Figma Saber Lily get – Part 1

Well I finally got this “gift” for Christmas and I must say thats one hell of a small box for something so god damn expensive. I’ve waited since summer and now that I finally got her I felt like doing it in a more holiday style (though my  patience kicked in) and open up the box when christmas is actually around. But ya, impatience kicked in and I took out the doing a photoshoot of it but I haven’t taken it out of its original box yet. I’ll leave the playing and posing to the actual christmas since thats part 2.

Well heres a photoshoot for part 1 as a teaser.


(Click the links under the image to open a new window/tab for fullscreen images)

While I use my PC, Konata ended up using my PS3 for her gaming and Otaku needs. While doing so Tsukasa brought in a box for Konata to check out.

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Konata notices the box and tells Tsukasa to call the gang to come see whats in the box.

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After about an hour, the waiting is over and nobody else came to check 🙁

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Konata continues “playing” with her food while Haruhi gets impatient and steals kanu’s weapon. She plans to open up the box and can’t wait till Christmas :(. Obviously Kanu gets ticked off.

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….All the while Tsukasa gets confused and pauses her texting mood. Poor Tsukasa…..(ponders about the OVA scene with her and Kagami’s dream talk)

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…While Kanu tries to get her weapon back from the impatient Haruhi whos opening up the box (who knew that could actually cut tape 0.o ).

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A fight ensues……..

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…This gives me the chills, literally.

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And with that Part 1 concludes and I left you on a cliff hanger (hopefully). Now to wait a few more days and I can actually pose Lily Saber and play the game. I also have another Figma as a Christmas gift, SWEET! Just got to obtain her first at my Anime store.  Hope you enjoyed my Figma play above and looking forward to Christmas posing of Figma Lily Saber.