New loot – Figma Signum and Di-Saber

Some might be uninterested but I managed obtain Figma Signum and Diformate Saber. What? I’m a Saber fan and I like the Diformate Saber ^_^. I think I wanted this figure since I saw it in the Anime store for $100 CAD. I’m not that rich so I waited and patience seemed to have rewarded me with a $30 CAD one from playasia. Sorry for the trouble and thanks Playasia.

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I’m guessing this package was fine up until it reached the Canadian customs area. It had a mini dent on the side of the box and another one on my Figma Signum box. Maybe they hate Anime or someone, or someone from Playasia tried to stuff this box within the box properly? Either that, or someone from the customs hastily tried to repack the box causing the fragile protective paper to rip. Meh, both figures are fine at least.

Anyways, Signum’s box was covered in this paper wrap thingy. First time I ever noticed this kind of wrapping?…….. *checks Saber Lily’s article*. Yup, My Lily Saber came in a nice bubble wrap though.

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So, now taken out of the box here are the two box’s, with a guest star – Rev’ Yoko.

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Yoko eating some chocolate? Cake? Pocky?

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Diformate Saber’s packaging is neat. Its like a mirror imaged plastic guard with four piston locks (car reference?).

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I like the background designs of these Anime figure boxes. Even minor details like these make me enjoy the figure much more.

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Figma Lily Saber with a diformate stand? That be sweet actually.

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Di-Saber on the left and Saber Lily Figma on the right :p. What? I thought I’d give my most expensive Figma more screen time for how much she was worth when I bought her (nearly $200 CAD x.x).

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And incase you missed it here is another image of the lovely wrapped up di-Saber.

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*randomly inserts three newly acquired wall scrolls from a few weeks ago*

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And with that now onto Figma Signum. Massive box 0_o.

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Even the plastic she comes in is wide. She could easily rival that of Figma Lily Saber, or probably surpass the complexity/quality?

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*Eyes Shana as she cuts the box open*

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Anywho, while Shana releases Signum from her “cage” I’ll quickly show you the background that comes with her. Its a nice wallpaper image that I’d be willing to hang on the wall, if there was a wall scroll of some sort. I think they should of added something else to the background, like some fire effects or something.

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Thanks Shana 🙂 Now, lets see what Signum comes with. *hands Shana some Melon pan*

Signum’s sword is the “Laevatein” which has three forms. One is the normal blade which can erupt with flames, second one is a bow my merging the sheath, and the third one being its Schlangenform (Snake form) being the extended blade you see to the far left.

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The sheath and replaceable flame blade. I have a little problem with the sword where the pommel keeps falling off as if it was loose. It sticks on decently but just randomly falls whenever your trying to pose. Hey! I made sure I took it off properly so don’t blame me :P.

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The bow with the arrow (Sword and sheath transform into this when merged tip to tip). I left the bow unconnected to show how you have to slide Signum’s hand into the pink handle part.

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And now to the Schlangenform (Snake form). As you can see the blades could be switched allowing you to add the snake blade. Guess what? The snake blade is actually flexible allowing you to twist it around other figures, objects or questionable material. What I’m actually worried about is the wear and tear it would obtain after constantly being re shifted into different directions.

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Oh, and here are the instructions encase you wanted me to show you how to replace these blade parts. For a Figma with the most parts to date (from what I have) this sure is very helpful.

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Signum’s hair is protected with plastic wrap? Sweet. Oh, and the air is able to move around on two joints allowing you to move her hair “with the wind”. As you could probably see theres plastic on her hair, her underskirt (quiet you >.>) and two more in the front of her barrier jacket.

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Stuck inbetween her shoulders is another plastic piece, and below around the belt. They’re that cautious with paint rubbing off? Glad they care about their products :). Due to the barrier jacket’s weight I had to use the figma stand to pose her in any combat pose. From what i heard you can actually remove the barrier jacket, which probably might assist with free standing.

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Signum’s “Laevatein” in hand.

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…and now with the sheath.

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Quick view of my Anime figures in the left glass cabinet.

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This was a long one and I have Figma Signum to thank for that. What a lovely Figma and I shall now probably take some nice figma photo shoots with her now. Oh, I have yet to do a first glance review of Figma Haruhi and Mikuru. I’ll get to that later. Well, hope you enjoyed viewing this blog entry and hope you comment on this or my previous articles.

– See you in the next article.

Update: I added this image into the above article as I forgot to upload Saber in her posing form. Seems like I must now also do a v2 article post to make up for this simple mistake >.< I’m trying to strive for quality while my images somehow seem blurry….