Arctic Kitsune’s Favorite Images P5 – Images of 2013

Heyo! If you don’t mind, allow me to take a look back into how 2013 treated me and my blog, along with posting my favorite images of the year. Lots of rambling, look-backs, and some venting to be had. Let’s go wrap up 2013 so we can start freshly for 2014! It’s a bit lengthy so hope you’re prepared for a read.

– A proud foxy Renge claiming Ottawa’s winter wonderland as her own.

(All images taken with a Lumix GF-1 – Pancake lens.)

Continue reading Arctic Kitsune’s Favorite Images P5 – Images of 2013

Merry Foxy Christmas! – 2013

Merry Foxy Christmas! I have a multiple part Christmas article for you to enjoy, a bit on the NSFW side due to festivities with Vara, Renge, and Caster.

– Merry Foxy Christmas and a Happy New Year! My gorgeous foxies enjoying some Tim Horton’s donuts.

(All images taken with a Lumix GF-1 – Pancake lens.)

*NSFW Warning: Just some light teases due to changing out of Santa suit and foxy playfulness. This is for the picky.

Continue reading Merry Foxy Christmas! – 2013

Varakitsu’s Koko Hekmatyar Cosplay

Heyo! Second of my packages arrived unexpectedly quickly right after my first Cool Cat order. Contains more goodies for Varakitsu’s to wear for an anime convention at the end of January. A Koko Hekmatyar – Jormungand Anime themed cosplay attempt for her.

– Renge happily sitting on Vara’s recent Jormungand themed loot.

(All images taken with a Lumix GF-1 – Pancake lens.)

Continue reading Varakitsu’s Koko Hekmatyar Cosplay