A’K’s Anime Viewing – 7/31/12 – R1

Hello folks! Thought I would try an article to window into what Anime I’m currently viewing and also impatient in adding in my Top 7 Anime articles. Will go a bit image-happy on some anime titles I mention. There are some nice Anime out there, if a sleeper-hit or purposely misunderstood.

(Link – MySite) – Very punny! 5 points!

(All images taken on Windows Media Player using Fraps; A light spoiler warning is in effect. Right-click and open new window for the little images above “reaction“.)

Continue reading A’K’s Anime Viewing – 7/31/12 – R1

3D Custom Girl – Round 1 – Celeste The Fox

Hello again! Been taking loads of images from 3DCG game that I felt like sharing a semi-large batch of images with you. No +18 content but I will still warn you with some NSFW content just to be sure you don’t get in trouble wherever you’re viewing this.

(Link – MySite)

(All images taken in 3DCG – 3D Custom Girl – Article is tagged NSFW!)

Continue reading 3D Custom Girl – Round 1 – Celeste The Fox

3DCG – 3D Custom Girl

Hello folks! Been recommended and teased with this program after witnessing Busou Shinki – Battle Rondo’s death which also took a side-program called Diorama Studio. This program does the same as Diorama Studio, yet more through modding and “character interaction”.

(Link – MySite)

(All images taken from 3DCG without any external software assistance.)

NSFW Warning: This article may contain NSFW content due to mods installed and the purpose of said program. Though, don’t expect anything +18 (nude) either, only what I consider tasteful.

Continue reading 3DCG – 3D Custom Girl