Figma Haruhi wants to explore

Well I got bored and decided to take the image of the little snow on the ground before it fully melts. I was about to go Figmaless but took Haruhi out since shes the easiest to pose with and my current fav figma. I was in a rush that I didn’t think about taking Haruhi’s spare parts since I only wanted to take pictures of the little snow around.

So I looked for a patch of snow that was similar to the November 18th, 2008 snowfall and heres a good example.

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(Link – My Site, Deviantart)

Ya, that is as much snow as we Canadians got (or at least my part of Ottawa did). I bet most are happy, but I’m slightly disappointed since its like a depressing fall like atmosphere currently. Not that I’m complaining, just saying. I bet I would then be complaining its “too cold” like every other person living here in Ottawa. Anyways, the next picture I took (for comparison purposes) is of the small pond where the Canadian Geese hung out when it was spring.

(Link – MySite, Deviantart)

And the Comparison images:

After taking that image, me and Haruhi walked closer towards the Ottawa River and notice that there was a lack of people on bikes. There are none to be seen and nobody around, odd. This place usually has people. After getting closer to the Ottawa River I noticed a decent spot to take pictures without freezing my rear end off (or Haruhi’s pantless self). I decided to take another random image and see how it turned out, pretty interesting. If I put my camera on widescreen mode I could of easily turned this into a wallpaper.

(Link – MySite)

After sight seeing the chilling scenery, Haruhi decided to try sliding on ice. If I remembered to take Haruhi’s hand parts I could of made this more entertaining (/facepalms.jpg). After sliding a bit she found something interesting and pointed at it. Ice that froze in some truck tracks when assessing the area or dumping a body? 0.o Guess I shouldn’t joke about that since it might haunt me :(.

(Link – MySite, Deviantart)

Haruhi then points out if you want to go for a dip in the cold water, do you? Anybody starting to realize that shes starting to freeze? This won’t end well…….

(Link – MySite)

Then Haruhi looks to the other side and questions where the winter biker people are at. None in sight, but I do see a bus thats about to hit her finger.

(Link – MySite)

Ya of course……..When I don’t take out my camera everything happens all at once :D. Has this happened to you? Oh by the way, around 5 more people on bikes with winter coats, hats, pants, and helmets went by when I didn’t have my camera out. Look at all the cars and that bike and compare it to the previous images. I remember Chun on Dannychoo tried to take an “embarrassing” picture with her figure and there were a lack of people.

(Link – MySite)

The power Haruhi has is amazing 0.o , want to go swimming? I noticed the sign on the way back and its cloudy, cold, lack of snow, and people with bikes passing by you when you don’t have your camera out. Funny thing is they appear like a spawn point trigger coming from the same area and when you reach their spawn point, they disappear. 0.o

(Link – MySite, Deviantart)

Well since I’m near Mud Lake I might as well see if theres any untouched snow there. There were more bike tracks. If you look under Haruhi’s right (our left) arm then you can see bike tracks.

(Link – MySite)

Then we get to the fence and see various signs of the same thing. Heres one on the sign, Haruhi decided to take a rest and sit on the fence.

(Link – MySite, Deviantart)

People ignore the signs and still bike around in Mud Lake, including me. Biking through Mud Lakes brings a different atmoshere when your walking and all. Though I don’t bike there much since it also ruins my bike with branches sticking out and tons of rocks in the way.

And then the path that leads into Mud Lake and around the pond.

(Link – MySite)

Me and Haruhi make it back home and both of us starts sneezing. She sneezed three times as much as I did and I didn’t hear the end of it. Lol…..

(Link – MySite, Deviantart)

And then she starts mumbling something at me and points at me evily. Can you feel he anger?

(Link – MySite)

And with that, I have gone back to one of those old enteries I used to do when heading out. Turning random images during the walks into a simple story photoshoot. If you read this far then thank you for reading my blog. For those looking to get my banner to host on their site, I don’t have one. I will how ever show your comments advertising to your site/blog. As for the Halloween Part 2, I’m still waiting for my Figma Saber, Miko, or Nagato so I could do another photoshoot.� SLOW!