3DCG – 3D Custom Girl

Hello folks! Been recommended and teased with this program after witnessing Busou Shinki – Battle Rondo’s death which also took a side-program called Diorama Studio. This program does the same as Diorama Studio, yet more through modding and “character interaction”.

(Link – MySite)

(All images taken from 3DCG without any external software assistance.)

NSFW Warning: This article may contain NSFW content due to mods installed and the purpose of said program. Though, don’t expect anything +18 (nude) either, only what I consider tasteful.


Related Articles & Sites:

– 3DCG Homepage:

– 3DCG Wiki:

– Mod-Pack:

– 3DCG Mod Request & Upload:

– 3DCG Information Thread:

– Battle Rondo – Diorama Studio:
(Contains most DS articles; Similar to how 3DCG operates.)

About the Game:

I’ve picked up 3DCG because Konami killed Battle Rondo along with the Diorama Studio half of it. I’ve been loosely looking for similar program only to come across 3DCG by recommendation of a fellow blogger and by seeing images with foxes from this game. Basically gave it a go which ended up having me hooked.

This game  has been around since 2008, giving it enough time to flourish and to overlap Battle Rondo’s life-time. It allows you to basically dress up a 3D anime girl, pose her, and to do some questionable nude things with her, if that is your thing. Whatever floats your boat I guess; each to their own.

The game is quite user friendly and straight to the point with customizing and posing. You simply choose what you want from the menu and you can add any .tah mod files into the “arc” folder in the game’s main directory adding to the customization options.

(Link – MySite) – Mix and match to create your own character.

(Link – MySite) – Then choose your background!

– Intro and Outro:

What I love about this simple “game” are the ways your character warps in and out of the game world. She warps from your computer into a digital realm to bow and verbally greet, and the reverse for when she leaves.

An example is the first preview image you see in blue above, and this one below with her leaving the digital world we created.

(Link – MySite) – “I had fun! Hope to see you soon!”


For those that want to be pampered or have poses given to them on a golden platter may enjoy the photoshoot mode this game has to offer. Just follow these simple steps:

1) Retrieve your character of choice from the customization menu & choose background
2) Press “esc”, possibly noticing your gal trip or similar.
3) Press “G” & “Home” on your Keyboard.
4) Observe and print-screen at your leisure.
5) Press the “Space-bar” whenever you want to skip undesired photoshoot scenes.
6) Press “Esc” when you’re done and press “home” to regain the hud.

(Link – MySite) – Example with logo; Selvaria outfit.

(Link – MySite)

(Link – MySite) – Example without logo; Selvaria outfit.

(Link – MySite)

Of course, you could pose your lovely girl in any way you want and with any expression. You could choose this or you could choose a more customizable option with this program.

“Interaction” Poses & Options:

It ain’t a review if I don’t review all the features. But ya, if you are ever feeling horny enough to have your gal hump a male ghost then you do have the option to pose her in very suggestive posing. You can poke the breasts, assist with thrusting, and the usual sex-related bits. The poses vary from one to the next. The girl obviously breaths heavily, sweats, and even ex-hails a puff of hot sexified air.

Welcome to the world of Japanese games – Freedom to make whatever game you desire to fuel or quench those desires!

The closest you’ll get me to those images are these suggestive ones. If you want nude then surf the web or enact it on your own computer.

(Link – MySite)

(Link – MySite)

(Link – MySite)

As for normal interactions you may:

– Pat/rub your girl on the head.
– Flick her forehead.
– Poke and rub her oppai and butt.
– Tickle her back and possibly the stomach.
– Tickle & rub her on the elbow.
– Tickle her legs.

Nice options if I do say so myself, especially when I compare it to Battle Rondo’s Poke and patting in the menu screens.

(Link – MySite)

Now then, now that I have my hands on this would you like it if I posted more images from this game? I will post, just wondering if you would want me to post more often or normally.

And out of curiosity – which do you prefer more? Diorama Studio or 3DCG?

[polldaddy poll=6386288]


Bonus Images – Photoshoot:

And now to share a batch of images for you to enjoy, and possibly to decide if you like this or not, if you haven’t tried it.

(Link – MySite)

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(Link – MySite) – Inori from Guilty Crown.

(Link – MySite) – Finally found a fox set.

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(Link – MySite)

(Link – MySite) – “Hope to see you next time!”

And I still have many more images to share – 491 images – when testing it out and when this blog was typed up.


Final Thoughts:

I like this game. It is very easy to use, has 4 gigs+ worth of mods, and just about anything with it. Sure, it is associated for its more perverted side, yet it is very handy when you want to customize characters and to add mods to recreate others. Just mix-and-match and snap away.


– Nice unique and simple intro & outro.
– Your character interacts with you and vice versa in various ways.
– Easy to use customization option.
– Mod-friendly by placing mods into arc folder and picking it from the customization option.
– Nice varying scenic and photoshoot options.
– Taking images is as easy as hitting a key or two. It assists you in whatever way it can.
_ Has a major site to pull mods from (http://cdn.3dcustom.net/TACuploader/) for your convenience.


– Mods may hissyfit with 3DCG, as in they won’t appear.
– Clothing tends to pose weirdly around the girl’s body. Skirts tend to flip up when they shouldn’t.
– Character design may be a hit or miss depending on person. Same for clothes.
– Lacking in resolution options. Some image chances get ruined because of this.
– Mods are all over the place and hard to find at times.



If you can assist me in any of these then that would be much appreciated. I will also share them once you make them available, unless author’s request not to.

– Yakumo Ran – Oddly enough I can’t find her, yet I seen her around.
Busou Shinki – Renge – Type Ninetails – I want Renge in my 3DCG with Diorama Studio being dead. Just armor, the flame, ears, helmet and weaponry basically. Or just a single combat preset to make things simple.
– Shinki Arnval as seen here.

Thanks for viewing and hope it was helpful! Until next time.