Ottawa’s National Day Of Honour

Heyo! Went to downtown Ottawa to observe the National Day Of Honour to pay respect and to commemorate to those fallen in Afghanistan and to those returning from there. A nice big Canadian respect to the Canadian troops and to the end of Canada’s mission in Afghanistan.

– Lovely Canadian emblems on each and every vehicle.

(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens.)

Continue reading Ottawa’s National Day Of Honour

5.5 Earthquake hits Ottawa

Canada, Ottawa had a nice rattle at 1:40 pm-ish that caused a few windows to break in downtown Ottawa. I was in my room during that time simply chatting on when everything in my room started rattling worse then when a furniture truck rumbles by near me.  I screamed “Earthquake!” on the chat heh.

(Link – MySite)

(Sidenote/Disclaimer: I’m aware there are worse earthquakes out there that actually kill. I’m not trying to dramatize, just simply record “interesting”  events within my life.)

Continue reading 5.5 Earthquake hits Ottawa

Snow storm?

Woke up today and was greeted by a nice pile of white snow blanketing everything. It was so white that I was caught off guard, and because of the fog created by the snow. I rushed to take a pictures every few moments and here (December snows are the best) and got one when two trucks and a back end loader were shoveling a parkinglot.

Like with any other Canadian snow fall, you have to keep shoveling 20 times a day to keep your driveway clean and it severly pisses people off. The sidewalk plows seemed to cleaned this out earlier, but it was all in vain.

(To view images in a wider resolution, click the links below the images. They open in a new window/tab.)

(Link – MySite)

Continue reading Snow storm?