Mech practicality/possibility

I’ve been wanting to type out a mecha article for awhile now but wasn’t sure how to say it in a brief manner. For all those that have watched Gundam, Transformers, Macross, FLAG, Code Geass and etc, would probably wonder why this world doesn’t contain  mechs if any type. Well, I can’t really argue the practicality but I will find ways that they are possible, probably hitting up on how to insert them into combat. If anything Anime and games are a good place to get your ideas on how to implement such monsters.

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New loot – Figma Signum and Di-Saber

Some might be uninterested but I managed obtain Figma Signum and Diformate Saber. What? I’m a Saber fan and I like the Diformate Saber ^_^. I think I wanted this figure since I saw it in the Anime store for $100 CAD. I’m not that rich so I waited and patience seemed to have rewarded me with a $30 CAD one from playasia. Sorry for the trouble and thanks Playasia.

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Revoltech Fraulein Yoko Movie ver

This time I obtained a Revoltech Fraulein Yoko Movie version from my Anime store. Too my shock this anime store had tons too choose from which made buying something harder to choose. I wasn’t sure what to obtain as they had new figmas, a Haruhi pillow case, and nendos (I don’t have nendos). From all the choices I had I tried to take my chances with this Revoltech Yoko version and see how special this figure really is. I know other people already have this figure but I only just acquired it on Sunday (August 23, 2009).

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