Trick or Treat! – Halloween – Figma & Shinki special

A few more days till Halloween! With the days quickly counting down to Halloween, my Figmas and Shinkis were quite estatic that they kept holding various meetings and mini-parties every few days. They ate snacks, fought one another, pigged out, and gained new gifts to use! Costumes? Sadly, none for all.

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(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens.)

First off we have Kohiru – chopstick type – sitting ontop of a Sushi bento (a Japanese takeaway lunch served in a box). I also took this image immediately after Persocom’s Merinda photoshoot. The photoshoot was mostly by chance (*rambles on about divine will, or fate*).

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– “Are the chopsticks safe to eat with?” –

Well, I’d say yes…But then again, I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s a toy/model meant for posing and creativity. Some say it’s safe while others say it’s harmful. Sorry if I didn’t give “you” a solid answer.


Benio’s Halloween Ritual:

Trying out my camera skills for night time photography.

Benio practicing her samurai katana skills at a random Halloween Shrine. Spooky?

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Halloween Supper:

Ah, an idea I should of used for Thanksgiving! But hey, an idea for one is an idea for all heh. And like I said, my Figmas ended up feasting on cupcakes and Lindt Pumpkin chocolates!

And the host? Haruhi….the scariest Anime character within the Anime realm. You might find her cute and harmless, but she sub-consciously knows how to alter your realm through her wants and desires. Piss her off and you might see a “big-bang” theory happening right before your eyes ^^.

(Link – MySite) – Ryomu and Shamal serve up two different flavored cup cakes.

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(Link – MySite) – Ein attempts to cut the already served cupcake.

(Link – MySite) – Haruhi ordered everybody around, no surprise there.

(Link – MySite) – Konata attempting to take early dips on the cupcakes. Haruhi gets ticked. Saber plays with Reinforce.

(Link – MySite) – Signum attempting to snatch away the orange cupcake. Rin and Haruhi aren’t pleased. Signum attempts to lock away Levantine in snake form.

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(Link – MySite) – Haruhi seen getting all uppity.

(Link – MySite) – Ryomu (the maid) and Kanu observing the happening while Shamal and Rin intervene.

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(Link – MySite) – Konata snatches the pumpkin topping during the commotion.

(Link – MySite) – Reinforce intervening with her cute voiced scolding. Ein attempting to intervene.

(Link – MySite) – Konata attempting to flee with the pumpkin.

(Link – MySite) – Haruhi ain’t pleased, and we’re doomed.

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(Link – MySite) – Lindt Pumpkin choco’s handed out by Ryomu to please Haruhi.

Poor Kanu 🙁

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Hope your Figma’s, Shinki’s, Revoltechs, Mobips, and Dollfies will have a nice Halloween! Have fun knocking on doors begging for sweets, or at parties!