Naru2u – Anime convention Ottawa

Hello everybody! Welcome back to more Anime goodness within the nation’s capital, Ottawa! Naru2u was held at the Travellodge Hotel from November 12-14, 2010. The size ain’t that big for something that’s an Anime convention, though it’ll do for the interest level within the capital. I also managed to go to my second Anime convention now.

-> Homepage:

(Link – MySite) – Game room being set up by Carlton U’s volunteers.

(All images and videos taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens.)


Related Article:

– Otakuthon 2010:


Day 1 of 3:

My first victi….I mean cosplayer! The vocaloid sisters – Len and Rin.
(Edit: Sat, Dec 4, ’10 – Whoops, I meant vocaloid twins. Thanks for the correction in comments. Me and my silly typos….)

I’m unsure of the ones to the right – ID them?
(Edit: Sat, Dec 4, ’10 – According to one of my comments and google images, they’re from Vampire Knights. Or just the one on right.)

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Thanks to, I found out his name is “Tri Edge” from the .Hack series. I haven’t watched further then .hack\sign so I’m a bit lost.

Charmender! Respect points to you for being cheerful cosplayer ha.

(Link – MySite)                                 (Link – MySite)

Mooooo!~ Hows my cowmono (Kimono)?” – Bad pun = win!

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Whoa! The Hetalia team! There’s Mr. Canada to the far left ha! I only watched a few and dropped it after not being hooked in. My camera skillz must be bad since it looks like I cut someone off to the far right….sorry! *offers pocky*

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Taiko Drummers – *bangs away on some drums*

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Improv! Most of what I seen was amusing. Basically two teams are formed and then fight amongst each other through acting/improvising on the spot. They must “out-improvise” the other team by acting according to the theme the ref’ mentions. Most of these are over-the-top silliness while others are pure gold in comedy.

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Oh? Naru2u? Naruto? “Believe it!

And BRS (Black Rock Shooter) from the overly popular AMV (Anime Music Video) made by Huke. The AMV was also turned into an Anime mini-series.

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Anime trailer – BRS:

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Miku! There was another one running around on Day 2 which I never got an image of…..

And a Vampire…what series? *shrugs*

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Shinki Renge wanted to pop out of my pocket to say hello to the nearby Cosplayers.  Funny thing is people actually took notice and were actually pointing towards it. Well, my blog’s mascot is a Fox/Kitsune spirit so it’s only natural I get something foxy out of the convention :).

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The game room filled with fellow Cosplayers and Otakus!

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– Saw a few people play Jedi Academy Sing-player and multiplayer after 6 pm. Saw some amusing and comical fights between Jedi warriors. Was someone surprised and amused to also find people playing Minecraft, Call of Duty, and various other games.

– Random chatter with fellow cosplayers/otakus.

– There was this massive stench from someone who probably didn’t shower that only lasted during that one day. You could smell it around the game room going towards the entrance and the dealership (that was closed during that time).

Day 2 of 3:

Oh? From the Cowmono to the fancy Ottoman like wear? O.O

And I’m assuming she’s cosplaying as ‘Cornelia Li Britannia’ from Code Geass? Euphemia? Someone else?

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Ah, Mr.Spy from Team Fortress! Didn’t expect to see him there.

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More improv with a bit more random comedy. You people and your “Pockies-of-Doom!”

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Oh? Freeman? Neat!

And Peanut Butter jelly time? Silly Subways Sub and a Monk started a Jelly Time dance @ Improv.

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Peanut Butter Jelly Time!

Goldeneye on N64! Haven’t seen that being played in ages! Tried playing that and Perfect Dark but my Booster pack fried, blah.

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Two cosplayers – ID them? Pikachu and a random gentlemen?*Shrugs*
(Edit: Dec 4, 10 – Cerberus from Card Captures. I saw it and I still didn’t know? Thanks for the ID!)

Tales of the Abyss character? From the PS2 game? Has that generic style that would fit that series. And ha/lol to the person looking from the back!

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And we got ourselves an Archer! Respect points for the twin blades and his comment during one of the panels about beating himself in the movie (way “it” was said).

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A fellow’er’s Ita-laptop – Kodama

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Renge popping out to say hello again. No such attention this time around, ah well.

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Renge: “Look! Look! An Ita-top! Ah, my Master is stalking the blurbs on someone else’s ita-top while watching a live Miku Concert! Check it out!

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And the dealers area – Comic Book Shoppe stuff at the far back. Will a careful eye spot something within the image?

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Highlights of day 2?

– Half the games displayed on the computers don’t work. Had a single SP round of Battlefield Vietnam. Was going to play Spore but got impatient. Tried playing Hawks, Call of Duty, Call of Duty with Star Wars mod, and some other random games that wouldn’t boot up.

– Spotted a Dollfie owner at the Comic Book Shoppe section of the dealership. Wanted to say something but the two females were stuck in a thick conversation. Was wondering if they were apart of the or community.

– Random – Overheard someone say they came from Edmonton to help out with the convention.

Day 3 of 3:

Hmm, didn’t get much for the third day. I watched some Anime Music Videos, went browsing around the dealership, the game room, and back to the closing ceremonies. I stayed to win prizes and only got a silly candy and a sticker of something I’m unfamiliar with. Was close to winning a Taiko Drumming DVD and a random manga, ah well. I bought a Fate/Stay Night dvd so I don’t really mind.

(Link – MySite) – AMV viewing.

I guess now would be an appropriate time to show you guys/gals a video compilation of the convention.

Also came across someone’s video tour of Naru2u:

And then we have a two part video of cosplay Naru2u pride! I also make an unnecessary cameo in the first part with a lack of any costume, sorry ^^. Also saw the first video being made at the beginning.

A random furry. I missed out on the Ottoman cosplayer….

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Swarm of people running up to get some left over bottles of water.

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And congrats to those first con virgins! Have fun reading yaoi, yuri, and tsundere like Mangas :p.
*Remembers the Lucky Star scene with Konata and the gang discussing an Anime convention in a subway car*

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What do I think about the convention?

It was tiny, and somewhat interesting. I don’t know, I got this strong feeling that people didn’t properly care much to cosplay or about their Anime interest. I mean, they did, but not in the way were it shines as: “Hey! I’m an Otaku, and I care about Anime!

Regardless of that, I still think it was worth going to. The Game Room and the mini-events made the attending worthwhile. Though, need more events, more giveaways, more quality cosplayers, and probably move to a larger/flashier location? Probably wishing or requesting too much, but those are my thoughts.  Since I can’t compare Otakuthon 2010 to Naru2u, I won’t.

As quoted by Naru (guy in yellow above) –
– Year 1 – 600ish people attended
– Year 2 – 1050 people attended
– Year 3 – 680?

I know Ottawa is up-to-date with Anime, why not the passion? I saw a single Dollfie owner, and I saw a handful of quality cosplays. Glad they came out! Though, would I go again? Sure! Though, I need a cosplay/costume……Anybody have a white soviet suit or a white fox suit I can borrow for future conventions? :P.  Was nice meeting a few of you and can’t wait to meet more of you! Also saw myself in three separate videos without a costume, unexpected heh.

I shall see you in the next Naru2u and GAnime! Otakuthon? Maybe. Anime North? I don’t have access to that so I may miss out on that. Thanks for reading and hope I didn’t offend/miss out on anything! If you have any Naru2u content then don’t be afraid to post a link in the comments or on my forums!