2 new Lucky Star Figmas

Well I wanted to finally get my Figma Saber and I had enough for a Figma Miku so I headed to my local Anime store while I had the chance. Since I arrived on Sunday, September 21, 2008 I finally had the chance to go to the anime store, by bus. When I arrived I saw Figma Haruhi (already have), Figma Mikuru (I need), and Figma Yuki Nagato (Which I also need) on the rack.� I asked if there were anymore Figmas and the lady said yes, pointing to a recently new pile of figures that came in just today (Wednesday, September 24, 2008). I then checked which ones interested me and took two.

Continue reading 2 new Lucky Star Figmas

Return from trip to Europe – Part 2 – Ferrari Loot

Well now that you got a summary of what I did in Europe I will now show you my Ferrari collection, Ferrari products on streets, and a Ferrari I saw on the street. There are 26 images to look through so there has to be something good to look at with something pleasing your eyes :).


My Ferrari Loot
(Click LInk for bigger pictures, will open in new window/tab.)

A gift given to me when I arrived in Slovakia, Bratislava.


Continue reading Return from trip to Europe – Part 2 – Ferrari Loot