Spark’s Rib Cook-off w/Figma Ein

Ottawa holds a Rib Cook-off every year for a few days for locals and tourists to try out. I decided to give this event an article this time around because I didn’t give one to it last year. I also encountered Ein on Parliament Hill where I tried to eat my chicken and ribs in peace.

(Link – MySite)

(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens. Article may make you crave for some BBQ chicken or ribs, you’ve been warned.)

Continue reading Spark’s Rib Cook-off w/Figma Ein

5.5 Earthquake hits Ottawa

Canada, Ottawa had a nice rattle at 1:40 pm-ish that caused a few windows to break in downtown Ottawa. I was in my room during that time simply chatting on when everything in my room started rattling worse then when a furniture truck rumbles by near me.  I screamed “Earthquake!” on the chat heh.

(Link – MySite)

(Sidenote/Disclaimer: I’m aware there are worse earthquakes out there that actually kill. I’m not trying to dramatize, just simply record “interesting”  events within my life.)

Continue reading 5.5 Earthquake hits Ottawa

Figma ex:ride – Retro Bike : Green – 005

I acquired another ex:ride on Friday, June 18, 2010 after a user on notified me of this product. The certain user told me that our local AnimeStop had an ex:ride near the cashier via‘s Puchi Blurbs so I called to place it on hold, rushed over, and purchased it. How much? $28 CAD – $33 with taxes.

(Link – MySite)

(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens. Saber Lily and Mew not included with ex:ride.)
-> With Google Friend Connect update

Continue reading Figma ex:ride – Retro Bike : Green – 005

Italian Festival + Kiko Sushi Bar + Chinese Arch

This article will be a three part article dealing with Ottawa’s Italian Festival, Kiko Sushi Bar, and the under construction Chinese Arch. I went to the Italian Festival for the Ferrari’s only to cover other things not related to Ferrari. I originally did go for Ferrari but missed out as the Sunday schedule was different.

(Link – MySite)

(All images and video taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens.)

Continue reading Italian Festival + Kiko Sushi Bar + Chinese Arch

Cuba trip – Part 3/Final

Hey, thought I’d add the final article containing pictures from my second camera. Ya, I did take hordes of images with both my cameras. Hope you guys and gals took the time to check out the two previous articles containing the main trip summary and the Figma photo shoot attempts. Enjoy, and thanks for lurking ^^. I also added two special images at the bottom of the article, hope you like.

(Link – MySite)

(All images taken with a Sony W170 and video with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens.)

Continue reading Cuba trip – Part 3/Final

Figma’s Cuban Vacation

A continuation of my trip as I’m a big Figma fan. I just had to bring my Figma’s along for this trip as I never really took images in Europe as they were all indoor shots. I brought Figma Haruhi and Revoltech Saber along with me to Europe back in August-September 2008. I brought Casual Saber and Signum to Sharbot Lake and now took summer Haruhi & Mikuru, Ryomou, and Casual Saber. Why? Why not? I love taking images of Figmas, even more so when on foreign lands.

(Link – MySite)

(This article contains 27 images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens.)

Continue reading Figma’s Cuban Vacation

Cuba Trip – 2010

Cuba! After being taunted and continuously “pushed” to go to Cuba by a friend I finally went along with him. I took off to Cuba on Thursday, May 27th, 2010 and returned yesterday (Friday, June 4th, 2010).  It was an excellent 7 day trip to Cuba with a great chance to experience a different lifestyle and way of life. I stayed at Playa de Oro, Varadero, and had a one day trip to Havana on a bus tour.

(Link – MySite)

(All images and video taken with a Lumix GF1 – pancake lens. 97 images contained within this article.)

– Figma images in second Cuba article (next one over).

Continue reading Cuba Trip – 2010