Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canadians! Hope you’re enjoying (or have enjoyed) your feast.

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(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens.)

I never really did cover any Thanksgiving on the Canadian side. Guess it was a good thing because I can finally get some nice images of both the Turkey and my troublesome Shinki’s heh.

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My fair share of Turkey, potato salad, cranberries, sweet potatoes, and the stuffing. Mmmmm, yummy!

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I went to grab something only to come back to find Benio and Kohiru raiding my meal….

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Benio even tried to “share” a bit of Turkey to her Master. Very kind, heh. Kohiru? Cutting away at stuff while getting distracted by flirting Benio :p.

(read up on Busou Shinki to know why they call their owner “master”.)

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I picked them up and plopped them to the side…..Let me eat!

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AH! They’re begging! I don’t know how to deal with begging Shinki’s yet –   OTL  – (Person on knees)

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They’re praying for someone to give them food? Religious Shinkis? O.o

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……*slaps Kohiru’s and Benio’s palm with finger*…..

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Alright, time to place them into the Pumpkin pot since I need to eat….Shinki’s are mechanical, they don’t need food! >.<

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*Eats in peace for the next 30 minutes*

*Hatch cracks open* Ah, they finally got themselves out heh.

– *Benio back-flip’s out of the Pumpkin pot causing Kohiru to slip within.*

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Oh, they made up heh. Guess we can end this article on a good note heh.


Happy Thanksgiving and I hope you people ended up being safe (tons of Turkey minded drivers on the street)! Hope you enjoyed your turkey, normal meal, or burgers!