Shinki Snow Pile-up

Ottawa ended up getting dumped with 15-20 cm of snow throughout Thursday and Friday. A pair of Shinkis decided to take a quick moment to mess around in the snow before they got overwhelmed by it.

(Link – MySite) – Liberty shoveling snow on a person-made foot-path.

(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens and edited using GIMP and Photoscape.)

Quite messy and tons of snow to “play” around with. Snowplows were working overtime while people were shoveling, using snow-blowers, and etc. Just like any Canadian winter really. One person even ended up losing a tire on their snow-blower from all the snow, damn.

As for my Shinkis? They struggled to stand, walk, or even interact with their environment. Liberty kept losing her arm and two parts containers exploded. Not that bad though.

With the lack of many images I decided to poke around Gimp & Photoscape to add various kinds of “effects” onto them. Some are good while others are probably too strong on such. I discovered some people’s “tricks” in gimp and it takes 10 seconds, not 20 minutes as “they” claimed :P. Think I’ll give in and use these effects in the future now.

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(Link – MySite) – Find this Invert Negative option neat.

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Pokeball? Out here? Anything or anyone in it?

– Liberty: Hmm? What could this be?….

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(Link – MySite) – Liberty’s curiosity grows.

(Link – MySite) – 9-tailed hair? Brown torii boots? Ah! Renge…..What she doing in there?

– Renge: “Hmm? Now where did I end up? Cramped sleeping conditions though.
– Liberty: …..

(Link – MySite) – Liberty gets startled XD.

(Link – MySite) – Hmm…A bit too much on the effects there. Too bright.

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Note that both Renge and Liberty are roughly 15 cm tall. The path that Liberty (I did with my snow boots) is just a bit more than that. I’d say the snow is about 20-25 cm?

– Renge: “OI!~ I own that!”
– Liberty: *chuckles*

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If Shinkis actually were real and went stray in Canada they wouldn’t survive long during the winter period. They would need some third-party “Cradle” (charging pad) or designed to be winter-proofed.

They could probably survive, in theory, but they would have to have a very complex AI system and winter-proofed electronics.

– Renge: “Humu….As predicted. More solid water leaves – snow – decended upon Ottawa. Taller than I; Lost I shall be.

(Link – MySite)                    (Link – MySite) – Yes, I liberty even left a trail with her segway.

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Two parts containers “exploded” on me when I was about to head back in. *sighs*. Time to pick up all the parts and make sure I didn’t loose anything. I double, triple, and quadruple-checked the pathway. I believe I got everything.

Damages? Just a tiny crack here and a dent there on the parts container. Nothing bad. I didn’t store the containers in the “box” I had and got careless so my bad.

(Link – MySite) – Liberty’s and Sharatang parts. Damn.

Decided to make a snow bunny after seeing the following and from seeing it constantly in Anime. Not a bad idea now that she mentioned it –

Wish I took a landscape image of the snow bunny though.


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– Renge: “…..”
– Liberty: “Ah! Master! How cute!  I love this cute little rabbit, I can even ride it~.
– Renge: “Master, I want to ride on the bunny.”
Me: *Hits those with a perverted mind.*

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After looking at this article I gained a few more “ideas” that I wanted to slip in an edit instead of making a new article. I could of waited, but I wasn’t thinking that I would need to go out again to take these few shots.

(Link – MySite) – Renge: “Master, look what I pulled out. A nice curve in a straight stick. Can we craft this into a bow?

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– Liberty: “King of the hill!
– Azunyan: “..!!>.<

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Now that is what I should be doing! Basically what Renge and Liberty are doing. Either this, or snowboarding down a nice hill or mountain like the good old kiddy days haha!

Azunyan wanted a ride but she couldn’t fit….Poor gal.

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And the last image of a lost Azunyan, poor Azunyan. Took this image as a test because my camera was acting weird, probably beginning to freeze in -30*C weather.

(Link – MySite) – Poor lost Azunyan 🙁


And with that, Shinki’s had their fun, and as did I with taking images of them. Crazy snow wanting to raid every nook and cranny ha. Even the Pokeball with Renge in it.

Anyways, stay warm and hope you weren’t covered in massive piles of snow. Pst – Alaska got 18feet of snow.
