The Witches of Andorra – Ken_Works’s Pilgrimage [Doujinshi & Manga]

Hello Foxy folks, fellow Anime lovers, and Strike Witches folks! Obtained a nice lovely package all thanks to Ken_Works from the community & Twitter containing a look at Andorra’s Strike Witch within the Strike Witch universe in real life.

(Link – MySite)

(All images taken with a Lumix GF-1 – Pancake lens.)

Continue reading The Witches of Andorra – Ken_Works’s Pilgrimage [Doujinshi & Manga]

Ottawa Plane spotting – 767-300 Air Canada

Hello folks! Finally got around to taking a few images of the plane that I took to-and-from Frankfurt, Germany a few years back. Been wanting to take images of it either taking off or landing at Ottawa for quite a while, even blogging it. Well, here we go!

(Link – MySite) – Fed-Ex and First Air.

(All images taken with a Lumix GF-1 – Pancake lens. Added some bloom and brightening to most images.)

Continue reading Ottawa Plane spotting – 767-300 Air Canada