Grananoque/1000 Islands Trip.

Hello folks! Hope you’re enjoying your summer and summer vacations! Just wanted to add a very belated backlog onto my blog timed perfectly for season and month. Sadly, I lost most of my images so was delayed in posting this.

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(All images taken with a Sony W170 Digital Camera.)

I went to Grananoque back in July, 2009 for a day to sight-see. Found it nice and quite different from what I’m used to. If I had the option of going back there I wouldn’t mind doing so. Quite beautiful. Basically went there for the boat-line and then did some light sight-seeing.

Why post this now? Well, to enjoy summer, to theme it up with summer, and to share what I couldn’t share back in 2009 because of me being a bad blogger. My European posts suffered because of me being an inexperienced blogger back around then as well :P.


Related Articles:

– Europe 2008 – P1:

– Europe 2008 – P2:

– Sharbot Lake:

– Cuba 2010:

– Cuba – Figma:

– Cuba – P3:

– Montreal – Otakuthon:

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(Link – MySite) – I love his expression.

(Link – MySite) – Far left of screen shows where the boat currently departed.

(Link – MySite) – An American boat eh? I’m fine with that. Nice calmish waters.

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(Link – MySite) – Nice place for a bird’s nest.

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(Link – MySite) – Note the pirate flag.

Anybody fear heights? What about water? I do on both since I can’t swim. Still looks awesome and I bet the view would be such as well.

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Below – Wish I had that kind of garden, or access to such. I would have fun taking images of my Anime figures here – Both Figma and Busou Shinki. To those not in the Anime realm may ignore what I just said who came here to view the beauty within Canada. Just me wishing and trying to be creative.

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(Link – MySite) – Arrrr!~ (Mouretsu Pirates Anime comes to mind now).

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(Link – MySite) – Lovin’ the variety of boats, especially this old fashioned American boat.

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(Link – MySite) – If my memory serves me correct I’m pretty sure I’ve been on that tower as a kid, or at least a similar one elsewhere in southern Ontairo.

(Link – MySite) – “Please! Watch your…..” (feel free to caption).

(Link – MySite) – Over-exposed it a bit only because I like this image.

(Link – MySite) – Lovely little whirlpool.

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(Link – MySite) – Funky looking boat.

(Link – MySite) – Quite a nice area over-all! Nice cultural difference from the typical Ottawa-Toronto-Montreal atmosphere.

With the tour over, the day was mostly over with. With the way I was taking images and staying in a single pose my back was stiff and sore. I was leaning on…the white fence part of the boat, stuck in a single pose. Oh the pain haha! Serves me right. Regardless, I enjoyed it and approve of the boat ride. Saw some nice historical parts of Canada that I want to make use of now.


Went back through another town which had a nice park in it. I think I like that park more than Ottawa’s Andrew Haydon park with all the decorations. Was nice seeing an old locomotive on display there.

If you can ID the town for me that would be much appreciated!

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(Link – MySite) – Lovely pair of swans.

(Link – MySite) – A bit rough, but beautiful!

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(Link – MySite) – Nice mini-rainbow.

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(Link – MySite) – Parks in Ottawa need more of these, especially for kids.

(Link – MySite) – Canadian pride! Nice touch.


Thanks for viewing and hoped you enjoyed touring 1000 island with me. Actually a bit pleased I had this post on backlog since I could actually blog it properly. Enjoy your summer and until next time!