Vice News attacks Mangaka Industry

This is just a general blog post just letting some loose thoughts loose while noting a few things. Wanted to note a few things before I go back to posting about Anime & games. I’ve been wanting to though been stressing about many things.
Continue reading Frustrated Hobby Wise | Being Corrupted & Tainted
Heyo guys! I simply want to wish you all a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year! Even the Happy Holidays & Seasons Greeting stuff.
(Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!; Season’s Greetings!)
Heyo! I thought I’d finally post up my thoughts about the winter Anime concluding to allow us to transition into the spring season. It’s been a great season, if a bit difficult to keep up with. This article may or may not contain spoilers as I’m viewing these shows with the final episode left unseen.
Continue reading A’K’s Anime Viewing – Winter 2014 & 2015 – R11
Heyo! Happy Valentines Day to those that celebrate it, I myself don’t. Wanted to actually celebrate another anniversary of my blog with some KanColle fun instead. Wanted to share my recent progress within that game while eying my in-game goals.
(Images Printscreened and inserted in Photoscaped; Images may vary in sizes due cropping.)
Heyo! I wanted to try something semi-new for my blog dealing with the year’s best and worst Anime. Something quick to go through. I’m going to list the ones I have enjoyed and watched, which may or may not be obvious when implied. Let’s see what I enjoyed from 2014.
Heyo! With summer anime done it is now time for the autumn anime fun. Time to share my perspective on fall anime while concluding the ones from summer after them, as usually done.
(All images taken using Fraps and WMP. All images belong to their respective Anime and owners.)
Welcome back to more glorious Anime viewings. I actually quite enjoyed the spring’s anime viewing, and the same with this summers selection as well. Lots of enjoyable anime shows to be enjoyed.
(All images taken using Fraps from their respected shows. Feel free to click on little screenshots)
Continue reading A’K’s Anime Viewing – 08/07/14 – R9
Heyo! A bit on the belated side, though that allows me to dig deeper into each shows I’m watching. A nice selection of Anime this spring. Some bringing back the old Anime goodies with others surprising viewers with awesome soundtracks and animation beauty.
(All images taken from their respected Animes with Fraps.)
Continue reading A’K’s Anime Viewing – 05/22/14 – R8
Heyo! Went to the Ottawa Comiccon as mentioned on Tumblr while more or less enjoying my time there after a “rough” start. Went to the EY Center next to the Ottawa Airport for this event. I enjoyed viewing the display areas the place had to offer.
(All images taken with a Lumix GF-1 Pancake lens.)