northern Canada)
Personality: Kind, cute, yet calculating. Don’t let her cute personality fool you!
Abilities: A secret for now!

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(Link – MySite) – Plotting foxy.

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Bonus Images:

The following images were taken before I got Celeste to her more natural looking foxy appearance, yet I felt like I needed to share these images anyways. I shall add them here for you to view if you would so desire to or to do other things.

Just right-click and open the images up in a new window if you want to see it enlarged.


Thanks for viewing and hope you enjoyed viewing this article! If you want to see more of Celeste or more of the 3859 images I took then just poke for more and I’ll get around to posting it quicker.

I shall post Shinkis when the weather decides to cooperate or when the Anime with Shinkis finally decides to air. Apologies for the Shinki drought, just been a very nasty and dry summer this time around to the point where I just swear like a pig or feel weak and exhausted.

Have yourself a nice hot and drought causing summer!