World Travel – Places I’ve Been

Where have I come from and where have I been? I shall tell you. In order of categorizing


Carlton Place
Sharbot Lake
(Victoria, Kamloops, Tofino, Revelstoke)
Lake louise

Slovakia (Bratislava, Modra, Stupava, Pezinok)
Austria (Vienna & misc’)
Croatia (Tucepi)
Germany (Frankfurt & various cities ???)
(Other places I can’t remember as a youth)


Kamakura | Enoshima Island

(Scroll down to see each, as noted in above list. Ctrl+F, if it helps. If you don’t see any, I shall update later.)

Ottawa Born:

I’ve been born in Ottawa for 3 decades now. I’ve seen both good and bad sides of Canadians, and how our culture operates both past and present. I’ve been all across Ottawa, into Carlton Place, into Gatineau-Hull, and surrounding areas. I’m simply going to note I’ve been with Canadians since the late 1980’s.

I genuinely admire Ottawa’s gorgeous scenery and history, yet hate how naïve and broken Ottawa is politically. Ottawaians assume the world is at war with them while attacking anybody they view as “innocent”. They falsely assume retail workers are villains, truckers are “terrorists”, and that the Canada is constantly at war with alleged ‘Nazi’. I love Ottawa for it’s scenery, for its transportation, and even access to various food supplies (restaurants, stores, etc), Ottawa has a lot of maturing to do.

Ottawa complains about how much Popeyes sucks, how they hate OC Transpo, how truckers are “terrorists”, how everything normal is “Alt-Right”, and it just goes on, and on. Ottawa hates everything that is normal and fun.

A reason it’s noted as – “The City That Fun Forgot” – & “A boring city”. It’s genuine. CTV Ottawa constantly griping how much Ottawa isn’t boring, yet they treat hard working Canadians like trash. The Canadian beauty is wasted on these corrupted locals, especially those who came from Toronto to take over Ottawa. If Ottawa wasn’t bad enough, those from Toronto and USA destroyed it further.

Major's Hill Park - Ottawa
– Art Gallery/Museum (2008)
Ferrari on Merivale
– Ferrari in Ottawa.
Ferrari Festival Ottawa - 2011
– Ferrari Festival – 2011
Canada Day 146th - Chris Hadfield
– Chris Hadfield at a Canada Day celebration (146th)
146th Canada Day - Ottawa
– Canada Day (146th)
– Japanese Festival – City Hall.
– National Day of Honour
– National Day of Honour

My blog is filled with tons of Ottawa-related content, you simply have to put in the effort to seek them out. View my Flickr, view my Youtube, or view this blog. You’ll find it. Ottawa is also genuinely more pleasing the more honest it is with itself. The more plastic it is the more unbareable it is spawning people who constantly find everything to be offended about. Scenery is what Ottawa boasts, yet sadly exports the offended & morally corrupted population believing Germany is at war with Canada, or truckers are pillaging everything they touch in Ottawa, in Canada, and around the world.

Ottawa is naive, yet scenery is glorious.


For anything other than Ottawa needs, you can always go to the French side of Ottawa for your more “European” goods, or just see how Canada is really treated under its corrupted governments. If one truly hates truckers here than they’re truly full of themselves. Gatineau-Hull is a far lower income area, or rougher, or so noted by personal and external (media, pictures, stories, etc) experiences.

I’ve went to various museums as a kid, even as recently for G-Anime convention before the whole COVID nonsense enforcing draconian COVID nonsense.

Wings Over Gatineau - 07
– Wings Over Gatineau – 2012
G-Anime 2011 w/ Renge
– Gatineau’s Congress Centre for GAnime (2011)

Carlton Place:

I’ve also lived a few years in Carlton Place after coming back from Europe one time. Even lost a dog, Rosko, thanks to that. We eventually moved back to Ottawa. People were both good and bad; Mainly bad on my end taking advantage of my personality and quietness. They saw both Russian and Slavic traits in me wanting to bully me all the time.

(No images until later.)

Sharbot Lake:

My uncle used to own a cottage in Sharbot Lake. We visited there one time, a time I spent taking a lot of pictures with my figurines. Even getting swarmed by giant mosquitoes. Even seeing Squirrels tripping out on railings, as shown in below video.


Had to visit and pass through Montreal numerous times. I’m somewhat familiar to Montreal, yet goofed up once when trying to get into an Anime Convention one time. I accidentally went through a train platform to get into a convention with how poorly marked it was. Visited Montreal a few times to fly to Europe and back (Via KLM), visiting one Anime Convention, and even to watch Formula 1 once. It was a decent place with the pride of Formula 1. It boasted European connections, though also French corruption. It’s a 50/50 place. I even have a memory of when my mother panicked of a bee entering the car (Suzuki Swift) nearly causing us to get into an accident.

Montreal folks also having a fire under their ass constantly racing around everywhere as if the world is going to end. One allegedly claimed it’s to get to places faster, I’d say a funeral more like it.


I went to Hamilton mainly for HMCS Haida, a Canadian warship under museum status. I had to visit her, especially after Kantai Collection opened my eyes to awareness Canadians had a navy during World War 2, even desiring Canadians to be in a proper World War 2 naval game, something developers stupidly refuse to add her and her partners into them. Have yet to see any Canadians in Azur Lane, Kantai Collection, or any actual serious WW2 game. Or fun ones, for that matter. Hamilton in itself is a neat city, though sadly plagued by it’s own political correctness and salary problems. It’s both beautiful, yet strained at the same time.

This (paired with Toronto’s third trip) would be my last trip with my father before he passed away months later from liver disease. It would be our final “bonding” moment as father and son leaving me in a pile of mess leading up to his death and after. He saw Ontario for the last time, even boasting about it. He even recalled how he had to drive school buses taking another highway, and how the one we took is dangerous. I was also amused to find Hamilton features in ‘Train Sim World’ game as a DLC, something I bought and experimented with. I even tried seeking out HMCS Haida there, sadly she was forgotten by Dovetail games. Twats.

(World of Warships? Trash game. War Thunder? Not there. Both are trash games. A singleplayer standalone game should have her. Silent Hunter 3 game had Canadians, even basic AI traffic. A 2006 game, not any modern game to this date. Modern game developers are trash.)

As for HMCS Haida, she is indeed a beautiful girl. I simply wish World War 2 game designers respected her, even Canadians in general. A game is to have fun, that’s what we should be focused on. Funny how the Japanese know how to have fun.

– Vintage GMC in Hamilton
– HMCS Haida! WOOOO!~


I’ve been to Toronto a few times, though it’s a city that does not really attract me. I always viewed it as a “slum” city, more so than Montreal, etc. As a kid I have been to the Niagara Falls, even the CN Tower. In Highschool I was taken on a school trip to Toronto, even being accidentally locked out in the cold at one point for 5-10 minutes in the morning. Visited the Eton Center, Toronto University, and other areas. Had to make one final trip through Toronto simply to visit HMCS Haida in Hamilton, as noted further below. Toronto does not really call out to me, that would be Vancouver.


I would much rather be in Vancouver, though can proudly say I have been to Toronto a few times. I may miss out on any Japanese friends, and maybe potential girlfriend candidates (Slovak or Japanese variety). Canada simply hasn’t been nice to me, why should they in Toronto? Toronto loves stabbing people, loves being politically correct, and even crude. I sense no elegance or formalities, as you would in Europe and Vancouver. Granted, Vancouver is no paradise.

I can give Toronto it’s awesome relating to aviation, for trams, and museums.

Vancouver (Covers Victoria, Tofino, Kamloops, Revelstoke, Merrit, Squamish, Hope, Richmond, and places I’ve been in 2022):

This covers half of B.C I’ve been to for simplicity sake. When I say Vancouver I do mean everyting inside and out; From Tofino, Victoria, Port Alberni, Nanaimo, and everything the other way from Abbotsfort, Surrey, Richmond, Kamloops, Hope, Revelstoke, etc. Too much land was covered, a lot of excitement was had, and I felt a connection with Vancouver, even if it may be a first time charm effect. Lovely mountains, nice water scenery, connection to Asian goods, mini-Japan, great transportation, etc.

Vancouver and B.C may be politically corrupt (more so than Ottawa and Toronto), it however is a nice place to be. Scenically and resource wise it’s one of the best places to be. Politically, it’s the worse. People are a bunch of hipsters and gangsters. They’re wasting the potential of Vancouver & BC. Kamloops was neat, shame First Nation folks sold their soul to the Demon Lord for acceptance. Tribal Mentality is lethal. Whenever “I touched grass” (gamer insult for getting off the computer to encounter nature) I felt at peace. Every time I flew my drone everything was bliss. Great food, great views. But like in Ottawa, people always frustrated me. Asians were the most normal out of everybody I’ve met. I’d rather be with the “crazy asians” (as people noted) for their normality. They were more formal. Granted, I’ve gained a random “hello” from a stranger in Surrey, and a person wanted to talk about planes at Vancouver airport’s southern viewing platform.

– Welcome to Vancouver.
– Vancouver with Harbour Air Canada theme taking off.
– A more Canadian/Vancouver atmosphere (Beaver seaplane).
– A view from Surrey
– A view from North Vancouver. Love the cargo ships anchored.
– Olympic Torch.
– Squamish.
– Britannia
– Lighthouse near Vancouver
– Fujiya Japanese Foods (For my Japanese interest).
– Flying over Vancouver
– Mount Judge Howey, as viewed from a nearby mountain.
– Whale Watching off Victoria, B.C.
– Ferry ride to and from.
– Richmond, BC.
– Esquimalt Naval Base, Victoria.
– Port Alberni.
– Victoria, B.C.
– South of Long Beach (Near Tofino)
– Kinsol Railbridge
– Nanaimo
– Tofino
– Long Beach (near Tofino).
– White Rock
– Cultus Lake
– Golden, B.C
– Revelstoke, B.C. (While my friend set me off the first day about not having a girlfriend even though I desire one, and then allowing me to meet a friend we both haven’t seen.)
– Fubuki hanging around in Merrit, B.C.
– Kamloops (DJI Drone) – Wanted to fly my drone FROM this structure, instead having to fly near it from a different location. Close enough. Not sure how sacred that structure is, though desired to fly in and around it (without people).
– Hope, B.C.

Genuinely enjoyed my trip to numerous places in B.C. Great times. It led into Alberta’s Lake Louise. I genuinely love the scenery so much of B.C that I would enjoy going in and around many places here. Get away from all the political nonsense, just as long as you’re away from the political hubs and havens over the faux-political nonsense. British Columbia is genuinely a great place, just not great for fake politics & certain mindless people.

Lake Louise:

The only Alberta-related town I’ve been to was Lake Louise, a place I visited the Lake Louise attraction itself (if with struggle), and even letting off the biggest shit-fart I had ever taken. I have to note the shit-fart for how both emotionally damaging it was, yet noteworthy it was bringing out the child in me. People were noted to have looked back in my general direction as I farted in a way I haven’t farted in, basically….. ever. I basically let off a nuke, my friend was fuming, and we tried to make the most of it. I even witnessed Japanese tourists, sadly ones I couldn’t befriend for being too shy. My friend shall sadly harp at me about this once he gains wind I missed a few more opportunities. Gorgeous place though, my jaw is constantly on the floor when staring at these mountains.

– Lake louise.
– Spent time taking pictures of Fubuki among the scenery instead of talking to two Japanese girls. One reward over another missed reward. Shame, yet nice scenery.
– Somewhere between B.C & Alberta.


I’ve basically been to Slovakia, Croatia, Austria, Germany, and a few other places as a youth. Places I sadly can’t remember all the places, especially when being a baby. Basically half of Europe.


Modra, Bratislava, Pezinok, Stupava, and in between. I’ve traveled to Slovakia on numerous occassions, even before I could even remember or realize where and what Europe and Slovakia was. I’ve been “based” numerous times in Modra where my grandparents lived, yet passed away early gradually removing my ties from Europe. Many memories, traditional experiences, and foods were enjoyed. I admired the trams, the beauty, and the culture. The real humanity allowing me to escape from Canadian’s bullying nonsense.

– Image from Euro Truck Sim 2 – A placeholder image until I can upload my various European images from various years.
– Microsoft Flight Sim with add-ons. Bratislava.

Video Only:

In order of their embedding: 1) Video only – 2) Part 1 – 3) Part 2 – 4) Part 3

First video contains only videos. No images, no slideshow. Just pure video of my trip to Slovakia from Ottawa -> Frankfurt -> Vienna-> Bratislava-> Modra -> and back home.

Part 1 of 3 – Bratislava & Tucepi.

Part 2 of 3 – Bratislava & Vienna.

Part 3 of 3 – Vienna & Bratislava.

I genuinely dislike Toronto’s trams. No style. It’s crude and weird, while Slovakia’s trams were simple and had style to them. It’s why I can admire Slavic and Russian designs, for their style. They had beauty and tradition in them, lasting as long as desired.

People questioned my obession with trams, it’s because they were unique and beautiful. They had style. Practical, like LRT of Ottawa and Skytrain for Vancouver. Heck, even metro system in Tokyo Japan, or across all of Japan.

Even the electric Trollybus caught my attention for how unique and neat they were. Slovakia itself turned me into a transportation nerd admiring trains, planes, buses, boats, etc. Even cars. If I wasn’t corrupted by Canada I may have been your traditional guy staying his standard self in a more European way. Canada screwed me over, it depresses me.


Modra is a place I would find myself growing up as a kid on the European side, whenever I wasn’t in Ottawa. I grew up on Slovakian Santa Christmas shows on TV, saw proper Cartoon Network, and even experienced a more proper Christmas, festive, traditional, and more realistic livelihood there. I even assume if I stayed in Europe I may have found a proper girl, especially knowing how corrupted Canadians (especially Canadian woman) are in the western-sphere. Loved the food, loved the beer, and miss the crepes and Zlaty Bazant. The one down-side is constantly getting sick every visit I go there. And I mean violently sick. Near-death sick. Possibly “worse-than-Covid” sick……. I’m going to die and have night-terrors, type of sick.

I grew up with some local kids there, now no longer in communication with. I’ve been all around Modra, even downtown and up into the hills where the stables are. Horses, view of Modra (similar to below image from Flight Sim), and enjoyed Hungarian wraps next to the major Church. I was a part of the art class next to that same church, English class next to the Kino, and even enjoyed the ice cream there. I have tons of childhood memories.

Microsoft Flight SImulator – Modra.
– Crepes, or Palacinky… I know them as the latter.
– Slovakian influence.

Pezinok & Stupava:

Combining the two towns to simplify things. Pezinok was a stop between Modra and Bratislava being a size bigger than Modra, yet smaller than Bratislava. It’s a place to visit more stores, more restaurants, and to admire a more traditionally scenic scenery. One hang-out with the locals led to some drinking beer, pissing on the street, dark beer being drunk, and me refusing to go back because of those drunkard teens. What made it worse was my mother knew I hated drunkard teens pissing on the street, yet didn’t tell them. Being lied to by goth type teens when I prefer something more “normal”.

As for Stupava, it was simply where relative’s family lives. Basically where kids lived with one becoming a lesbian, and another doing his own thing. One admired me for having tons of Pokemon in Pokemon Crystal, another ignored me to be a lesbian while worryingly (possibly) following the path of fake politics. Fine to be a lesbian, at least be honest about it.

Scenery there was awesome, sadly being unable to capture the moment. I would love to revisit Stupava if I could to capture everything.

(No images or media at the time)


Back in 2010 my friend, my mother, and myself all went to Cuba to enjoy a nice holiday, after a few drunken fights while obtaining tickets. We had fun experiencing the Cuban culture, pissing off my friend, getting begged for Peso, making new friends whom we accidentally ghosted after, and simply took tons of images and videos to make note of.


We stayed mainly in Varadero going to the beach, doing various things, and exploring. I even took a few figure photography images while there, to the awkwardness of everything. Great times were had, even accidentally speaking French to a tourist when I knew barely any French at all. They spoke to me in another language. I even came back to the hotel soaked after riding the bike on a hot day, and even went commando one time, not by choice. (I’m a dude, don’t get horny. Don’t get horny either way, I don’t swing in unnatural ways. Not even the spaghettis joke in the anime realm). I simply enjoyed seeing all the old cars, the neat scenery, and just trying to be myself while there.


Took a one day trip to Havana while touring all the places. Various videos were taken from my end, from their end, and just recording everything in picture and video format. Went through a few museums, a few locations, and even a main square. Pissed off my friend when a performance behind us asked for Pesos. It was a great time, I experienced something new, and enjoyed all the Chevy cars there nicknaming them ‘Cuban Cars’.


>Section coming soon!<