Varakitsu’s Kon Kero Kon

Greetings! Myself, Varakitsu, and Kohiru went out for some nice foxy and photography fun during one of Ottawa’s bright and sunny days. Wanted to show off Varakitsu’s new outfit she gained in a proper manner within this outdoor photoshoot to show off both her foxy self and the outfit’s beauty. Also hoping the title doesn’t mean anything stupid in another language. Running out of titles.

– A gorgeous foxy admiring some natural Ottawa beauty.

(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens.)

Continue reading Varakitsu’s Kon Kero Kon

Remembering A Foxy Busou Shinki Beginning

Greetings! I wanted to finally once again come back to some Busou Shinki fun on this blog by also remembering when I first joined the Busou Shinki fun 4 years ago. Looking back at my posts I officially jumped onto the Busou Shinki bandwagon on August 10th, 2010 with Busou Shinki Benio.

– Benio, Renge, and Kohiru armed with their weapons.

(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens. Others have been taken from Minecraft.)

Continue reading Remembering A Foxy Busou Shinki Beginning

A’K’s Anime Viewing – 08/07/14 – R9

Welcome back to more glorious Anime viewings. I actually quite enjoyed the spring’s anime viewing, and the same with this summers selection as well.  Lots of enjoyable anime shows to be enjoyed.

– “Two girls at once, you lucky dog.”

(All images taken using Fraps from their respected shows. Feel free to click on little screenshots)

Continue reading A’K’s Anime Viewing – 08/07/14 – R9