Fubuki and Renge chillin’ outting

Hello, and pardon the title name. And phew!~, that heatwave was brutal. Even my Shinki’s went a bit nuts trying to keep their circuitry nice and cool. They even resorted to ice, but Renge threatened me not to post those images. Renge nearly lost it on Friday so I took her out today (Sunday), and the quiet Fubuki, to Andrew Haydon park to cool off and to grab some fresh air. Enjoy!

(Link – MySite) – Renge trying to keep cool with others trying to pull her off.

(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens.) Continue reading Fubuki and Renge chillin’ outting

Diorama Studio – Shinki Photoshoot P2

Hello fellow Shinki fans! I really did neglect the digital version of my Shinkis, and what a time to be playing around with the program (summer instead of winter). If anything, I’m a bit forced in creating images as quickly as possible before both Battle Rondo and Diorama Studio get pulled by Konami on August 31st, 2011 (Old news by now). Shall we see how many parts I end up doing?

(Link – MySite) – Renge’s battle entrance pose during sunset/sunrise (your choice).

(All images taken within Konami’s Battle Rondo – Diorama Studio MMO game.)

Continue reading Diorama Studio – Shinki Photoshoot P2

Gran Turismo 5 – Review & Photoshoot.

Hello again!
I wanted to share Gran Turismo 5 with you this time just because I like this kind of game, and the previous versions. It’s a tad bit late, but probably still a good time to personally review it now that I got a PS3 that can play this lovely game! First PS3 yellow lighted on me – 60 gig PS3 (2006/7-2010?). The game also released some times around December and received around 6 big patches, which could be considered DLC.

(Link – MySite) – Welcome! Your Maserati in Kyoto!

(All images taken from within Gran Turismo 5’s photoshooting mode during replay and travel option. If a few images look off then my excuse is that they looked better PS3 set up.) Continue reading Gran Turismo 5 – Review & Photoshoot.