Anime Withdrawal and Fever Symptoms

Anime withdrawal, it happens. What its official community known name isn’t known to me. I do call it a Anime Withdrawal. There is also Anime fever for short term obsessions.

Well, when we like something a lot we tend to dwell in it deep and try to explore every corner of it right? We dwell so much in a single area of our liking that we tend to get “withdrawal” symptoms  when we’re done with the certain something. It’s something were you can’t keep your mind off such an area for an extended period of time. I have felt the symptoms of Anime Withdrawal were I wanted to watch anime but couldn’t due to traveling, cultural, “real-life situations” and various other scenarios. All I could do was talk and think about Anime (even in non-anime areas), or just adapt to the new scenario/location.

Disclaimer: Everything I said is generalized or simplified so it can be listed with ease. Some things may not even be accurate because we each experience these symptoms differently and some things maybe confused or forgotten. Sources? Myself, other people, various sites and you guys/gals. I listed everything with what I experienced.

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Figma Kanu Unchou get

Went to the anime store today and went to see if they had a decent (new) selection of Figmas. I searched and examined any figures that caught my attention and none really did. I made sure I didn’t miss anything so I looked behind a few figures also and acquired Figma Kanu and one of those Good Smile trading figures. I got Rin in one of her running with a dagger pose and is a pain to put together.

(Click the links under images, opens in a new window/tab)

Well I decided to show my other Figma partners my other Figma to the club. Haruhi was annoyed at being one of those “innocent” types while Konata makes a eroge game comment. Kanu couldn’t wait out of the box….Oh and ya she is back to her normal self again after that “chilling” walk.

(Link – MySite)

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Figma Haruhi wants to explore

Well I got bored and decided to take the image of the little snow on the ground before it fully melts. I was about to go Figmaless but took Haruhi out since shes the easiest to pose with and my current fav figma. I was in a rush that I didn’t think about taking Haruhi’s spare parts since I only wanted to take pictures of the little snow around.

So I looked for a patch of snow that was similar to the November 18th, 2008 snowfall and heres a good example.

(Image links open in a new window)

(Link – My Site, Deviantart)

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