G-Anime 2012 – Ottawa/Gatineau Anime convention

Welcome! Feels great going to another convention inside Ottawa, or at least in the French side of town. Went to G-Anime both on Saturday and Sunday, was well worth the trip for both days. Took both Fubuki and Renge with me this time, instead of usually taking only Renge.

(Link – MySite) – Fubuki and Renge “fighting” once again….

(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens; Varying quality due to lightning.)

Continue reading G-Anime 2012 – Ottawa/Gatineau Anime convention

Busou Shinki – Moon Angel – Episode 7

Hello! Busou Shinki episode 7 is available on the Japanese PSN for 400 yen, yet only viewable in the game via your room TV option. You’ll have to wait for the Blu-Ray.

Spoiler warning! Be patient to watch next episode, or scroll down cautiously!

(Link – MySite) – Crescent moon of doom.

(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens of Busou Shinki Moon Angel on the PSP.)

Continue reading Busou Shinki – Moon Angel – Episode 7

Busou Shinki – Moon Angel – Episode 6

Hello! Busou Shinki episode 6 is available on the Japanese PSN for 400 yen, yet only viewable in the game via your room TV option. You’ll have to wait for the Blu-Ray.

Spoiler warning! Be patient to watch next episode, or scroll down cautiously!

(Link – MySite) – The search continues!

(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens of Busou Shinki Moon Angel on the PSP.)

Continue reading Busou Shinki – Moon Angel – Episode 6

Azunyan’s Icy Slip

Hello again. Thought I’d continue on quickly with where we left off from the Shinki snow pile-up. I placed Azunyan in a “lost” situation. Mother nature also decided to dump freezing rain while the wind constantly howled in a North-pole fashion on Tuesday night, basically Kitsune Wednesday with the timing.

(Link – MySite) – My cuddly dog cuddled up to a surprised Azunyan. One of those random amusing moments.

(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens.)

Continue reading Azunyan’s Icy Slip

A’K’s Favourite Anime Music Videos

Hello! After watching and re-watching a few AMV’s I thought I might as well share some of my favorite ones that were hanging around my YouTube favorite list. You have some favorite ones of your own, right?

(Link – Safebooru)

(Article contains YouTube embeds that may or may not break at random. SOPA is also at risk of nuking the internet, stop it while you can.)

Continue reading A’K’s Favourite Anime Music Videos

Skyrim – Anime mods of interest

Hello! Skyrim is such an awesome game by itself, and even better when you can customize the hell out of it with various mods. Wanted to share some worthy Anime mods that would be of interest, and within my tastes.

(All images taken from PC version of Skyrim and mods from Skyrimnexus.com. I did not make or own these mods, simply sharing them for your gaming pleasure.) Continue reading Skyrim – Anime mods of interest

Arctic Kitsune’s Favorite Images P3 – Images from 2011

Hello guys! Hope you had a lovely New Year!

Now to share some of my favorite  images to show what I did, what I did right, wrong, poorly, properly, what I should do, what I shouldn’t do, and etc. Also helps to summarize the year for both myself and you guys to see what I did and how I did it. These articles are to help assist my mind to know more about myself, the hidden side of myself that I can’t see unless I ask people, to see how I’ve been doing each year, and to see where to improve.

(All images taken from my blog’s archives from the year 2011. This article contains lots of images and tons rambling, feel free to skim if needed.)

Continue reading Arctic Kitsune’s Favorite Images P3 – Images from 2011