Happy Holiday! – Figma Lily Saber and Figma Miku Hatsune

Well its the day before Christmas (but Japan and European time it is the 24th) so after waiting 4 months and a few more days, I found it time to open up the Figma boxes to take pictures! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years!

My Christmas loot! Just so you guys/gals should know, this will be a long blog post because of the Christmas holiday so might want to make sure you have lots of time on your hands. I’ll go on Figma Saber first and then Miku Hatsune will get her time, enjoy the read/skimming.

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Continuing off from the last blog entry, I shall show you more images of the box so you can decide if it was worthy for the money/wait or not. For those who could not get it then here is another source showing Figma Lily Saber in detail. Below is an image of her coming out of the box and what she was wrapped in.

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And a detailed view of the front of the box and what came with it.

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Image on the right side of the box

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The back side (which is sometimes the front)

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The left side of that said box.

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The top of the box…..

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and lastly the bottom of the box. So why take pictures of the box? Its art like the figure it self so why not?

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So now that we got to view the outside of the box, shall we open it up? Of course we should since you want to see the Figma right? And yes I also heard faint voices saying, “Don’t open the box! Let Saber stay dustless and scratchless!“, but thats no fun for me. If its Saber and if I spent $180 and 4 months & 4 days I just had to open the box :).

Heres the clearest image I got when opening up the box, Saber and Rin welcoming me. Ya sorry for the quality, best viewed in thumbnail I guess.

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So move the flaps out of the way and what do I see? The game hidden in the back and Saber hiding in the front.

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Lovely game and I must say thats a sweet background, suits Saber perfectly. Haruhi wanted to get a shot with her in there again so here she is.

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Now to take Saber out of her box and bring her into our reality!

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Saber was incased in 3 layers of plastic! 0_0

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Do note I took some of the protective plastic off and there was tons placed in fragile spots.

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Back on my desk again to show the stuffing I noted above (images are out of order since I put it in a blog reporting order).

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Lets keep her in that packaging while for those curious about the to see how it works on my 60 Gig PS3 (Canadian). Does it work? Keep lurking/reading and you’ll see the results you will gain…..

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– Some lurker thinks: Ok get to the point, does it work?!
Relax buddy, just wanted to show off the game to those who didn’t pre-order or canceled it, chill. So you wanted the answer? Heres it.

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And thats the game part of it, and I want to go kill Sony for this insult! I’ll get make them pay me back one of these days for this insult……Anyways lets get back to Saber and give Miku her screen time? 🙂 I know you’ll agree.

Oh whats this? Her leg is even protected, neat.

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I like the two choices for the hook, now if only other Figma’s would of done this it would of made putting up Kanu and Konata onto the stands much easier.

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What do I mean by two choices for a stand? Look at her back and you’ll see a black piece on her rear end. The skirt splits apart like a hanger door (outwards). If you don’t see it then look carefully on the image.

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And the stand wraps nicely around her waste which is shweet! No more hassles to poke the stand and gain frustration woot! Oh and I like this below image and hope there is an Anime (full or OVA) showing her in Anime form. With that hair style she looks like she came from some other anime.

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The stand wraps nicely around her waste! Ha! I’m Lovin’ it!

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And you see where that plug goes into the back, hides the whole decently :).

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So what does she look like on the stand? Her joints are hard to pose with and I’m afraid of doing damage to her. Shes fricken $180 CANADIAN with and shes a limited edition figure. I’m even hesitating to bring her out into the freezing cold snow. I’d have be insane to bring her out there for a simple photoshoot………..

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Close up of her hands…..

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And her wrist part is a pain to put hands in, got to be extremely careful.

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Her in a slightly different pose, and Miku waiting to get out of her box….almost that time. Even if the image is dark, you can see Saber’s magical aura 0_0. Can you see it?� I don’t mean an actual aura but her herself.

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Ok so now onto Miku before I damage Saber…….

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And below I let Miku sing for us while Saber picks a fight with something behind me. Oh how I love music! I’ll be using Miku in the future for a music related blog post :).

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A close up 🙂 And a youtube link of a Miku related tune, Love is War.

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And shes glad she can sing! Sing I tell ya! Singing brings joy!

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Ah, the power of music *relaxes*

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…….and I just noticed this scratch mark when I put Saber Lily into her Cabinet. If you don’t see it then keep your attention to the center of the image and look to the biggest black spot to the left. Good thing its only minor and that paint I noticed is easy to scratch off.

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And with that we’re done. For those who took the time to read and noticed I could of made the blog post smaller, well I made it intentional to make it this long. Its a fricken Holiday lol! If you read this far also then hope you enjoyed the blog entry and hope to see you comment on it since this is a special post :). If you want me to take more images then give me a shout and I’ll try my best.

Oh and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years! Please comment 🙂