Sudden Rain Photoshoot – Benio & Kohiru

Ah, hellos again! I wanted to show you guys and gals some scenic images during the fall period in Ottawa. Some images actually containing fall leaves, Kohiru being kept dry, and a sudden rain. Benio and Kohiru also decided to tag along for scenic view. They tried their best to cope with the rain….

(Link – MySite)

(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens.)

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Shinki-Net – Diorama Studio

Diorama Studio is a more peaceful addition to the combat filled Battle Rondo program belonging to Konami’s Shinki-net. If you’re bored of getting you and your shinki’s pounded to submission then this might be the place for you and your fellow shinki(s) to rest. This studio is great forthose willing to hone or grow their photography and creativity skills.

(Link – MySite)

(I’m still learning how to use this so do pardon any awkward images or poses.)

Continue reading Shinki-Net – Diorama Studio

My Favorite Anime – World War 2 theme (Top 7)

World War theme – Top 7 – Special edition type. After being asked if there any such Anime based or told during World War 2 I thought I’d up an article with such Anime. If you know of any other World War related Animes that I haven’t seen then feel free to mention them as I’ll only list ones I have watched.

(Link – MySite)

Continue reading My Favorite Anime – World War 2 theme (Top 7)