Greetings! I wanted to finally once again come back to some Busou Shinki fun on this blog by also remembering when I first joined the Busou Shinki fun 4 years ago. Looking back at my posts I officially jumped onto the Busou Shinki bandwagon on August 10th, 2010 with Busou Shinki Benio.
(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens. Others have been taken from Minecraft.)
I wanted to properly remember back to my Busou Shinki days by trying to properly plan out one of the blog’s anniversaries. It partially worked as I wanted. I had to improvise. I saw the date of August 10 roll by so I also wanted to pay my respects to both myself in the Busou Shinki line and to the Busou Shinkis themselves. Of course, others as well such as Persocom who gave me the Busou Shinki bug along with other members. Thanks to Persocom I’m a strong Busou Shinki fan.
An example of Kohiru’s overpowered chopsticks and little defensive weapon below. Her chopsticks were so overpowered that she ranked up far too quickly and got beat by a Japanese players who was to take her our easily from range. She had overpowered weapons while she herself was fragile. She’s a beauty and that makes her beautiful. She’s an adorable over-powered cutie XD.
(Video containing Benio fighting Fubuki showing off two specials. Spear special happens at the very end of the video.)
(Was going to take more images but I started to sweat too much and didn’t feel too well in the heat so I started making my way back. Horrible excuse, but ya. I truly did want to take many more images.)
Extra images to share of lovely Kohiru with some unique salmon sushi. Was tasty. Mmm!~
– I of course had to take some sort of image of the “best” super moon. The next one coming in 20 years time. This being the “best” chance to take images of it which I sadly had to burn it into my mind instead of images. I don’t have a proper camera set-up, nor was I going to let it slip. Seeing as how Benio is the star of this article she ended up posing for the moon as proudly as she could. These being the best images of the moon I can take…….for now. Love these poses <3
– Busou Shinki – Benio – Type Samurai – She was my first Busou Shinki I have obtained. I loved her almost at first sight when I saw her at the Comic Book Shoppe in Ottawa. She was sadly sitting on the shelf for many months on end looking intimidating to me up until a few days after opening up her box. She was beautifully photogenic at the experimental farm and on almost every outings she came along on. Even when ages she looks awesome. I’m still wishing for her to appear in a Battle Masters game and to receive a modernization in figure making and painting style.
– Review – Outdoor Adventure – Outdoor Adventure w/ Kohiru – Sudden Rain Photoshoot – TT-01 – Happy Thanksgiving! – Trick-O-Treat! -Â Fox Spirit Awakening – Frustrated Illuminations – Merry Christmas! –
(August 10th, 2010 arrival)
– Busou Shinki – Kohiru – Type Chopsticks – She was my precious second choice for a Busou Shinki when seeing her on the American site of advertising. She stood out due to her adorableness and for her style and weapons. She looked awesomely advertised on that American site before it was pulled. When she arrived she appeared like a child to later find in Battle Rondo for her to have a similar personality of Renge. That playfulness. She is highly photogenic due to her design. She came along with me to almost the same places as Renge while also being as important to me as Renge. I also wish she made it into Battlemasters. She’s just too awesome not to be.
– Review – Figure Review Cameo – Outdoor Adventures – Sudden Rain Photoshoot – TT-01 – Happy Thanksgiving! – Trick-O-Treat! – Snowy Halloween – Fox Spirit Awakening – Sinterklaas– Merry Christmas! –
(August 20th, 2010 arrival.)
– Busou Shinki – Renge – Type Ninetails – She is my main Busou Shinki thanks to Persocom’s nudging. Even though she’s my third she is my first, and a proxy-blog mascot due to how special she is to me. She is quite photogenic, quite foxy, and a crafty foxy who gave me awesome memories both in figure and digital form. She’s such an awesome foxy who continues to allow me to take pictures of Busou Shinkis while also connecting with fellow anime comrades. She can also be found in my Minecraft maps while also being associated to me as much as Gabrine is to Persocom.
– Review Summoning – Fox Spirit Awakening – Naru2u 2010 – Renge’s Winter – O-Chan – Sinterklaas – Icy Winter – Frustrated Illuminations – Merry Christmas! –
(November 2nd, 2010 arrival.)
– Next Busou Shinki “anniversary” on August 20th with Tsugaru. If you’re curious for more then feel free to check out my Busou Shinki tag:
– My Busou Shinki Memories in Minecraft:
On one of my main corrupted maps had Renge and a Santa Renge on it. Both Renge statues overlooked my second take at a more tower-like skyscraper city. Persocom had his Gabrine tower proudly displaying in his Gouka along with my regifting of the Gabrine Gun he built on the first map we had. Perso even had Graffias in his Selket town while also planning out other areas. With such I also built up a Kohiru statue that I’m now also trying to figure out where to re-build on my current map. I also had to rebuild my Renge statue with the red tail on our current map due to importance and pride.
My Minecraft skin is still that of Busou Shinki Renge.

To Persocom: -> Thank you, Persocom! Thanks for getting me into Busou Shinki by using Renge to pry my interest using fox spirits as my interest point. I love Renge, Kohiru, and Benio. Thanks for joining me on my Minecraft server to build up Busou Shinki statues, Busou Shinki related content, and etc. I happily returned the kindness for gifting me a second Renge figure by gifting you the cradles. I even keep gifting you Gabrine related stuff on Minecraft that I hope you enjoy highly. I also do hope we can do such again on our current Realms map by regaining our lost pride, memories, and nostalgia.
I apologies for my numerous behaviors on there that caused us to become highly irritated at one another. I only wanted to see Gabrine displaying proudly in your Gouka city once again without hitting any emotional cords. It simply makes me feel like such an idiot to constantly stir up unnecessary drama when I only want to see more Busou Shinki populating the map in a touristy manner in a not so pushy manner. I don’t mean to be commanding or ordering, just adding projects in a suggestive manner for inspirational manner. If it’s viewed negatively then that simply makes me feel like an idiot. Fun is what I’m trying to aim for. I guess this is one of those falls when there is a rise with the “window of opportunity” also being missed. What goes up must come down?
Also Happy Birthday! Enjoy your birthday as much as you can on the 11th.
To Busou Shinki World: -> Thanks for putting up with me when I genuinely also interested in Busou Shinkis. I ended up meeting awesome comrades on that side that I still enjoy conversing with. Too bad we both ended up being highly irritated at each other because we both purposely or mistakenly stepped on each others toes. Not sure if it’s a fandom thing or that things are said more bluntly. Something tends to snap somewhere. Some hostilities being intentional while others not so. With such, it is still an awesome place to view Busou Shinki related content while also being the last remaining bit of Busou Shinki news and sharing community. Thanks for enjoying my Busou Shinki images as I enjoyed others content quite a lot. We tried to cooperate with Busou Shinki weekly which worked for a bit. Do hope you still enjoy my current and past content while looking forward to my future content that I struggle to put up due to negative influences shackling me at this point. I’m still annoyed at the insults received. I’m sure the feeling is mutual as I ain’t a saint either. I’m only human who enjoys Busou Shinki content and fox spirits. Hope we continue to enjoy spawning more Busou Shinki content in an enjoyable manner! Do hope we can find a middle ground again so we can enjoy each otherss content once again in a polite vocal manner. I tried helping you….It’s just that people are afraid of BSW due to the arrogant (or a similar word) bubble floating around. I lost my patience when told off by Canadian-Korean-fox Persona so I just left fully as to not make things worse on their side. I would now rather focus on my side than theirs at this point. Sorry.
To those I inspired to hop onto Busou Shinki: -> It pleases me to know that I inspired people to jump onto the Busou Shinki community and bandwagon. I’m of course happy while noting each and every one down. It makes me happy. I apologies for my drama I tend to stir up through frustration, it’s not something I want to do. Though I am happy to know and hear people jump onto Busou Shinkis thanks to me. I’m hoping to keep the interest strong while also enjoying the content you share directly or indirectly to me in return. I’m still struggling to linearized my thoughts to enjoy them further in other games. Hope you look forward to those when I continue getting around to them. Enjoy your gorgeous Busou Shinkis! They’re almost literally as precious as gems and/or diamonds at this point!
To Zen & Nas: -> You both are awesome. Thanks Zen for constantly helping me out in Battle Masters. I managed to get a nice step further thanks to your help. Too bad I got stuck again over simplified language barrier problems. Shall jump back onto it eventually. Congrats Nas on obtaining Mizuki Type II. Took you long enough! Enjoy your Busou Shinki girls!
To Ken_Works: -> Ken is awesome! One of the most helpful in the community who translated some of the Battle Rondo videos I posted. He goes to events to take pictures of Busou Shinki, share them, and just helping the community in a nice helpful manner. Thanks and hope you continue being awesome! 🙂
Hoping that the Busou Shinki future shall at the very least stay strong on the Busou Shinki community side for the handful of years to go. Konami JP either killed or hibernated the Busou Shinki line so I’m hoping to still be entertained by the community itself. If we can get the Biker & weapon types then that be awesome. If not, then I’m looking forward to all the customs being made while also struggling to the point of irritability when trying to figure out how to create a Busou Shinki mod for Minecraft.
(Below images taken before the above outdoor images.)
Thanks for viewing and hope you enjoyed what you saw here. Hope we can continue to enjoy our Busou Shinki interest :). Happy super moon up in the sky! The best one yet.