Continue reading Ottawa – Friend Visiting Downtown Exploration (2024)
Ottawa – Friend Visiting Downtown Exploration (2024)
Continue reading Ottawa – Friend Visiting Downtown Exploration (2024)
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to my fellow Canadians! Tried to grab some more ‘quick-shots’ for us to all enjoy, as with a nice surprise from a German game developer. Some nice quick news to enjoy.
(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens; Minus KanColle.)
Heyo! Just wanted to post up a ‘quickie’ dealing with Busou Shinki & Oysters. Both Renge & Kohiru holding up some neat oysters during a neat sale that were lovely. Also pardon the article title for I ran out of names.
(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens.)
Quite nice seeing some pumpkin pie weeks before Halloween. It is also awesome when you can get it both in person and within the Minecraft world. Already munched on two of the three, allowing Renge to poke around with the third.
(Link – MySite) – Renge seeking some pumpkin pie.
(All images taken with a Lumix GF-1 – Pancake lens.)
Happy Thanksgiving! Us Canadians get it first in October and the Americans the month over. Dig into that big fat turkey! Gobble gobble! This time I had a giant turkey but I was too slow to take a proper image of it, bah!
(Link – MySite) – Renge and O-Chan raiding my plate. Shoo! Shoo!
(All images taken with a Lumix GF-1 – Pancake lens.)
Went to the Tulip Festival again, this time for the international pavilion. I went there to see what was new and to see if I could get anything for my uh….demanding fox spirit – Renge. And I always keep forgetting that weekends keep bringing out all the tourists and locals. I could barely walk or even take proper images of tulips, Renge, the food, or see what is up for sale. Was a nice hot day though, worth the trip to see the tent.
(Link – MySite) – First Nation’s tent.
(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens.)
Continue reading Tulip Festival ’11 & Renge’s Sushi Appetite.
Autumn is quickly shifting into it’s final messy period. Plants are dieing, going into winter-mode, or simply letting go of their leaves. The winds are also picking up causing quite a bunch of leaves to be blown about. Anybody have a kite? It also decided to snow 5 cm the night before Halloween.
(Link – MySite)
(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens.)