Ottawa – Friend Visiting Downtown Exploration (2024)

– A lovely orange sunset on a lovely day.

(Sunday, August 25th, 2024)

Sunday was an overly special day, and one of the few days I could actually have to both myself and to hang out with a friend. I’ve waited patiently for my friend for the day (the same friend I had tour me around Vancouver, various parts of B.C, and into Lake Louise back in 2022) to simply hang out, and to enjoy a nice talk over things. A few things were awkward here and there, yet mostly smooth. No Vancouver 5 hour sleep crankiness, just your normal trip behaviour, and I respected that. Nice jokes, sleepy behaviour.

I was also still highly stressed from my workplace for making overly sudden, rash, and morally corrupted decisions causing me to also be of an awkward mindset. I was happy to see my friend, yet overly livid with what my workplace had done. No common sense, no respect. Just pure frustration. It made me all the more happier to see my friend, as brief as it was.

My friend arrived fairly swiftly at my location. Only minutes away from where he was the majority of the day, and fairly happy to see one another. We’ve even noticed a De Havilland Dash 8 flying up-above (fresh off take-off) to Montreal, from Ottawa. He noted how he was going the same direction as that Dash 8 for tomorrow.

We conversed as to where to eat, even bringing up the Japanese BBQ place Gyubi’s. It was one of the best Japanese foods in the area. Instead, my friend strongly favoured St Huberts, so we aimed straight for St Huberts on the East end of Ottawa. Sure, why not. It would make up for the frustrations of Victoria of not having tasted the local food there.

– Cruising down the highway to St Huberts. Talking about work doing a stupid 180 decision, construction of the area, and other random things. Casual stuff. Attempted to capture an “downtown” view of some kind.

I was honestly surprised by how my friend was dropping all the F-bombs, something which I attempted in restraining myself from doing. I attempted to refrain myself from saying the ‘F word’ in front of him and his girl. The context being how friends tend to flake out, get all agitated, frustrated, and not understanding how other people are busy. People are highly flakey, especially someone else’s wife forcing his husband to bail on friend meet-up, etc. Semi-typical stuff for the region, I suppose, from my experience and all in how people tend to flake on one another. People seem to flake & bail on other people with ease.

I digress, this day was to hang out with my friend(s), and I shall do so. Need to stay positive.

– Take 2.
– One of Ottawa’s many new condos and apartment buildings.

I’ve always critiziced Ottawa for being a fake city, but in this case Ottawa has been doing a great thing by building more condos, apartments, and housing projects. Maybe not as fast as they should be doing, they however need to be respected for doing at least “something”. Anything is better than nothing, and I’m happy. We can all agree Trudeau sabotaged everything, even preventing both foreigners/illegals, and local residents alike from finding both housing and jobs. Intentional sabotage, but seeing these new condos is a breath of fresh air in the stale city of Ottawa.

Ottawa genuinely needs to do more. It needs to stop playing with fake politics and focus on things which actually matter. When in doubt, go back to the basics. What basics? Food, water, housing, and transit. Everything else is irrelevant. LGBTQ? Irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, and in your general survival. A bear wouldn’t care if you were LGBTQ. They would simply eat you alive, attack you, etc. I’ve kept these thoughts, those in italics, to myself, even if normal Canadians are the ones strongly thinking these in various forms and volume (out loud and in silence). Normal people are in agreement we need our traditional rules & regulations back to restore balance and order into the world. As it once was.

– Funky, yet interesting design.
– Canadian museum of nature.

One thing we can all agree on is how Ottawa has the best museums in the area. Similar to Japan, Ottawa prides itself and can be well respected in having the best museums in the area. I have fond memories of being taken to museums, of partaking in kid museum activities, and some rare embarrassing ones in Gatineau while still a kid in school. Good and bad memories, if nostalgic. Our museums are awesome, just as long as they’re not politically corrupted with fake 2017+ political agendas.

We’ve also loosely touched on a topic of how museums in Ottawa are haunted, something I genuinely desired to discuss, yet backed off on mostly. I however did note that exact museum (Nature Museum) was haunted thanks to Tom Green having seen a ghost (or shadow person) in that very museum we passed on. It was also noted the ghost in that museum was very proud, one whom refused to consider suicide. He was firm in his resolve. I genuinely desired to touch upon the topic of ghosts, of GhostTube (Android App), and etc. I refrained from doing so, especially knowing full well you shouldn’t mess with the paranormal. I’m sensitive to it, even having high amounts of night terrors as a kid, and having seen a shadow person in a house prior to moving next door to my friend’s place a year or so later. Shadow figures are scary as heck. Black solid mass, yet gassy. A gassy solid mass. I’ve always felt uneasy in older European buildings. Same can be said with any older building of any nationality. It’s worse at night time. Japanese ghosts left me alone, for the most part, if with two potential incidents. One in Hiroshima (2023), and again in Fukuoka (2024). I believe the former to be more genuine over the latter, but what do I know. Japanese ghosts are still scary as heck.

I have thought of suicide myself on numerous occasions, and even in various scenario-situation styles. I would always ponder various scenarios to eventually disregard them. I do think about it, I however wouldn’t act upon them. I would never. I would also feel how my body felt, it profusely refused to act upon such a desire (suicide), one such desire thrust upon me by negative-minded individuals in Ottawa. I desire to live. Ottawa may not feel that way towards me, I however desire to live. I always felt the will to live, that pride, and various forms of Japanese mediums to escape to. Previously from Slovakian mediums, then to mainly Japanese mediums. Even if Ottawa, welfare residence, & ill-mannered immigrants of other nations always desired me dead, bullied me, harassed me, abused me, kicked me, and gaslighting me (falsely voiding my statements), I desired to live a more traditional-minded lifestyle, one foreign to them. Probably envious of my social status, or similar. They can false-flag me all they desire, I desire to live, and I’m still here happily calling things as they are. Happily priding myself on traditional European values, my Canadian-born patriotic pride, and even priding myself on even Japan’s traditional values. Same with Anime. I’m proud of who I really am, that however threatens fake people constantly seeking ways to have me killed, bullied, harassed, and verbally voided. Any faults people have noted have been caused by ill-mannered individuals with ill intentions seeking to destroy any normality in life thanks to their own lack of self-worth. Kind people shall always help you out, bad people shall however always note your sins through-and-through. Kind people note your flaws, helping you through life, while evil individuals do not. Il-intentioned individuals seek your full destruction, hence why they post about you on Reddit with half-truths, slander, and lies. Same with the bullies I had to deal with locally. Kind people never speak ill, only genuine concerns and actual angelic-like assistance.

What I hate is purely of the Canadian Liberal & Liberal-Communism side of things. Normal Canadians hate Liberals and Communist-Liberals, the same group of people destroying Canada, Europe, USA, and Japan. We’re all thinking it, we’re all openly venting about it, and same with old people at hospitals, or in shopping malls, and online. We hate fake political activists. Actual professional victims.

(My thoughts were quick. Sadly, these words weren’t as swift as my thoughts.)

St Hubert Arrival:

Prior to arriving at St Hubert we discussed Chinese places, of ‘Mandarin’, and how more and more condos are being built. I would also silently observe new street construction, new LRT additions, and even attempt to scan the new bus inventory at St Laurent blvd, and Belfast road. Every single bus appeared to be standard issue. No electric buses, no prototype buses. Just your normal fleet of buses. Other topics were noted, I however forgot what they were. I also had a brief recollection of a similar street of St Laurent blvd as the one in Vancouver when taking a bus from Surrey, B.C. Can’t pin down the actual street.

– 12 piece chicken wings and Piri-piri sauce. I also ordered Shrimp, they however wouldn’t provide it over too-late and shortage.

We arrived fairly late allowing us only 1 hour (or less) time to be served, and to eat. We were highly concerned of being allowed to sit and eat. Luck was on our side! Nice! The food quality genuinely surprised me. Everything was awesome!

Was also noted in how I was becoming more fit, something I was overly happy to hear about. My size and appearance was appearing more healthy. I was always concerned about my weight issue, something which was also caused by the constant Ottawa bullying & harassments I had to constantly deal with. People being constantly vile, ill-mannered, and abusive in school, workplaces, and other places. That, the passing of Sparky (my dog), my Mother, and then my father (2017, and 2020). Everything took a toll on me, something people took advantage of to make me feel like absolute crap. I had long hair, something which I would eventually cut off for my trip to Vancouver, and fully for my two trips to Japan. Liberal activists even gaslighting me in how I don’t take showers, something I’ve actually done, especially in Japan. I proudly took more showers in Japan with how everything is based on being convenient and cleanliness. We, my two friends, even loosely noting my physical differences between 2022 and 2024 Vancouver-Ottawa comparisons. I was happy with the positive compliment of appearing more physically fit. But according to the Liberals that makes you an Alt-Right Nazi.

(I noted how I cleaned myself up for Japan (2023), meaning I’ve cut my hair short, cut my beard, and actually took care of any health issues caused by depression from the passing of my parents, my dog, and from the constant abuse of Liberals inside Ottawa and outside. Liberals & political activists saw this, proudly gaslighting, miswording, and openly berating me with such comments, further fueling my hatred of mentally retarded political activists, Liberals, and similar individuals hellbent on ruining normal society. They berate every chance they get, and it shows how they haven’t been spanked and punished by their ill-mannered parents. They’re effectively outing themselves on poor parental upbringing.)

– Had the Fried chicken, as seen below all my plates and beer. I also ‘YOLO’d’ my piri piri sauce onto the chicken wings with how difficult dunking the wings into the sauce bowl was. Messy, yet delicious.
– Wings done! Spicy Piri-piri sauce can still be felt in my stomach, and would stay there till the next day. Time to try out these delicious fries and semi-dry chicken wings.

The female Asian server was fairly jumpy, probably even eager in finishing her shift to head home after a long day’s and night’s work. I understand that, I’m equally as stressed out by similar issues. We understand her concerns. She would come to our table, overly polite at that, making sure everything is fine. Everything was fine. We were happy. We understood, and we can relate. It’s not a friendly world, and you simply desire to go home.

As for my friends, and I, we conversed about everything travel related. About Vancouver, Ottawa, their trip, my future planned trip of Halifax, and what we’ve encountered there. Even housing, renting issues, how Canada is corrupted by Trudeau & Liberals, about the weather differences between Vancouver and Ottawa, among other topics. Unsure where the topic of Halifax went, it was however noted what I had planned, something I hope I can actually accomplish.

We’ve even touched upon my fear of heights. Basically how I conquered the towers of Japan. Most of the towers, except for Kobe & Tokyo’s Skytree. Yokohama’s tower was also off limit to me at the time. This topic having come from how I was noted in being semi-fearful of crossing a railroad bridge near Port Alberni, B.C. Was more of a drone concern, or that’s how I recall it. I basically noted how I went up the Tokyo Tower in an panic attack manner, thinking about Sapporo TV Tower fears, and Fukuoka. My palms sweat and I have panic attacks. My palms sweating, me being jumpy, and how everything was made more awkward than it should be, especially when faintly recalling my trip to Toronto’s CN Tower as a kid. I vividly recall a moment looking down through the looking glass to see the view below. It was scary, yet awesome. Similar experience for the various explorative tours in Japan. I wish I could have braved the Tokyo Skytree. I should leave it as my next goal to conquer. I even noted to them how the towers sway in the wind, something they would eventually was natural. I would feel every sway causing my body to panic.

Or the time where I was left far behind the them, and another girl (their friend) leaving me to witness something to my left. It was outside at Port Alberni, near ‘The Hole in the wall’ where I could have witnessed a deer, a bear, or maybe something worse. It was almost parallel to me with branches moving within. Who knows what could have happened if I wasn’t as alert as I was. Now aware, they loosely attempted to loosely wrap their minds around that situation.

Another topic was also noted, especially how I felt happier in Japan, and sadder in Ottawa. I felt happier in Vancouver, if briefly. Things were slightly more at my fingertips, yet still slightly out of my reach in Vancouver. Noted how I had a two-part singular crying moment relating to how I was being scolded by airport security during my departure to Vancouver (from Tokyo) enroute to Ottawa. Security was angry I refused to obey their rules, one of which was oblivious to me. I never saw their “no-return” sign, only after the fact. Secondly, I also cried because I left a more positive place for a more negative one. I genuinely desired to stay in Japan in 2023, yet had to go back to a negative Canadian environment. My friend even attempting to connect on the part in how I had to learn the local language, and do more of Japan to the little knowledge he had of Japan. He’s not aware of what I know, yet was attempting to be supportive the best he could.

Many topics were noted, half of which are now stuck in time, and now memories of St Hubert. We were eventually notified we had a certain amount of time left, hence why I drank a whole cup of beer in one gulp. My friend noticed this, even recalling both local and European memories on this front in how I can chug beer down fairly swiftly. Our time came, take-out boxes provided, and kindly asked to leave now that St Hubert is closed.

On the topic of Parliament Building, Ottawa sign, and etc, I asked if my friends could do me a quick, simple favour, something locals in Ottawa are afraid, or refuse to do so. I asked if they could assist me in seeing both the Ottawa word tourist sign and the Parliament building. Why? Safety issue. Ottawa has become far too unsafe thanks to both Liberals and Trudeau’s abusive reign on Canada. Everything has gone to heck in a hand basket, as the saying goes. Basically, everything has fallen from grace thanks to Prime Minster Trudeau and the Liberals. Mainly the political activists, the same group of people also hellbent on spreading the same corruption destroying Canada, while at the same time, also degrading Japan’s traditional values, as they had done to Europe, UK, and other places. If you don’t comply? World leaders are assassinated, as had been done time and again in Japan, with Trump, and Slovakian Prime Minister Fisko.

– Leaving St Hubert, and making note of our time here.
– My friend also realizing he should take images of the place.
– This place reminded my friend of Grand Theft Auto: San Andrea’s ‘Cluckin’ Bell’.

We stuck around for a while noting various truck trailers being shuttled around. My friend even joking how I would get him sick again (Vancouver 2022 moment) once he noticed I had to blow my nose. I had to blow my nose back in the restaurant, refraining to do so out of politeness and lacking napkins. I had to do so in the parking lot, relieved. I’m glad I could finally blow my nose. He recalled his sick moment from Vancouver, both joking and reluctant in being sick again as he had been in our Vancouver 2022 meet-up.

We also noticed a random phone number, something I won’t openly show here. He shared it, I took a picture, and kept it. Not going to share it for privacy, nor will I call it. Probably drugs and a hooker thing.

We basically conversed about work, life, and everything else. Even noting how I had to ask my friends to help me see downtown Ottawa with how severely dangerous it had become under Justin Trudeau’s Liberal reign of the nation. They desired Ottawa souvenirs, my request aligned with theirs, and we agreed. And how I once talked to a random local in this side of town while waiting for my parents to come back with a furniture order to be delivered to our previous home. Guy came up to me, we conversed, etc, many years back. A memory from this area from a furniture store in the area.

I’ve also noted to them, as others had to them, warning them of visiting downtown areas of Ottawa and Montreal over safety issues. Stabbings, thefts, and growing crime. It’s painfully bad to the point even DND (military group) is relocating itself out of downtown Ottawa, and to another (hopefully safer) location. Trudeau and his Liberal-Political Activist goons have destroyed Canada.

Our friends and family were saying the same thing as you’ve told us. Is it really that bad?!” – Friend

Yes, otherwise I wouldn’t be constantly asking people to join me on trips to downtown areas and other places. I wish Ottawa was as proper as Japan. Ottawa also isn’t what it used to be, and we can all agree politically corrupted Liberals (of the activist variety) are a cancer to society.

After smoking, resting, and small talk we ventured off.

– Various areas were “foggy”. My friend was relieved to hear he wasn’t imagining things.

Friend even noted if the train museum nearby is worthwhile, to which I reassured him it was, failing to realize how close it was. I visited that place numerous times with my parents, with him (driven to and from his previous home), for school trips, and for a Lego exhibit prior to highschool. The McDonalds in that area used to be known for having a functioning train set on the ceiling. It would go in circles on the ceiling.

It also genuinely surprised me how fairly close we were to that museum and St Hubert. I genuinely had forgotten where everything was in that area of town. My friend noted trains, I saw a motorbike, something to which I would eventually realize he was talking about the Museum related to trains and automobiles. I couldn’t see what he meant with how dark, and perspectives, etc.

We eventually reached downtown area via the University of Ottawa side, passing a power generation area, even recalling my Uncle’s plaque in that building. Even how my father shuttled students between U of O, and Carlton University nearby the Experimental Farm. Also recalled how Ottawa bullied me over this sentiment of how my father shuttled students between the two Universities. Such bitterness from both teachers and students in Grade 4~. Too many bitter people in Ottawa, and it angers me so much. You can’t do anything worthwhile in this God Forsaken City. This is the exact reason why it has a firm label of – “The City That Fun Forgot” – and it’s now more relevant than ever, especially with political activism and Liberal-caused crackheads roaming the streets.

– A random public scooter with two helmets. Wonder what the issue of this was?

I also noticed weird people staring at us from their homes. I’ve also noticed a decent number of drunks and crackheads further ahead, and to the left of that image. Once the lights turned you could see boozed and drugged up individuals nearing there, and in front of CTV Ottawa’s broadcasting station.

I’m bias towards the Japanese, meaning I’m in favour of them. It made me loosely imagine what it would be like for my Japanese friends in general, and of the Japanese female variety, in how they would be treated. They asked to visit Canada, something to which I wasn’t too keen on them doing with how intentionally sabotaged Canada has become under Trudeau’s reign. Once things become safer, then sure. Come and visit. But if you must, safety in numbers. The thieves, crackheads, and hipsters wielding knives would sexually assault the Japanese women/girls/females, stab the males, and simply ruin the good will we have with one another, all because of Trudeau, Liberals, and political activism nonsense. I wouldn’t wish for the Japanese to visit Ottawa to get harmed, that would be rude of me to allow them to be violated like that. They can visit if they have safety in numbers, some proper reassurance, or something to keep solo travelers safe. Ottawa is screwed up. I genuinely wish I was exaggerating, but sadly I’m not.

I’m aware Ottawa had these issues prior to Trudeau, his presence however amplified them many times over to the point even the ‘DND’ has to move out, and that should prove what I’m saying as a fact. It forced me to ask my friends, those of whom had to come from Vancouver, to help me see downtown Ottawa. I could easily take a bus, I could easily go here with my local friends, but even THEY do NOT desire to come to downtown Ottawa. It was ironically safer with the Freedom Convoy, something to which the Liberals had to false-flag them out of the city to inject their fake LGBTQ bullcrap, among other corrupted idiocies, further destroying everything both Ottawa & Canada related. Look at where that has taken them. I felt safer in Vancouver (not by much), and more so in any Japanese city. I could openly eat food in Japanese parks without hassle, and at night! AT NIGHT! At night, in Japanese parks, or back alleys in Akihabara. Holy crap…

I hate how broken Ottawa has become! I can’t even boast about how happy I am of Ottawa to my foreign friends. It’s frustrating. I wish I could hype Ottawa up to those in Europe and Japan. I can’t! Even traditional-minded Europeans mock Canadians left and right. They know full well how screwed up Canada is, and Ottawa. They mock our education system, and rightfully so. I can only boast about nature, aviation, museums, and some small things here and there. Food joints, Japanese places. That’s it…. Ottawa makes me want to cry with how intentionally sabotaged it is. It’s sad. Ottawa is a sad place.

– I admired Ottawa Senators from the past, not in its current form. I hate it more when Ottawa Sens are tied to fake LGBTQ cult-like mentalities. You’re not even safe in front of this stupid CTV Ottawa building, as I would later find out. Screw the political activists of the Liberal variety…… It had to take my friends from Vancouver to allow me to safely visit downtown.
– Saw a mural, made note of it.
– The touristy areas themselves are nice, the other things not so much. You can easily see the crackheads & drug-addict behaviour plain as day. Safety in numbers…

We made our way into a tourist shop to where they (my friends) would obtain their gifts for their friends and relatives in Vancouver & Philippines. Maybe elsewhere also. I would also purchase things for both myself and my Japanese friends, something I hope to send off shortly. We spent roughly 30 minutes, up to 1 hour there seeing various types of folks coming and going. Indians (from India), black people, one crackhead struggling to be human (buying a drink), a white guy with an Asian girlfriend, among others. I pretended to be a tourist, even hanging back while bouncing between my friend and the cashier. I would laugh at the various touristy street signs, the books, and farting notice signs. Fun Canadian-related products. It had one nice sweater, many nice trinkets, and neat stuff I could purchase. I could have easily spent my whole savings in that place, especially sending gifts to my Japanese friends. I’ve even loosely considered sending a Japanese tourist book of Ottawa to my Japanese friends. Maybe I shall, maybe later. I’m still thinking about going back solely for a few more things at a later date.

The Japanese mean a lot to me, even if half of them have thrown me under the bus by unfollowing me on Twitter/X, probably for criticizing KanColle far too much. For those who have chosen to view me as human, stay following me, and have conversed with me shall see gifts coming their way. I have bought gifts for those who have stayed my friend.

Once satisfied, we partially walked back to the car, turning back around to the Ottawa city tourist word sign.

– I was hesitant in how to take these pictures. People would stare at you, notice you taking pictures, etc. People were highly observant making taking pictures an annoyance.

I simply desired to make note of how they’ve decorated the Byward Market. By how they’ve painted the pedestrian pathway, by placing tulip festival statues into the market, and by placing cozy benches everywhere. I admired the addition of hopscotch, and other fun kid activities for kids. More of that! I’m well aware this is lipstick on an ugly pig, it was however a nice noteworthy attempt at beautifying Ottawa. But seriously, more of this, and less fake political activism. More attempts at welcoming both Canadians and tourists alike. Keep political activism as far as you can push it.

More of this, and less political activism in Ottawa. More safety and cozy efforts, less LGBTQ bullcrappery. Take note from Japan, and other social cities where people can safely roam the city without being robbed, stabbed, and sexually assaulted because their Liberal Prime Minister noted it was fine to do so. I want to see Ottawa return to its normal 1990-2015-ish state of normalcy. To when it was normal, visitable, and a happy place for people. It should be a place where even naïve, dumb tourists could visit. Or locals pretending to be tourists (myself) to visit freely.

I admire the attempt, it however needs more. It needs actual effort.

– Making note of the mural at top while nearly angering drivers while crossing the street. Haste-captures.
– At last! I can finally see this simple Ottawa sign display in all it’s glory! WOOOO!~

All it took was having my friends come from Vancouver to help me visit this place, especially with the growing safety concerns preventing my local friends from going here. Only those seeking nearby booze and drugs are brave enough to venture into the downtown area, or those oblivious about the growing crime spike in the area. You have to be a crackhead, hipster, or a drug addict to desire to venture here. Shame.

I miss Japan. Yes, they do stab people with knives in Japan, I however felt safer there than here, even as a potential target to Japanese who are racist to foreigners. I still prefer Japan’s safety.

– Pretending to be a tourist by coincidentally wearing my Vancouver shirt. I’m not the social type, and I’m not happy how I posed. I was unsure HOW to pose for a picture. I prefer taking pictures of the scenery, not myself.
– One of my better pictures of myself, and with the awesome ‘Ottawa’ sign. WOOO!~ I can combine this with my other Japanese towns & city signage.
– Awesome!

On a side-note, and I mean no disrespect, I however was wary of two black guys on scooters roaming around this sign. One would come up to the side, another would be in front of the ‘O’, effectively photoboming anybody’s picture. One of them can be seen in their beige shirt in the back with the scooter. Their placement made me concerned about them. I stood next to the bags we purchased, and placed on the ground, to protect them. I booted up Azur Lane to use the AR function mode while I was here. Even though I live in the city who knows when I would return back to this place over safety concerns.

I’m aware it may seem racist of me to assume two black guys may be potential thieving villains, I have to be cautious regardless. Even when I was in Japan I was still observant of my scenery. I was still on alert for any thieves. Japan isn’t 100% safe, and I don’t want to take things for granted, here or in Japan. There have been cases of luggages and personal belongings being stolen in Japan by foreigners, and some few rogue mentally ill Japanese folks.

– Swiftsure from Azur Lane using AR Mode in front of the Ottawa sign. I wish I could control the camera zoom in the camera.

Other people came, not even asking if they can have their turn. People simply forced their turn. Thankfully, my friends took their intimate pictures (not lewd), and I had to struggle with my AR mode pictures. I attempted to force my Swiftsure AR pictures, and is why I only have a few images with Swiftsure.

Why Swiftsure? She matches a ship class of HMCS Ontario, both being Minatour-Class Light Cruisers. I chose Swiftsure as a proxy to Canadian patriotism. She’s as close as I’m going to get to anything Canadian in the game, especially with Anti-Canadian sentiments roaming around various WW2 themed games. Any request is berated and insulted by various folks, especially for KanColle and Azur Lane. Canadians aren’t allowed in WW2 games. (HMS Swiftsure, as noted by Heritage Machines. HMCS Ontario is mentioned.)

– HMS Swiftsure from Azur Lane using AR Mode. A person photo-bombed this picture having me taught how to use ‘object Eraser’ to remove the person. I was thankful. I had to update my photo editor to even use this ‘object eraser’ function, especially with how ungrateful people are. Nothing is sacred in the Western society, or at least less so. Other Canadians have told me they’re also peeved with the ungratefulness of others. Shame.

A bit dejected by other people hogging the sign to themselves we felt it was time to head to the Parliament Building. We proceeded to head back to the car, to drop our stuff off, and to drive closer to the Parliament Hill. Stairway was closed enroute to the area, or so noted by friend who visited earlier in the day.

– Taking more random pictures for blogging purposes. I wouldn’t normally take these pictures, I however had to do so for blogging. A 180 view looking back the way we came, and how downtown Ottawa looks in this area.
– Attempting to make note of the containers with decoration on them. Cozy vibes.
– Same thing, cozy artistic containers.
– Japanese people don’t stare when you take pictures, Western people do. My goal was to take pictures of the tulip glass windows causing others to look my way. Failed my first picture, succeeding with this second picture. The simple stuff.

I was genuinely frustrated how other people were staring back at me. I desired to take a picture of the tulip glass windows, that’s all. Everything is being made an annoying mission and it frustrated me. Pretending to be a tourist in my own city is frustrating.

– Making note of more artistic containers. I was more focused on the containers and the structure than I was of the guy in the car, or cars.
– More storage container art.

We eventually passed by a gathering. A mini-park where people sat, overheard performances, and was stared at by other people. I don’t know if anybody recognized me for my social media posts, I would hope not. I simply desire to share neat things. I basically forced myself into an introverted bubble by following my friends, fleeing to the other side of the performance area. Guitar folks playing, performing. It was a nice touch. I admire this, not the pothead, crackhead, and drunken behaviour. I admire normal cozy, resting, and performance related stuff. Just openly relaxing.

I don’t want to be on guard, something I was, even with my friends at my side. Am I over-reacting? Even DND is leaving downtown Ottawa over safety concerns. My friends, just as I had warned them, were also warned by their family members to be cautious of the area. Everything has become painfully dangerous. I would rather be safe than sorry.

We eventually reached the car, if with a weird moment. An Indian guy (from India) in his 60’s (or 70’s) attempted to be rudely intimate with my friend’s girl. He was wearing a white cap, white shirt/vest, and walked overly slowly while being seemingly invested in my friend’s girl. He nearly brushed up against her, even looking back at her moments later when she called out to my friend for keys (or similar). I stared at him, my friend also stared at him. We both made note of his crackhead-like behaviour. I probably should have taken a picture as he was walking away, something which slipped my mind. All in front of, and near the CTV Ottawa news broadcasting station. Clear as day, during night time.

(Prior to this I’ve also seen crackheads hiding in a crack in the CTV Ottawa building’s walls. They were hiding out of view. I intentionally looked away from them once I noticed them. Out of sight, out of mind. I’ll make note, I’ll however take no part in your illicit behaviour. THIS IS WHY I asked my friends for their help, even if he joked they may be stabbed along side me prior to our arrival to this area at St Hubert.)

– Rideau Centre. I’ve been here numerous times, this place however needs more cleaning up. Also the same area which had an LRT related sinkhole, something which I verbally noted. It’s a nice area, it however needs to be more attractive.
– Ottawa’s old train station.
– The National Canadian War Memorial.
– Ottawa’s National Art Centre.
– Downtown Ottawa on Queen Street. Admiring the blue glow. It’s weird how the display faces down Queen, not some other area.
– This sign is my artistic attempt at showcasing the state of Ottawa. It’s full of smokers, potheads, and crackheads, appears overly run-down, and refuses to focus on actual matters. It pretends Japan doesn’t exist, refuses to view Anime as art, and wastes it’s full energy on needless political activism. It should focus more on actual quality-of-life movements, such as improving the transit system to at least Vancouver’s level, or strive to be at Europe & Japan’s transit level. (“The City That Fun Forgot”.)
– Canada. (Memory is hazy, though recall going here for a passport renewal with my mother many, many years ago. If not here, a building nearby similar to this.)
– Ku-MAH!~ (Kuma = bear in Japanese. It’s a KanColle shipgirl reference to a Japanese shipgirl.)
– I’ve taken an image of this bear in a prior Canada Day celebration, back when Ottawa was much safer. No fake politics, less violence, and more focus on Canadian patriotism. Nice to see this bear is still around.
– Sparks Street, a road made into a pedestrian pathway. It’s a dead street, one of which is currently on life support.

You know what would help Sparks Street?

  • Dropping the fake LGBTQ pride bullcrappery. Drop it all, to the core. Treat humans as humans again, not as toddlers.
  • Go back to the basics by focusing on the LRT. Have Sparks Street symbolize Ottawa’s pride in the LRT program, just as much as Japan prides itself on its JR Rail, Shinkansen, and other similar national prides.
  • Proper family-friend day and night-time activity of varying types, those of which do not deal with LGBTQ cult-like nonsense. Attract actual nationalities to reside on Spark Street. Attract Japan’s Daiso & Oomomo, Canadian retail brands. Similar to Vancouver, I desire to see more Japanese retail options in Ottawa, as noted by Daiso and Oomomo. The more international anchors, the more attractive the area.
  • 24/7 Arcades – And not just your generic arcades, but of those international types also. Open dialogue with Konami, KanColle, and other Japanese, Asian, Russian, European, Brazilian, and other nationalities for their arcade systems. Do this, and you’ll see a boost in Spark’s Street.
  • Light advertisements. Encourage various places to shine attractive logos (of the non-LGBTQ variety) onto the sidewalk (or simple Canadian flags) for attractive beauty. To attract normal individuals, Canadians, and tourists to Sparks Street.
  • Fix your traffic lights stuck on red lights. They’re “forever-stuck” on red lights causing drivers to eventually disobey red light rules at crossings.
  • Install a miniature railway line to run up and down Sparks street for kids, teens, and adults. All ages should be welcome on this. The miniature railway can be at ground level, or even elevated. You need to attract people somehow, and something at all hours.
  • Encourage Go-Karting, as Japan does. View the various Mario-themed Ko-Karting in Tokyo & Osaka, among other areas. Make Ottawa fun again, and for proper entertainment. Run activities you could only in Sparks Street, downtown, etc.
  • Display an Avro Arrow replica openly in the area, among other WW2 national prides. More national historical prides, of the non-censored variety, even if it offends the fake political activists from America. Display World War 2 naval warships, aviation, and other attractions on this street. Protected, yet permanent.
  • More Rib Fest, Car shows, and other natural attractions, of the non-cult-like variety. No Fake political cult-like nonsense.

I’m not someone who frequents downtown, though I do have some strong ideas in which it could be helped. You genuinely need to cut back on the crackheads, on the thieving idiots, punksters and hipsters, and even the fake LGBTQ cult nonsense rotting the brains of the locals in Ottawa and Canada. This isn’t bigotry, this is common sense. Ottawa needs to be revived, and running back to the natural human traditional basics helps in this. I doubt they’ll even listen to be, pretending I’m some bigot, fake-transphobic individual. That would be their loss. They genuinely need to be naturally aggressive if they desire to attract people into the downtown core. They need to do more.

You have to make Ottawa proud of being Canadians again. You have to attract them on a natural level, something they’re struggling to do. It was nice to see people sitting on benches in Byward market and on Sparks Street, you however need more. Ottawa and Sparks Street BIA needs to be aggressively proactive, especially by bypassing cult-like behaviours. They need to focus on real-world issues, not mental illnesses and grand delusions.

Both Spark’s Street and Ottawa downtown need to do something to attract true-blooded Canadians, and of course tourists, to attract to this area. Similar to how KanColle attracts Japanese, Ottawa needs to attract true-blooded Canadians to keep the city alive. Healthy patriotism.

– I was genuinely surprised to see this building with illuminated windows using digital displays.
– Ottawa’s downtown area is both the same, if slightly different. Slight changes, yet mostly the same.
– Ottawa’s Centennial Flame.
– Area is heavily under construction.
– Those construction cranes give of the vibe of a crude mech. Canadian ‘Metal Gear’.
– ‘Object Eraser’ version of the above photo with the Parliament Building, Centennial flame, and a few people in the area.
– The contrast of this building is probably makes this my few favourite images of this area. The lighting is nearly perfect.
– Parliament Peace Tower zooming experiment. Attempting to see what’s clear when I zoom in.
– Me at the Parliament Building. Unsure how to pose, only used to selfies via VRChat and in Japan. I was here, for the 501st time.
– Selfie, with what may be a ‘trick of the light’. It appears to be an Angel.
– I’ve noticed the blue glowing buildings, making note of them. The stairway and the BMO building in the back. I prefer traditional buildings, if with a touch of neat blow urban glowing lights.
– One side was brighter than the other. Peace Tower of the Parliament.
– Ottawa’s Parliament Peace Tower clock.
– One last look at the flame.
– Multi-layers of barricades. If this is in response to the Freedom Convoy then Canada has bigger issues to worry about. Crackheads, thieves, and a Dictator-Wannabe in power. People are on the starving side, and even losing their housing privilege’s. I wish this was a joke, and I’m well aware of the fact Liberals shall gaslight everything normal as trivial. Liberals caused this mess in the first place.
– Attempted “artistic” touch. One last look prior to leaving.
– Heading down Spark’s Street noticing an Avro Arrow hanging from the ceiling. Located in a corner tourist shop.

I had to 100% take a picture of this aircraft. It’s Canada’s icon, and one which should be proudly displayed in Canada’s downtown core. It needs a larger replica in an open area for both Canadians and tourists to see, and for delusional political activists to ignore. Make Spark’s Street proudly Canadian again.

– Make Canada proudly Canadian again! Blurry Avro Arrow.
– My friend was half-joking about me taking pictures, and of potential concerns of security viewing me as a threat to this store. I may be viewed as a potential target staking out locations simply for my desire of seeing the Avro Arrow, possibly the only time I could visit the downtown core.

Both my friends noted the same thing, one in jest, the other in light concern about me being lightly viewed as a potential robber staking out the area for a potential hit of a tourist shop. I get that, I’m only here for the Avro Arrow because we Canadians are also afraid to be Canadians. I would have to go down to Toronto to see this aircraft in its replicated 1:1 scale! I would have to travel north of both Toronto and Barrie Ontario. Way out in a rural stretch of Ontario.

– Avro Arrow and a Spitfire hanging from the ceiling.
– Like my friend, I also belatedly made note of Spark’s street. It genuinely needs more attractions in this part of the city. More actual things, as I’ve noted previously.

Friend spent a lengthy while noting why downtown Ottawa is as dead as it is. Day time office workers, poor attractions, and 2017+ fake political influences destroying Ottawa and Canada. Mainly the former stuff.

– Unsure if this was here upon arrival, this however was littered all behind the car. Drugs, dog food, or whatever it may be. It was weird. I assumed it was puke. Someone having upchucked.

Satisfied, we left. My friends had to sleep soon while having new plans for tomorrow with Ottawa and Montreal. The trip was mostly silent, if with a few momentary conversations. Forgotten ones. The moon could be seen low, and bright. I sadly being unable to zoom into the moon for how low it was, and how easily blocked it is by the trees and scenery.


We conversed for a little while, even eventually having my coworker converse with my friends. It took awhile, both sides being hesitant. Too polite, introverted, and worried about their own stuff. We conversed about my living situation, about my coworker’s situation, and general topics. A summary conversation. Casual stuff.

It’s honestly awesome I was able to hang out with my friend again, though on the flipside how pathetic it was how my friends from Vancouver had to come over to Ottawa to have me see downtown Ottawa. Yes, I could bus, and bike to downtown Ottawa. it’s more of a safety thing. My friend jokingly stressed how it had to take him coming from Vancouver to have me see downtown Ottawa again, and in a safe manner. That’s how bad it is in Ottawa, and in Canada. I’m happy to have seen my friend, to have conversed, compared our Vancouver-Ottawa thoughts, and to wish him the best in his own travels.

I’m genuinely happy with the St Hubert food, something I’ve had in my Cuba 2010 trip in the Montreal airport. I recall a bowl of gravy with fries, and something else on top of it. It was messy food. I wish my friend would have tried out Gyube’s, he however desired more Canadian food. I’ve only recommended it for how special it is. One of the best Japanese foods in Ottawa. I understand though, as livid as he was in Victoria, he genuinely desires proper Canadian food. He was denied in Victoria. This St Hubert makes up for that moment, and has a neat Ottawa touch to things.

I’m also well aware people shall be peeved I’m constantly venting about political stuff, but it’s also because of those same political issues Ottawa, and Canada are both dying out. I feel shackled in Ottawa over false ideals, and false representation polluting people’s minds. Everything is painfully restrictive. It’s also why Vancouver is as delusional as it is, and why Japan is far more awesome in this neutral regard of life. Traditional point of view, Japanese patriotism, and actual human behaviours on a more natural level of things. I had more mobile freedom in Japan than I had in both Ottawa and Vancouver. Also goes without saying Vancouver’s Skytrain allowed me to reach more areas than Ottawa’s, that however is hindered by similar issues which plague Ottawa. It’s all a mess. Canada’s environment is highly glorious, that much we can agree on. Sadly, even Canada’s scenery is “transphobic” to mentally delusional political activists. Everything natural is a sin. I’m echoing what other people have said, their concerns, as well as my own. We normal people desire traditional, normal behaviour, such as today. I desire to freely travel Ottawa, as I had in the past. Sure, maybe hear some snarky comments along the way of how I’m socially awkward, but that’s Ottawa, or at least it was in the past. Everybody is mentally retarded, brazen, rude, and pretend everything belongs to them. Nothing is sacred, as it was in Japan. Nobody dares to ask if they’re allowed to do something, nor do they behave formally. They fail to make sure what they’re doing is naturally respectful to others, as a traditional European & Japanese national would inquire you about. Everything is frustratingly annoying, hence why I’ve always hyped up Japan and traditional European mannerisms as much as I had, and still do. It allowed people to be naturally human. Ottawa’s naïve acceptance of fake political nonsense is my whole frustration with Ottawa. I miss traditional European mannerisms, and even general Japanese mannerisms. I miss pre-2017 Ottawa. Ottawa’s situation also makes Chinese escapees cry because they see the same political nonsense they’ve escaped also here in Canada, and in Ottawa. Same with those who escaped communist Europe have seen the same signs in Canada, Europe, etc. The same banner as LGBTQ and fake political activism. Our Western world is a joke thanks to these fake political activists. Paid actors, and professional victims.

Japanese folks have also attempted to stop me from venting about politics and general frustrations. If you’ve had to deal with what I deal with you would be venting as much as I would. I know you would, because I had Japanese people venting at me for getting in their way in Fukuoka, and that was my mistake, and by mistake. I struggled to find the proper bus stop at a certain station. The Japanese people are vocal; You can stop pretending to be innocent. I know, for a 100% fact, you would share the same vocal frustrations as I would, especially when keeping traditionalism in mind! If traditional Europeans and Chinese refugees are venting about Canada & Ottawa, so would the Japanese. I’ve seen Japanese people vent about fat wheelchair-bound Americans breaking their Ueno subway-line transit door, and others. You guys are as frustrated as I am about similar topics. 😉

It felt like a corrupted Canada Day to me. A belated July 1st, if without the Canadian flags and festivities. I’m proudly Canadian, Ottawa born, yet highly frustrated by the patriotic gaslighting Ottawa has become. My friend allowed me to feel briefly happy in this miserable city. You’re not allowed to be Canadian, nor visit downtown freely & safely, and you’re also falsely shamed into accepting sexually devious behaviours in the false nature of “inclusion” and fake diversity, ones which harass underaged individuals. Brainwashing. Canada and Ottawa was already diverse! These fake people are professional victims. Screw that! You should have seen the number of crackheads, potheads, hipsters, and punks in downtown Ottawa. Even if it’s night time, that’s still highly idiotic. It’s honestly no wonder people favour Japan’s common-sense approach, the same approach they’re trying to degrade into Western corrupted standards. Looting, statue toppling, fake victimhood, and fake political cult-like behaviour. It’s all a farce, and so is Ottawa. Only thing good about Ottawa is the food, nature, the few properly planned bike path routes, and the museums.

I want my pre-2017 Ottawa back.

I thank my friends, who had to come from Vancouver, to allow me a chance to see downtown Ottawa in a mostly safe manner. Friends desired to see me back in Vancouver, I would be more than happy to visit Vancouver in a touristic and staying manner. Proudly Canadian, if sabotaged. 🙂