Snowy Vara Snowfall

Heyo! Another round of snowfall attracting both mine and Varakitsu’s attention to be shared on here. A nice “first” snowfall of snow that actually managed to accumulate appropriately on the ground. Myself, Vara, and Fubuki all joined. Sadly no pictures of Fubuki due to energy being drained from camera.

– Vara amusingly admiring the the Canadian Geese in the background while supernaturally using her red crystal.

(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens.)

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Shara’s Flurries & Snow Ponderings

Heyo! Thought I’d post up something small with some quick-thoughts onto my blog to make note of stuff. Wanting to share some quick snowy images along with some side-thoughts and plans.

– Lovely snowflakes from a little flurry snowfall on Saturday. Sharatang happily observing nature’s beauty.

(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens.)

Continue reading Shara’s Flurries & Snow Ponderings