Trip to Japan – Round 2 – Day 15 (2024)

– Showing off my gifted Gundam Gunpla from New Chitose airport I had to overly carefully transport from there to here, and eventually to Canada.

This blogpost covers the day of February 10th, while in Fukuoka, Japan.

Woke up fairly late, at 10 AM, making things highly awkward. I was ‘hangry’ (hungry & angry) making my mood fairly sour. It’s not Japan’s fault, it’s just how I slept, woke up, and felt hungry. Went straight to washing up, playing Blue Archive, and a bit of the stories. Vancouver peeved me off with some fake political garbage relating to fake LGBTQ nonsense, and how they won’t punish people in fear of offending criminals emotional feelings, all the while allowing their victims to suffer the consequences from two angles. Vancouver is mentally idiotic in regards to all the fake political nonsense. Great place, stupid politics, and I had to be exposed to their low-IQ idiocies while in Japan making my Fukuoka stay a little corrupted. The frustrations of being a true Canadian seeing fake Canadians being dumb as a rock was highly frustrating. Shameful. Highly shameful display. Fake Canadians bringing shame to Canadians while I tried to escape in Japan on my secondary trip to Japan.

Took a picture of myself with the gifted Gundam Gunpla from Sapporo, happy about how kind and respectful the Japanese locals are. It’s why I admire Japan the way I do; Why I’m highly bias towards them. Left my hotel at 1 PM, ventured to a Konbini, and attempted to figure out where to eat. Struggled to find a park.

My goal for the day was to visit Fukuoka’s Gundam Statue. The ‘Life-Size RX-93ff ? Gundam Statue’ with a moving arm, moving head, and lights up. Fairly simple, yet neat display. I planned to basically spend the majority of my day in Fukuoka Lalaport.

Japan Trip 2024:

[Day 1] – [Day 2] – [Day 3] – [Day 4] – [Day 5] – [Day 6] – [Day 7] – [Day 8] – [Day 9] – [Day 10] – [Day 11] – [Day 12] – [Day 13] – [Day 14]

I had to wake up to fake political nonsense relating to Canada’s Vancouver city, Metro Police, needless LGBTQ drivel. Canadians making me ashamed to be Canadian while I was trying to escape this in Japan.

– “…But the physical evidence is that of a genetic male.”

But! But! We can’t offend criminals! We need to protect them, allowing them to further violate females and children because it’s in the Liberal mindset to defend them! Criminals need to be protected, encouraged, and given their own month of pride! We need to protect LGBTQ rights to further violate females, to further violate children, and to socially degrade the whole of the Western society. Even Tokyo, Sapporo, Osaka, and everything we hold sacred, traditional, and close to us! Everything normal is transphobic! Everything normal needs to all burn to the ground! Liberals and political activists MUST sexually violate females and children, kill all males, and violate everything we normal humans hold close to us. Traditions, rituals, values, and everything sacred. All burned to the ground….

(Context: A black male identified as a female while violating a female at a Skytrain station.)

(Heavy Sarcasm to mock mentally ill Liberals & political activists. This is also why I was ‘Hangry’, because of Vancouver’s low IQ idiocies. Protect criminals and predators, yet shame victims. Screw off! This is why I hype up Japan. It’s thankfully not at that level in Japan as it is in corrupted Western nations. Japan still holds sacred values, and I respect that. We admire Japan for that. I can’t accept LGBTQ nonsense, it’s simply a political cult dating back to 1940’s Nazi Germany. Americans stole that idea from Nazi Germany to destroy natural society, and it’s used in its intended role in our current time frame. Nothing natural about it.)

Now back to the actual happy Japan thoughts! The Japan happy thoughts, and the trip! The escapism, exploration, and the neat part of Japan! I need to stay happy. Screw brainless Vancouver, I need to visit Fukuoka’s Gundam statue!

– Trying to figure out what’s in the area, where to eat, and where to go.
– Enjoying my late breakfast at a nearby park. Haruyoshi Park.

The whole stay at this park was highly awkward. Things weren’t meant to go my way. Prior to arriving at the park I followed a kid making their way to this park, even witnessing him running a red pedestrian light. I followed behind him, dumbfounded. I was even highly confused, highly concerned I could have easily been ran over by a car for simply “following the locals” violating local rules.

I proceeded to sit down at a bench, snacking away at my Konbini food. Eating. My bag eventually ripped forcing me to salvage whatever I had left, even into other bags, and other (safer) areas in my backpack. It was a mess.

Once ready, I held my green tea drink between my arm, even using my phone to GPS my way to a nearby station. Yakuin Station.

– Awkward Moment while potentially being stared at by two baffled Japanese girls. Red arrow is myself, blue arrow is them. (Me: Right to left; JP Girls: Left to right.

Found myself being awkwardly stared at (or maybe what was behind me). I was awkwardly holding onto a green tea of the ‘Ito En’ brand. Maybe because I was awkwardly shifting it around my person making it awkward for them, thus they stared, or may have been something completely different. It was highly noticeable of me seeing them staring in my general direction, almost as if they made note of me as a foreigner, or Godzilla was behind me, or something other of note. Maybe it wasn’t even me. Maybe they were discussing where to go, how to go there, etc. I was simply walking my way from the Haruyoshi park to Yakuin Station while using Google Maps as my guide.

I even recall an elderly group (or people) awkwardly hanging around that block. I had to make my way around them, and onto what’s noted as 1598 in the above image. Now it’s just me, my own thoughts, and the walk to Yakuin Station.

– Neat tunnels, medians, and the way the streets are designed.
– Traditional Japanese housing.
– Yakuin Station! A bit funky, yet neat making my way into this station. I even had fun walking past a Mister Donut.
– Eventually made my way to the platform, even second guessing myself at times. Is this the right train? Is that the correct train? I simply followed the time on Google Maps. Three was also an older guy (rough appearance) being fairly funny. He was being fairly comedic, I admired his outgoing nature. I forgot what he had done, he was however simply being comical and a proper manner. Cool guy. 🙂
– Checking over my information many times over.
– What I need is the green express. Ogori.
– Trian spotting. Trains were quick making me miss out on them.
– Neat train styles in Fukuoka. Old fashioned, yet lovable.
– Beautiful train.
– Taking the train from Yakuin Station to Ohashi Station. Debating if I should walk or take a bus.
– Next stop, Ohashi.
– The lovely view from the train. Smooth ride.
– Ohashi area. Nice area.
– Making note of the clock area.

I made my way partway towards the intersection, even waiting at the intersection before backtracking back to the bus area. I even consulted Google Maps to guide me to Lalaport, something to which I made my way back. The detailing was eventually clear as day, and I understood where to take the bus stop. Waited, went on, and made my way to Lalaport.

– Lovely Koi-designed bridge.
– A lovely bus ride.
– There it is.
– Coming into view. I could have easily walked here, instead happily enjoying the nice smooth bus ride to Lalaport.
– Making note of a collaboration of Spy x Family of this Café from the bus.
– The pedestrian pathway connecting the garage with the mall is awesome. Gives the area a more ‘Gundam’ sci-fi vibe to it. (2:15 PM)
– The closer I got, the better it became.
– Awesome! Such amazing detailing.
– Such lovely detailing. The Caution, Warnings, and information.
– Making note of the car park with the cars having been reversed into position, all in case of emergency.

Admiring the area while also taking in the scenery. It loosely gives off an Okinawa vibe, something I couldn’t shake off. I never visited Okinawa, it however felt like Okinawa from all the Japanese media I’ve been exposed to.

A Japanese Chinook (or American) flew behind Lalaport, around, and in front of where the Gundam was looking. It was behind me, yet in front of the Gundam, landing a fair amount of distance away from this location. It happened too fast (between the gaps) preventing me from capturing it for blogging and documenting purposes. It was awesome hearing the Chinook fly past, even landing in the Gundam’s figurative vision a fair distance in front of it in a nearby airport.

– Video – Simple Gundam performance with main theme playing.
– Video – Arm moving back down.
– Gundam Forest Park.
– Kon!
– Peace!
– Gundam Seed Freedom Movie advertisment.

As noted previously: A Slovakian female noted I should be taking more images of myself in places I visit to make actual note, thus I have. I can happily note “I’ve been here”, especially with selfies I can actually be proud of. Even if I have delusional stalkers, mentally retarded Liberal Canadians gaslighting me on the daily, I’m still happy and proud of what I’ve accomplished, now more than ever. I’ve been places they haven’t been, I’ve seen things they haven’t seen, and I have my own proud memories. Sure, I should have taken more selfies in Vancouver 2022, I however was overly depressed from my parents & dog passing away in 2015, 2017, & 2020. Then we had the overly-needless 2020 COVID Martial Law nonsense ruining everything, even exposing how draconian it was, especially on Justin Trudeau’s Dictatorship-desiring behaviours. Even Europe and USA shamed Trudeau openly, yet here he still is, the biggest turd of Canada. Like father, like son. Two brainless idiots. I digress. I genuinely needed my ‘Revenge Travel’ to reset the morale level of myself and others. These were necessary travels, and I’m proud of them. And to also figure out where to live, and to connect with places I can’t frequent as much as I desire.

My delusional stalkers & mentally retarded Liberal gaslighters even mocking the idea of ‘Revenge Travel’, something to which I noted as necessary. It was necessary for all of us Canadians to regain our mental sanity, something I’m proud of having done. We need to stay healthy in both physical and mental manners, something which isn’t allowed. It’s openly mocked because it’s something normal, and they hate normality. I’ve become more aware of Vancouver (2022), of Japan (on both trips; 2023 & 2024), and even other places. What’s where, how they function, living conditions, transportation options, etc. It improved me as an individual. I’ve even noted places I could potentially live, if I was able to, and I even made more friends. I’ve come to realize how awesome Japan is, how respectful Japanese folks are, and how screwed up the Western world is. Yes, there are nice people in the Western world, it’s however more noticeable with how intentionally sabotaged things are with how vile people can be. Still grateful for every bit of kindness and generally kind behaviour people display.

I’ve come to Japan for my brief peace, and it was genuinely worth it. I kindly, highly, and respectfully thank the Japanese for welcoming in Japan, and even treating me like a normal human being, something which is hard in Canada, and other areas.

– Minecraft pop-up store in Lalaport.

Bought a few Minecraft related things for both myself and my coworker-friend (roommate) helping me out.

– Nice!
– Admiring the various Lego sets, including this lovely Concorde. I had this on my mind while walking out. This Lego store reminded me of the one in Vancouver’s Richmond Mall, and even Tokyo’s Daiba tourist area with the Gundam Unicorn. The fond memories.

I walked out of the Lego Store all happy, even lost in my own thoughts processing this lovely Concorde Lego set (10318), something I wish I could have. I was happy. I may have appeared dazed, I however was happy pondering about the complexities of the Concorde Lego set wondering if it’s even worth it, how it functions, and if it’s an actual worthwhile item to have.

A black guy stopped me, even asking if I was “alright”. Asking me if I was fine, something to which I noted I was lost in thought, processing this Concorde Lego set. He asked me where I came from, something to which we talked about Ottawa, the weather, and Global Warming. He asked me about the winter, how it was like in both Ottawa & Vancouver, and how everything is being destroyed by Global Warning, something I wasn’t accepting. How I noted Vancouver was hit by numerous snowstorms. Him noting how Japan is allegedly forcing everything to be factories. I agreed with him on the part we needed more trees, everything else is however a scam to get people to comply to be drones of society. To part money from the wallets. He wasn’t agreeing with me, I wasn’t agreeing with him, and I was becoming more agitated the more he kept pressing about pretending Global Warming is real.

The Earth does its own thing, and it always has. Yes, we pollute it, and that’s our issue. We need to clean up after ourselves, but everything else is on Mother Nature. We’re lucky the Earth is in a “moderate” state that it’s in, something it wasn’t those many years ago. We’re in a Goldie-locks zone, something we weren’t previously. Earth used to be lava, an ice ball, and all sorts of crazy, and hazardous conditions. It shall return to that time eventually, even destroying everything we have taken for granted. I didn’t come to Fukuoka to be riled up by political drivel by a black person, or a Westerner, or other trashy people.

I was genuinely peeved with the guy to the point he told me he had something to do, leaving me to return to my escapism in Japan. I was livid. I had to note this, especially on Twitter/X. Then people wonder why Westerners are hated, especially black people. Stop preaching scam-related nonsense!

(Sidenote: My Uncle used to be a teacher, scientist, geologist, and professor for the University of Ottawa. He has a plaque in UoO, and even spoke publicly in many nations. He was rudely kicked out of Europe, even nearly had an assassination attempt on his life, for noting Global Warming is a scam, and going counter of the mainstream. Things normal people believe, yet those stealing from normal people’s wallets wouldn’t accept. My Uncle, who is highly respected in the scientific field, has also firmly noted Global Warming is a scam. It’s all a farce.)

– I had more fun in a nearby bookstore (and Lego Store) than I had conversing about fake Global Warming concerns in Fukuoka.

I had a more peaceful time browsing the Japanese bookstore viewing their far-more-appealing selections than dealing with stupid political drivel. I was also saddened by the fact I can’t read Japanese. I wish I could, and I wish I could retain what I have learned relating to the Japanese language. I’ve attempted numerous times to learn, sadly forgetting majority of what I’ve learned. I retained a scattered amounts of Japanese, ones which wouldn’t really make Japanese locals proud of me, but just enough to get me buy knowing bits and pieces.

I was also happy with an appearance of how people SHOULD behave, such as a kid knocking a book over, me picking up the book, the Japanese mother apologizing, to which I tried putting it back into place. Me being baffled, the Japanese mother apologetically, yet thankfully placing the book from where it came in that overly polite and formal mannerism. I respect this Japanese mother for having both apologized and being thankful for the situation. Formalities! I admire Japanese formalities, it allows people to be human. It’s what traditional Europe used to be before modern political drivel destroyed everything in the Western world. The things we hold sacred, and the small things I have to now idolize because of political drivel destroying everything. The simple basic human interactions and mannerisms!

I even happily obtained an Frieren Anime ink stamp out of this whole visit. Lucky!

Back to exploring!

– My gacha gets for the day. I wish I obtained duplicates of the Hokkaido bird for a certain someone.

I was basically waiting for 5 PM, something which finally ticked over. At 5 PM a Gundam performance was to take place, one where the Gundam would move its arms up into the air, and move it’s head. This 5 PM warning had me flee from the second floor to rush to the Gundam statue. I was next to a CAPCOM collaboration store when I rushed to see the Gundam performance. I was thankfully next to escalators.

Explored the lower first floor, hastily making my way back out to see the Gundam in a more lit manner. Sunsetting conditions, brighter illuminations on the Gundam. Contrast being slightly better for photography.

– Lucky plane shot! I even used Flightradar24 to track these planes for this shot. It’s not perfect, it’s however memorable, and I love it! I have a plane between the Gundam’s legs! Experiences like these are magical. I admire Japan a lot.
– Plane! Between the Gundam’s legs, and above the upper-most pedestrian bridge.
– Plane!

Satisfied, I went on food run to eat some “local” food. Maybe not as local as can be, just something to satisfy me for the evening. A nice coke, a nice Ramen soup, and a beeper gadget to notify me of whe nmy food is ready.

– Happily checking out the Hokkaido bird, one which can hang from a Ramen bowl.
– Cute!
– Sleeping Snow Miku.

I explored numerous stores, even walking by Anime-themed stores, clothing stores, general stores, tourist stores, gadget stores, Collaboration stores, and even getting stopped by merchants. I even had my feet electronically messaged, something to which had me struggle walking for a little while. My legs were buzzing in fatigue from the electric massage causing me to struggle walking for the next few minutes. I noted “biri biri” for how it was buzzing, something which made sense when it was noted it was an electrical message. Satisfied, I notified I was done, and walked off. I thanked him.

Was hard to walk for the next few minutes.

– Spy x Family Code: White movie! Also, Godzilla -1.0. Nice! 🙂
– Food Court Menu, and even a Demon Slayer movie advertisement. I’ve only seen the first season, missing out on anything else. It’s a good Anime, not the best. It has been noted it spoiled a generation making them brainless for other Anime, even better Anime. People forgetting how to watch Anime, enjoy Anime, and even admire Anime in general.

I’ve even stopped by a general store to see their video game section. Checking out various electronic gadgets, various video games, including a full JR Train set for the Nintendo Switch. Had a few awkward moments, it was however fun accidentally conversing with him. Gestures, being gifted sponsored tissues, etc.

After much time of exploration I eventually made my way to my main destination, the Gundam Side-F Colony area. The Gundam store and main attraction of the area.

– Gundam Wing formally introduced me into Anime in 2000, and Fate/Stay Night in 2006. I have overly fond memories of Gundam Wing, especially of the Christmas-vibe viewpoint with Wing Gundam, Tallgeese, and Gundam Epyon.
– Viewing back at the Gundam store and display. Obtained a few gifts for myself and my friend.
– Visiting a Gundam arcade to check out these Gundam displays.
– Alice Gear Aegis?

Another time checkpoint has been reached, this time for the Gundam SEED, SEED Destiny, and Freedom movie summary. Getting a rough rundown of the history behind the SEED Universe. HYPE!

– Video – Gundam Seed promotional performance. Gundam Seed, Destiny, and Freedom movie.
– Screengrab from the video.

I genuinely admired Gundam SEED when it used to air on YTV Canada, especially after Gundam Wing was aired on TV back in 2000~ timeframe. Gundam SEED aired, even being prematurely pulled after a few episodes. Saw a fair amount, watching the rest via pirated means. Same with Gundam SEED Destiny via burnt DVDs (my Civilization 3 DVD copy stolen in the process), and playing whatever Gundam game I could get my hands on. I even admired the Gundam SEED mod for Star Wars: Empire at War, even if that Gundam mod died prematurely. It can still be played, if in a rough, and incomplete state.

I genuinely admired the Gundam SEED universe. Sadly, my friends weren’t of the same mindset, even being all “hipster”, “fake”, and “edgy” by pretending it was the worst thing ever. Their fake clique-like hatred towards SEED moderately effected my own interest in the SEED universe, even briefly disliking it for a short while before jumping back onto the SEED bandwagon. I however eventually rebounded, finding it neat again. I hate following other boring people, or being negatively influenced by them. People ruin everything with their fake opinions. I wish people were actually honest about their own sentiments.

People irritate me a lot. They can’t be honest, always fake-hating on things, and simply being boring. They end up fake-enjoying games and hobbies they weren’t naturally interested in, clout chasing, and everything. People hate this, that, and everything they come across, and it makes people boring. I’m glad, even thankful Gundam SEED Freedom movie was awesome. I was able to watch it in a Japanese theater, and I’m proud of that fact. I saw advertisement posters in malls, trains, and everywhere. I was there, and I’m proud of that fact. I’m proud I could enjoy things honestly, even naturally, meanwhile people always being boring fun-sapping hipsters. Screw those people…. I’m glad I’ve done what I desired to do, and I’m happy with what I’ve done. I’m proud of what I done, and I wish people were more honest and truthful about their own thoughts and feelings. I wish people would stop being zombies.

I was in Daiba, Yokohama, and even Fukuoka for Gundam, and I’m proud of it. WOOOO!~


Why am I always angry?

I manly have to deal with numerous fake Western idiots always gaslighting, hating, and pretending something “sucks” when it genuinely doesn’t. Japan doing far better things than North American mediums, and in more fun manners. It sucks how much people bully others in the North American & European social circles. People being fake all around making things highly unenjoyable.

Then I’m tired, or hungry making me angry, or I have to deal with dumb foreigners. Hangry (Hungry & angry) making things moody. I simply desire people to be normal. It’s shouldn’t be too much to ask, it however is in 2017 onwards (or 2012+ onward). People fake-hating things because it gives them fake clout on social media, something to which it always leaves me alone, or people bullying, gaslighting, abusing, etc. People aren’t genuine, that frustrates me a hell of a lot. It makes connecting with people near impossible. Then there’s that struggle of struggling to hang out with friends, or having buddies to join you on your adventures in city, or in another area. People always make excuses, or are busy, making everything impossible to do. People are intentionally disconnected from one another and myself, and political activists enjoy gaslighting me on this pretending people don’t want to hang out with me. Those who don’t enjoy hanging out with me are the fake people, the gaslighters, and those with political agendas. People with skeletons in their closets, which seems to be a high amount of people. And that’s the truth.

I admire Japan for simply allowing me to be me, and for allowing me to soak in the beauty of Japan in its various, glorious manners. Both good and bad making Japan awesome all the same. Then I think of how broken Canada is, and I get angry again. All the scummy people, such as Justin Trudeau, fake Liberals, fake Canadians & political activists pretending to be Canadians, and it just goes on. It makes Japan a highly positive blissful place in comparison. Granted, Canada is awesome in a traditional sense, and especially with its gorgeous scenery, that’s something I can agree with. When Canada stays true to its past it’s the most awesome place. Sadly, anything normal is considered “taboo” and “transphobic”. LGBTQ activists won’t allow you to respectfully respect traditional Canadian values. Fireworks are too offensive to them, and so is celebrating Canada Day. Everything Canada, traditional, or normal offends political activists and Liberals, and they’ll do the same to Japan to the point Japanese Otakus have been fighting back tooth and nail. Especially on the Ubisoft and Assassin’s Creed: Shadows front. Political activists & Liberals shall happily dismantle Japanese rituals, sacred sites, and what holds Japan together, just as they’ve done with Canada, USA, Europe, etc. They’ll proudly urinate on Japanese shrines, violate Japanese females & children. Shame… Tradition needs to be protected and respected.

It’s honestly no wonder I always hold Japan in high regards. Europe saved me prior to Japan, and then Japan saved me with Anime from 2003-2006 onwards. Political activists and Liberals gaslighted me on this, it’s however the truth in how Japan is awesome. Anime is far more complex than it’s American counterparts, and far more poetic & philosophical than American mediums ever shall be. It’s even officially supported in how Japanese manga is leagues better than American comics, especially financially. Japan is glorious. Maybe not the best, it however does numerous things correctly, and a few things regrettably incorrectly. Japan may be infected by Western political drivel, though thankfully that’s being weeded out by customer profits in non-corrupted sectors.

You can proudly enjoy your hobbies in Japan the correct way, the proper way. The real way. I love Japan for being truthful to itself.
(Minus flying the drones. Flying drones in Japan is a sin, a taboo. You need to run through numerous red tape flaming hoops to fly drones in Japan. It’s a painful hassle.)

– Suisei and Gundam.
– Poi!
– Yuudachi & Gundam. POI!~

Below batches of images is of me attempting to have Busou Shinki – Arnval – in focus with the Gundam. Attempting to fight as much as possible in hopes of having Arnval focused with the Gundam behind her. Just sitting here, relaxing was awesome. Watching other people take pictures, selfies, etc. Heavenly vibe.

– Different pose attempt.
– Attempting via sitting on bag.
– Arnval refusing to be in focus.

I genuinely admire Japan, Japanese Anime, and how Japan embraces Anime, as is the case with Fukuoka’s Gundam. The various stores inside LaLaport, and how Japan is able to express itself with Anime externally, and on various transportation mediums. View KanColle and how people express their admiration for that in Maizuru, Tango-Yura, Yokosuka, Kure, & Sasebo. Or Azur Lane in Osaka & Yokosuka,, or how people take images of Busou Shinki in real-world settings, etc. People are more honest in Japan with their hobbies, if still stubborn here and there. Elitism, denial, etc. KanColle admirals in denial of Azur Lane’s presence, something which ends up hurting Japan and KanColle itself. If they desire to be in denial then that’s on them, it only hurts them more.

I was genuinely happy I was able to admire the brief amount of peace in Japan in 2023, and especially on this 2024 trip. The overly illuminated and lit up Gundam statues, the “being away from rude foreigner” vibes in a Canadian context. It was blissful. Trying to mentally imagine myself on a global map of how I’m in Fukuoka, idiots are in Ottawa, Canada, and I was briefly in figurative “heaven”. I was in Fukuoka, away from Ottawa idiocies. Bliss.

It’s how Anime characters tend to say: “gokuraku, gokuraku” – when bathing, or doing something overly peaceful. A heavenly experience.

– Lovely, glowing Gundam.

Lost in thought pondering if I should take the bus back after this, something I would eventually regret. I felt satisfied with what I’ve seen, even lightly exploring the areas I haven’t seen. Checking things out. Checking out the other side of the mall. Seeing various trains, buses, and other sorts of displays in the shop window, and other store-related materials. Lit up mini-park for the kids, and other amusements.


Satisfied, I ventured back to the bus stop area to make my way back to my destination, to Ohashi Station. In hindsight I should have stayed longer, especially for an upcoming Gundam performance I would regrettable miss, one I would notice on the bus back to Ohashi Station. I silently cursed to myself.

A mother sat next to me, two young daughters in front. I was basically trapped in my seat, up until Ohashi. I had to wait to get out, etc.

– Ohashi to Yakuin Station. Taking a reverse trip back to base.
– Making note of Yakuin Station I made my way out of, and even the pedestrian bridge being visible from below. I belatedly noticed I was going the wrong way, even eventually correcting my way by heading the proper way after a while.

I also briefly stopped at a nearby Konibini (7/11) for some beer and snacks. Night, and maybe morning breakfast foods. Something to eat and unwind for the rest of the night. I also noted “bad drumming” in the area making me loosely note Sapporo has better drummers than those in Fukuoka, or so was the case that night.

Blue Archive, Azur Lane, catching up on social media, charging my phone, and the usual routine.

I was also surprised by Angel Beats commercial playing on TV again, this time documenting it for blogging purposes. Similar to the TV advertisement in Sapporo’s underground tunnels. Angel Beats was an emotional show, and I felt the true Anime nostalgia through this. Japan knows how to play with your emotions; To play with your joy and sadness, as was the case with Clannad, and other hard-hitting shows.

Screenshot_20240211_132050_Blue Archive
– Having fun in Blue Archive. Amused by the dialogue of Asuka. Tease!

Even if I may have stumbled around Fukuoka throughout the day, I still had fun. I genuinely had fun, even if a few things were scuffed here and there. Eating, being awkwardly stared & pointed at by a pair of Japanese girls at an intersection, or happily making my way to Yakuin Station. I had fun riding Fukuoka’s varyingly aged train networks, riding their buses, and experiencing things in a more Japanese way. No Western foreigners, for the most part, even if that one black guy angered me a fair amount with his fake political drivel. I was happy being in my own Lego bubble, sadly awakened by political drivel to irritate me when I traveled to Japan to escape fake political discussion. I was busy admiring the Concorde Lego set, something I wish I could have purchased, built, and proudly displayed. Western mentality is corrupted and I hate it so bloody much! Anime is bliss, Lego is bliss, and Japan itself is bliss.

Being in Fukuoka, and even seeing the Gundam Statue, made me immune from other foreigner’s conversational topics about Fukuoka. I no longer have to feel agitated other Western foreigners traveled to where I have been because I have my own memories. No more indirect peer pressure nonsense. I’m now immune to other foreigners “boasting” about their trip to places I’ve been. It makes me happy I’m in Fukuoka, also especially after having digitally visited Fukuoka in VRChat’s VKet event. Visiting Fukuoka in both digital and physical is great. I have my own memories, my own experiences, and my own vibes, something I can’t allow other people to over-ride, nor gaslight me on. Being in Japan is sadly a competition to foreigners, and it’s irritating how Japan is treated more of a competition preventing people from connecting with one another. Foreigners hate other foreigners, and there’s also a good reasoning for that when other foreigners act like idiots in Japan. Or when other foreigners pretend to be in ownership of Japan becoming highly narcistic, unfollowing others who admire Japan. I’ve had my own fair share of foreigner idiocies relating to Japan with other European & American folks pretending they own Japan while unfollowing me on Twitter/X, further fake-cementing the fact they own Japan, and I’m just this alleged “idiot” to them. That ego is massive. Lame. Japan itself is awesome, and I can’t stress that fact enough. It becomes distorted, taken for granted, and lost in translation. Sure, maybe some of it is seen through rose-tinted glasses, it however was far more awesome doing my own thing. Escapism, my own travel bubble, etc, and away from Western corrupted nonsense.

It made me happy seeing no foreigners (other than that idiotic black guy) allowing me to further admire Fukuoka in a more Japanese point-of-view. Simply seeing things purely in a Japanese way, scenery, language, etc, even if certain parts of it were cheating. Konbini, translations, and such. The contrast between the black guy and the Japanese mother’s helpful apology is night and day, and I find that interesting. It makes me admire Japan more, hate Westerners more, and admire Anime all that much more. Maybe it’s unhealthy bias, but there’s also that 2017+ political corruption I’m trying to escape, one which both followed me into Japan, yet also allowed me to see Japan in a 2023 & 2024 positive experience. All those fun memories, memorable moments, and cool happy times. Fukuoka now being one of them, especially for the bus rides, train rides, goofy old Japanese guys being comical, and the Anime collaborations tied to various retail fronts. Japan is a fun place and I admire Japan for being awesome.

Japanese stores also hit differently, if similar to Canadian outlets. The way Japanese behave, it’s always the small things to admire. Certain things are the same, others are different. The fun cultural differences. The “me having my feet nearly go numb”, or “biri biri” from the constant electric static shocking. Never again! It’s a hilarious moment, just never again on the foot messages. Natural, or never.

It also pains me I haven’t documented a proper plane flying between the Gundam Statue’s legs. I managed to obtain a few, just not in the way I’ve personally observed it. It’s my own sugar-coated happy memory. Same with the Chinnok flying around LaLaport, and in front of where the Gundam Statue is, at a nearby military base. It was fun hearing, seeing, and watching the helicopter land. It’s those kinds of experiences I wish I could document. Those fun little memories, or how I felt various structures carrying that ‘Okinawa’ vibe. The palm trees, the style of the buildings, and how semi-aged various buildings were. They had that neat charm them. Rough, yet neat.

Angel Beats commerical was awesome. Made me feel those sad, nostalgic vibes. I genuinely admired Angel Beats. Hearing the music makes me sad.

Was a great first day in Fukuoka. Thanks for having me.

Thanks for viewing, hope you enjoyed the Japanese experience. I hope to see you in the next blog post!

“Gokuraku, gokuraku” – Anime Character, usually of the female variety.