Season’s Greetings – 2009 -> 2010

Thought I’d add one last article before the 2009 concludes, turning into the year 2010. Also, as I missed out on last year’s Christmas spirit I took twice as many images as I normally would in a two part article from  Taffy Lane and the Parliament Building itself. Hope you enjoy the super article that contains 58 images to ease the blog’s happy atmosphere to the year 2010.

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Ice’n Gundam

Hello again, and hope you guys and gals had a nice Christmas. Did any of you lurkers obtain what you desired or were you one of those in the lengthy line at the return’s counter to return stuff? ^^ I’m pleased with what I got. Currently playing Gundam Senki UC 0081 and haven’t stopped playing it ever since I got it as a gift. For those who had a good or bad day within the nation’s capital obtained some rain as an interesting gift from Mother Nature. Freezing rain/ice pellets arrived during boxing day and created a slight mess. Some people I talked to said it was similar to that Ice storm of 1998, just not as bad.

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Figma Merry Christmas!

What is white and cold, dark and illuminated, silent and cheerful, fluffy and pointy, grinchy and generous? A cold winter night with bright illuminations hanging off tree’s and balconies with people sharing gifts as people forgive others for their sins. Its the time for sharing and giving and to celebrate Jesus’s birth! Hope you guys are having a nice fun jolly Christmas Celebration!

Oh, and the Figma’s as well :).

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