Trip to Japan – Round 2 – Day 3 (2024)

– Starting out my morning at Wendy’s First Kitchen in Ueno. Might as well.

This blogpost covers the day of January 29 while in Tokyo, Japan.

On this lovely next day in Japan I woke up at 7:35 AM. A bit of a headache thanks to a hard pillow, though still all fine. My plan was to make up for lost time and opportunities during my first trip, now covered in this one. What’s my plan? To capture Kamakura’s hanging monorail (Kamakura-Enoshima Shonan Monorail), something I was surprisingly close to, yet failed to make note of during my 2023 trip.

Once readied, I made my way to Ueno’s Wendy’s First Kitchen to try out their Japanese oriented fast-food menu. I tried out their peach drink, morning breakfast burger, and hashbrown nuggets via the machine order, something to which I gained an instant surprise for. Once I set my order I was instantly greeted by a shouted – ‘Nine, Five, Four!” – for my (954) number. That was awesome! I was genuinely happy about that English number call out.

I basically went upstairs, ate my breakfast, caught up on Twitter/X, and even lost in thought. I was trying to absorb the Japanese aura of the area. Once satisfied, I gradually ventured off to where I needed to go.

Japan Trip 2024:

[Day 1] – [Day 2] –

Kamakura-Enoshima Shonan Monorail: &

Ueno to Ofuna (JY):

I simply hoped on to one line desiring to be taken straight to Ofuna, even if it would be quicker or slower. It was all the same to me. Of course, I wouldn’t mind being in Ofuna sooner than later, JR trains are however highly efficient at where they tend to go. I went with the flow. My goal was to reach the Monorail of Kamakura, hence this JY line to Ofuna. It may, or may not, take longer so I simply stuck with it.

I didn’t take many pictures, even though I genuinely desired to. I assumed it was considered “rude”, thus I kept my image count fairly low. I’ve seen neat scenery enroute, especially how the JR companies clean their JR trains, among other neat scenic views.

– Making note of various Daiso in the area. Same with what’s in the area, Station jingles, etc. For this specific Google Image capture relates to the lovely scenic river scenery. Love how the Japanese trains pass by rivers.
– Capturing a quick glance outside, even if it may be blurry. The focus is on a random sign in the leftern-most window.
– Some sort of emergency had occurred causing the train to stop in the middle of these train tracks. I wasn’t able to understand the issue, nor given the reasoning. The main status page of JR Rail failed to give me a reasoning. It was fine as far as JR Rail was concerned.
– May have made sense at the moment, yet in hindsight this is all foreign to me. Attempting to figure out as to why my train was suddenly halted at Yokohama.
– JR Rail noting everything to be ‘Normal Operation’ order. Strange.

Once the issues resolved, and we traveled further and further into the “rural-outskirts” of Tokyo I was mesmerized by how certain homes were nestled up onto the track. They genuinely crept up onto the railway line, both scary, yet artistically beautiful.

The funny thing was seeing Mount Fuji either prior, or after this Yamate stop. Seeing Mount Fuji was awesome, something which had me hyped up. Unsure if the locals eying me knew what was up. I tried to be as respectful as possible.

– Rural train ride. (Yamate)
– Failing to make note Mount Fuji I instead focused on cargo trains. Japan’s smaller cargo trains were neat.

Roughly 2 hours later we finally arrived at Ofuna. Two hours.

– Ofuna Station. Nice! Now to seek out the Kamakura-Enoshima Shonan Monorail!
– Making note of Ofuna. It’s actually fairly neat how Japan handles the stations, buildings, streets, and pedestrian ways.
– Shonan-Monorail Ofuna Station! At last! I can finally test out this monorail for myself! 🙂
– Panorama – Blurry, yet a lovely area for the monorail. Make note of how the Japanese are instructed to board the monorail. Note the floor plan.

This is why I admire Japan more than anything in Canada. Japan has order and neatness. They know of common sense (for the most part) while keeping what they travel on as well respected as possible. I was indeed the lone stupid foreigner, but that’s because I was taking pictures. I had to document stuff for my blog (what you’re reading now) so I had to sadly break a few social rules. Still respectfully.

What makes this awesome is how I have my own memories to go off now, not relying on other people’s experiences, but my own. I can now hype and praise my own experiences and adventures over other people, especially the more arrogant foreigners seeking clout. Everything Japanese is awesome, especially the transit.

(Side-Note: If anyone is wondering, yes, you can use your IC Cards on both the main JR lines and the Monorail lines. Same with the Kamakura trams, or what are considered trams.)

– Video – Trying to make note of the Monorail incoming to start it’s trip heading the other way.
– Video – Monorail trip from one stop to the next seeing it being a fun, effective, if bumpy ride from one area to the next.

I made my way to the front, if with heavy amounts of confusion. An hazy, confused mindset. I made my way to the window, a few tourists in the area as well of the Chinese or Korean variety. Once I finished observing they would take over. I eventually felt satisfied enough to the point I sat down in some overly fancy monorail-themed seats. A few locals obviously stared at me, that’s only natural.

– At last! Mount Fuji! Fuji-san! WOOOOOO!~ A view I’ve seen in a similar manner enroute to Ofuna.
– Mount Fuji hype!
– Lovely mono-railed themed seats.
– Just admiring the view.
– No significance to this picture. It’s just a late capture of something I’ve attempted to capture slightly before this image capture.
– I genuinely admire roadways like this. Lovely street views, the pedestrian bridges, and even semi-sidewalks in areas. It’s charming.
– Video – Another short clip going from one station to the next, even viewing the lovely rural roads of Kamakura. My favourite part is seeing the sea coming into view as we cross over the hill. The lovely coastline exposed. (The guy in the orange Dragon Ball sweater-vest bouncing around attempting to capture everything. Their urgency to document was that of more than mine.)
– Seeing the coastline of Kamakura gradually be revealed was magical. Was glorious. I genuinely had a smile on my face seeing the sea/ocean displaying its grand beauty to me.
– Video – One final clip heading into Shonan-Enoshima Station.

Shonan-Enoshima Station (Enoshima Arrival):

Arrived! That was a lovely, if bumpy trip. I would happily travel on this monorail again. Now to make my way through Enoshima, and into the other side of Enoshima (Fujisawa side) for some forgotten elements I’ve failed to capture in my 2023 trip. Gradually checking off a few of my bucket-list goals on this trip. Awesome!

Attempted to seek out the Enoshima station stamp, something I eventually discoevred. I also happily reunited with Mount Fuji, this time for a selfie! 😉

– Mount Fuji!
– Glorious Mount Fuji!
– Scenery perspective (river).
– Mount Fuji! 🙂
– I only look sad because I’m trying to focus. I wish I spent more time smiling.
– Now the sun was bad. I’m smiling! 🙂
– Looking back at the monorail area (capturing with as little people as possible).
– !!! (Bunny Girl Senpai Anime promotion capture!)
– Rascal Does Not Dream, known in Japan as Seishun Buta Yar? or AoButa, is a Japanese light novel series written by Hajime Kamoshida and illustrated by K?ji Mizoguchi. (Source: Wikipedia)

A bit of a weird place to position them, though I understand, it’s to allow people to see the banners properly. I failed to watch the follow up movie to this, I however watched the main series of the show with it eventually bringing me to tears. Near the climax of the first season (the hospital scene) reminded me of my time visiting my father (now passed on) in the hospital failing to hold a proper conversation with him. I only told him – “everything shall be fine” – and that’s it. He wasn’t lucid enough. He passed away a few days later. I even saw an outline of him (with my eyes closed) as I woke up. I may have felt his presence as he passed away around the 11 AM-12 PM mark. I gained a phone call from the hospital shortly after noting he passed on. I still fondly reminiscence about my father on a daily basis.

When Sakuta rushed out of the hospital like a raving madman it reminded me of how I felt internally. Sakuta behaved overtly in how I’ve felt within (inside).

I became highly hesitant in viewing the movie with how much the first season emotionally effected me when I first watched it. The anime, however, thankfully has tons of positives by constantly bringing me back to the Kamakura-Enoshima area, something I had done numerous times during my 2023 trip for the trains, the island, and other landmarks. It’s a beautiful area. Seishun Buta Yaro is indeed one of my favourite Anime, one I hold highly, also thanks to its special awesome sounding ending theme songs of the cast walking on the beach.

I’m here for the trains and the aquarium.

– A rare Enoshima Station capture of two trains going either way. A lucky capture.
– Video – I intentionally stalled out in the area attempting to capture the train passing through this crossing. Also note the monorail station nearby the Enoshima Station. It’s highly easy to miss out on during the night, as I had in 2023.

I purchased a few souviners and gifts from the Enoshima giftstore. Happy, I continued my way towards Tully’s Coffee for some food. 2 hours by train would make this a perfect time for a nice lunch break.

– Enoshima Station and gift shop.

Was unsure how to enter Tully’s Coffee shop, eventually figuring it out. I made my way to where I needed to line up ordering a few items of interests.

– Cheesecake, Royal Milk Tea, and Hot Dog Cheese. POI!~

Spent this time catching up on Twitter, sharing my experiences, to then plan out my next steps in haste. Setting my plans in motion.

– Tully’s Coffee.
– Hot Dog (cheese topics). To me, the Cheese tasted like dried gouda.

Satisfied, I cleaned up after myself and ventured out onto my next point-of-interest.

– Lovely man-hole covers. Very artistic.
– A tourist map of where to go, and how to get there.
– These Crows (or Ravens) were flying about everywhere. Capturing them on camera was a bit difficult, however amusing. This one was observing, squaking.
– A lovely day to be at Enoshima.
– Making my way to what I had initially assumed to be an “Chinese restaurant”. You know, a gimmick place. The place is actually Katase-Enoshima Station, an alternate way to reach Fujisawa Station.
– Katase-Enoshima Station.
– Hanging cat in window.
– Just capturing scenic images of the area. Documenting.
– Coming across a lovely Seishun Buta Yar? Anime-covered information center. Lovely! Came here for stamps.

I walked right in obtaining as many ink stamps as I could for my make-shift stamp book (my travel log). On my way out I also happily purchased a drink from the blue vending machine.

– All the neat stamps from the area.

– Enoshima “Fake-Drink” Moment:

Something amusing happened, after I had taken an image of my travel logbook noting what I had accomplished in Japan. It dealt with how I was attempting to capture a selfie of me drinking some honey tea drink while a Japanese guy on a street below saw me, chuckled at me. I failed to capture an image. Instead, I have to resort to AI image and two Google maps images showing where he was and where I was.

– AI Art of an attempted fake-drink image capture with a Japanese guy smiling back at me.

The guy (and a few others) were probably waiting to enter the ‘Enoshima Koya’ restaurant. He saw me, chuckled at me, or I assume he had. I glanced down to see him chuckling at me.

I’m simply noting this for blog documenting purposes, nothing negative. Not calling him out; I’m calling myself out for not hitting the shutter button. I wish I had an image of me fake-drinking a drink. I’m happy about the situation, if frustrated I never captured an image of myself drinking from the drink.

– Made my way to a nearby restroom to blow my nose. My nose was getting stuffy. I waited a bit outside of the restroom to blow my nose and chuck the used tissue into a proper area. A Japanese guy came out, livid. Stared at me briefly while rounding the corner to head out. I continued on the pathway (as seen above) to head to my next destination.
– Making note of a lovely roadway.
– An blurry Enoshima.
– Slightly better, if still blurry.
– Better! Now with a bird zooming by in the picture. Lovely.
– RIP Mount Fuji. I was lucky to capture a picture of Mount Fuji when I had, it’s now hiding.
– Making note of the beach area.
– What a gorgeous area.
– Admiring the scenic beauty of the area.
– Kites!
– A lovely pathway to the pier. No bikes, and no open flames (matches). Top: Sea fishing zone | Middle: Sagami Bay | Bottom: *Fishing is prohibited within Katase fishing port, except in the sea fishing zone. Second Sign: Anyone who cannot abide by the above prohibitions will be prohibited from entering.

You know what the best part is? I don’t have to deal with stupid idiots from Ottawa, Canada. I had my brief peace and tranquility in Japan. Soothing! Peaceful! Bliss! Thank you for giving me a slice of freedom and peace. YATTA!~

– Highly scenic. My favourite part was the clattering of the wood while walking. Soothing to the soul.
– Various sea life.
– Panorama – A lovely day at Enoshima’s fishing pier area.
– Observing this person paddling away. It was interesting to note how they were getting around.
– The images may not be sharp, it was however awesome seeing neat details off in the distance. Using my phone’s camera feature to see further away.
– Attempting to view back towards land, and hopefully towards Mount Fuji.
– Military aircraft roaming around in the area.
– Military aircraft roaming around.
– 1:27 PM at this point, and no military plane on radar. I was only able to spot an Air Peach, something which isn’t relevant here. Tokyo to Taipei. Not the flight I’m looking at.
– I might as well boat-spot while I’m in Japan. Serene beauty.
– Hey, it’s surfing Pikachu!

Gradually made my way towards the Enoshima Aquarium, as I had initially desired.

Enoshima Aquarium:

It’s finally time to visit the Enoshima Aquarium, something I had initially missed out on in my prior trip to Japan in 2023. Time to have fun seeing the lovely aquatic life in Japan.

– Watch out! These birds can steal your food!
– Shonan Coast Park.

I waited in line, paid, and was guided to the entrance. It was a short line, or at least a fast moving one. Made my way in to see all these neat displays, something which I had seen in Anime and in VRChat. It really made me happy being there. Yes, I was also in Ontario’s Wonderland when I was a kid, and that was way back in the past.

– Fish!
– Fishies!~
– I wandered back a bit to see the smaller displays at the entrance. Little jellyfish floating about. Many tiny awesome sea life to admire.

I asked for a picture here, something I would get. I possibly could have also obtained a stamp in this area, if I had asked. Unsure if I had, I however have a picture of my own to boast about. I made a ‘V’ bunny ears on the plushie which gained a laugh from the staff. I also loudly went “cheese!” to which everybody stared at me. It was awkward, if amusing. A good memory. 😉

– Happy memory making the camera girl laugh at bunny ears. I had to hold my facial expression for a lengthy while making my expression awkward. It’s still a good memory, I’m happy. 😉
– Fishy fishy!~
– Stingray! Stingray! Lovely stingray! I finally seen a stingray wooooo!~
– There were some very deep sections to these tanks. I would eventually find out this was one giant tank with multi-level floors going around it.
– Eel.
– Stingray having its fun.
– Stingray being highly comical. Seeing its under section.
– This one tank having multiple vantage (viewing) points.
– School of fish.
– Highly comical starfish stuck to the glass.
– Video: A Stingray swimming above us allowing myself to capture a video of it swimming by. A lovely memory.
– A hiding Octupus.
– Japanese Spider Crab.
– Shark!

Once I’ve seen the majority of the main tank, it was time to visit the tiny ones. The tiny tanks containing smaller sea-life in more specialized exhibits.

– Special deep-sea crabs.
– Overly sensitive sea-life requiring special red lighting to show visitors.
– Other types of jellyfish.
– A hiding fish. A very introverted fish.
– Lovely Zebra sharks!
– Pufferfish.
– Still in the Enoshima Aquarium, just visiting various other areas. Viewing Enoshima Island from this area.
– Penguins!
– They were highly curious to the point they would swim up to us, including me. Maybe solely me until I left and other people took my spot.
– A stuck Sea Turtle desiring to be free.
– I finally get to see a Capybara! It’s sleeping.
20240129_145243 (1)
– More Sea Turtles.

I’ve seen just as much as I was able to see. I even saw the special Jelly Fish show in the “jellyfish room”, something I also failed to capture an image in. I wish I had. It was a magical and special show. I visited high and low, and even accidentally nearly entering kid exhibits. It’s all to be in the know. I even saw Sea Otters, something I was unable to take pictures of.

– This reminded me of the time I was on Enoshima Island going through the tunnel of light, also wishing I had a girlfriend to share the moment with.
– Kon! Kon!~

Went through the gift shop seeing nothing of actual interest. Yes, I’ve noticed neat stuff, just nothing worthwhile I could lug back to Canada. No stamps.

With that, I exited the Enoshima Aquarium to explore more of the ‘Fujisawa’ side of the area. Was highly curious to visit the park and the tsunami tower area.

– R.I.P! This Denny’s appeared to have suffered it’s closure.
– Looking back at the aquarium before leaving the area.
– I admire Japan for these pedestrian bridges.
– Making note of another artistic manhole cover.
– Passing a Scooter parking area, something I failed to capture an image of. Having scooter parking areas next to parks is awesome, something I wish we could safely have in Ottawa, Canada (or Canada in general).
– All the blowing sand in the area. May have either been gradual, or from a storm. Maybe both.
– Sand and bird tracks.
– Further away seeing a new angle of Enoshima Island.
– Bird.
– Bird and footprints.
– Now, that’s a lot of sand. If I could, and if allowed, I would have used various types of brooms to push this back. My OCD wishes I was allowed to use a broom, shovel, etc to help out while being paid. Rules are rules, and I must stay a tourist. This area must experience heavy winds.
– Various trucks taking away small amounts of sand away from the beach to another area. Not fully loaded, only partially loaded. Roughly 5-15% full.
– I intentionally went left (into this resting area) to not be flagged by the volunteer guy. I observed, curious as to why they were doing what they were doing. I drank a bit of my water, took more pictures timing my break with the trucks passing by.

A random note:

I also recall a foreign female presence (White girl/women) relaxing in the area doing her own thing. Just one white female foreigner, if at all. I have no issues with white girls if they’re respectful, only if they’re actually vile, as they tend to be in YouTube videos relating to Japan and anything else. They know how to bait, seduce, and lie to their viewers on Youtubers. Onlyfans is another thing, or false-teach to their students in Japan, among other issues. Not all, though that’s the impression the bad white girls have spread online. As I said, this is a random side-note, and should be viewed as a random side-note.

Thanks to numerous bad experiences by white girls (and girls in general) I simply view white women as horrible people, favouring Asian girls for their kinder, sweater, and common-sense approach. I’m not naïve about it, I however prefer Asian girls over white girls now after constantly being viewed as a “rapist”, “low-value” male individual by white girls. They’re always afraid of me, or view things in overly paranoid mannerisms. Asian girls have treated me as humans, and I desire their kindness, if I’m allowed their kindness. Honesty is your best policy, and I’ll pay back kindness and with kindness and respect. If I’m viewed as a rapist by morally corrupted women then I simply desire nothing of them, hence why Japan also has “herbivore males”, as Western nation has them. If they desire to be stupid then that clearly is a “them” problem they themselves need to sort out with their “everybody is a rapist” mentality. I sadly fall under that umbrella of their own fear and paranoia of the world. Shame.

I also had to deal with overly arrogant Canadian white women pretending they knew everything, even hobby settings and outside of it, making me hate women in general. I wish they were as normal as girls in the 1990’s were, or those in romance anime which hold natural and traditional values, ones normal people and guys seek.

If women were women (if they behaved normally) we wouldn’t be having these stupid issues of seeking significant others in this era. At least Japan is trying via rental girlfriends, and with Westerners visiting other non-Western nations for their love-life. It’s why I tend to see a noticably large number of white guys with Asian female partners as girlfriends and wives. Canadian, American, and European girls/women irritated me far too much with how eager they are to betray or be false/plastic about everything.

– Nearing a statue while on top of a tsunami safety tower.
– Viewing the beach piles, the beach, and admiring the beauty of the area.
– Central parts of the park containing tennis courts.
– Panorama – Panorama view from the tsunami tower.
– Various tennis courts to be seen in the area, plus residential areas.
– Peace Statue.

I’ve noticed a few odd people coming and going from this area, keeping an eye on them. They may have been locals, probably those simply bored of life, or similar. Who knows. I recall keeping watch on a few folks out of curiousity. Maybe it wasn’t even “nefarious”. Maybe it was actual local behaviour.

– Various equipment being used to tend to the beach. An intentional “artistic” photograph centering Enoshima Island and the equipment.
– Panorama – Happily taking a panorama of the lookout I was in previous, this time with the guy in red photo-bombing my panorama.
– Making note of an island off in the distance. (Uba Island)
– A lovely beach clock to make note of at 3:30, or 15:30.
– Walking back towards the massive sandy beach pile.
– Making note of a vessel off in the distance.

While making my way from the beach I had someone walk around me, even as if I was a bit of a nuisance to them, or something. It’s hard to word. I may have been “too slow” for them, or something. Either way, I finished what I desired, eventually making my way back onto the main roadway to visit the pedestrian round-about.

As I was heading up onto the pedestrian bridge round-about I heard a holler, something I looked back on wondering if it was about me. I was loosely behind, and around a pair of girls wondering what they were trying to do. I was trying to go around them. They were doing their own weird thing.

– The view is lovely from up here.
– A lovely view of the roadway. So much nicer than a Canadian roadway. Japan could compete with European roads in style.
– Another lovely emblem to make note of.

Made my way to the aquarium’s park to charge my phone using my external battery pack to charge my phone. It wasn’t the best, it however allowed my phone to stay alive for much longer. I was cursing, even considering purchasing a wireless battery pack for my phone.

– I managed to spot Mount Fuji those few times earlier in the morning. Ever since afternoon had hit Mount Fuji began seeing gradually more cloud cover throughout the day. Depressing, yet still scenic.
– Passing by a mini-harbour area where a boat was being readied to be torn up (or at least worked on). A lovely sunset viewing of Enoshima Island.
– It’s almost time to leave this area.
Panorama – 2-chome-20 Katasekaigan area. Viewing the sunset while admiring the area.
– This is genuinely such a gorgeous area.
– Another military plane roaming around.

Made my way to a nearby Konbini (7/11) for some food. I purchased some quick food to eat at a nearby park. I desired to eat outdoors, not indoors. I passed by Katase-Enoshima Station while crossing over Benten Bridge, and towards the lower portion of ‘Scenic beauty and historical site Enoshima Monument’. I desired to be far away and in a more obscure area away from “over-tourism” tourists hijacking and destroying every part of Enoshima area. I eventually discovered a somewhat decent secluded area away from the pesky tourists, one allowing me to capture both Enoshima Island and the sunset. I was both happy and agitated at the same time. I was happy about food.

– My happy secluded area, one I was hoping to capture Mount Fuji behind the cloud cover.
– I was also attempting to constantly charge my phone using my wired external battery back.
– The guy in white, to me, comes off as an “Try-hard Hipster” with his DSLR camera. Just enjoy Japan.
– From a clear sky, to a regionalized area of cloudy area obscuring Mount Fuji in the process.
– A lovely boat passing by.
– A blurry sunset, yet still a lovable one.
– Less blurry, yet still beautiful.

I was genuinely frustrated to the point I was seeking out a place to purchase a wireless external battery pack. Any kind. I know they exist, and I’m well aware they work because my roommate purchased a solar-panel wireless charger for general purposes. I’m well aware they exist. With that in mind, I sought out something in Akihabara, or near Tokyo Station, relating to Anker, or any electronic stores. I didn’t know where to look, I however made it my mission to purchase anything wireless related.

– I needed a selfie, and a selfie is what I obtained. A lovely Enoshima sunset. 😉
– Quickly capturing some bridge lights, to the potential annoyance to the guy in blue further ahead.
– Hanging around Katase-Enoshima to see it light up, as I had initially seen it in my 2023 trip.
– Thai Style Tea. Lovely art.
– Contrary to what was shown via Anime, Katase-Enoshima no longer handles tourist-related green & blue “trams” of the old fashioned type. Only standard JR Trains here, no special touristy trains.
– A zoomed in version of the trains within, and some confused Koreans or Chinese folks. You tell me who they are.
– Camera sees things in finer detail than what the human eye can see. Lighting conditions are darker while the camera sees it as lighter.
– Kon! Kon!~
– A mini-Konbini for your convenience. This area contains three, with more in other areas. Scary, yet handy.
– This is as dark as I’m going to capture it. I won’t wait longer. My phone was about to die, and I had to head straight to Tokyo as soon-as-possible. Off to Fujisawa I go!
– Viewing back to the aquarium advertisement and the ticket gate.
– Incoming train.
– Waiting for my next train at Fujisawa.
– Had to confirm I was on the right path, and I was.
– Yup, I was a Fujisawa, now heading back to Tokyo.
– Off we go! Fujisawa -> Tokyo Station.
– I was seeking this, or anything similar relating to this. I don’t care if it clips on or not, I needed a wireless power bank!
– Seeking out various Anker Stores in Tokyo.
– Blue Archive’s Hina at Tokyo Station!
– Blue Archive – Wakamo advertisement!
– Blurry Tokyo Station exit.
– Classy, and elegant.

Was a bit difficult, I however eventually stumbled my way towards the Anker store. I read every signage, guidance, and everything leading me towards the Anker store in the basement. I showed the clerk what I desired, it was sold out. The Anker store clerk then noted how it wouldn’t work on my phone because it can’t clip on, and all that. That’s fine, I simply desire to charge. I made that known, yet they insisted on the thought I desired the charger to clip on. It doesn’t have to clip, or stick, or magnetize. I simply desire to wirelessly charge my phone!

Wirelessly. Charge. Phone…… I thanked the helpful guy for going above and beyond, sadly having to go to Akihabara next for my next round of loot. Before that, I had to go around to the other side of Tokyo Station for some forgotten images. You know, more bucket list goals to check off. This next walk would be a bit painful seeing as how I would have to walk fully around the station.

– Yes, I walked fully around one side of Tokyo Station to reach the very front of the touristy side of the station. Lovely!
– Panorama – Tokyo Station at night.
– Mini-Panorama.
– Mini-Panorama.
– Making my way back into Tokyo Station to head for Akihabara for some extra items.
– Alice Gear Aegis collaboration at a PicoCrepe place. I haven’t tried it, only pictures. I was in a rush.
– Frustrated, I went into the general direction of the Yodobashi-Akiba mall area to obtain any wireless battery packs. I don’t care which, just “something”.
– Considered, on numerous occasions, of purchasing the Rog Rally, among other similar devices.

After many minutes of searching, and asking, and searching I eventually stumbled across a wireless charger. Maybe 1 hour after the fact, I however found one.

I went from one row, then the next, and was even assisted via Twitter/X to visit this store for potential wireless gadgets. I asked for help twice, both times not gaining any real answers. Everybody assumed I desired a snap-on gimmick for my wireless charger, something I was fine not having. I simply desired “A” wireless charger. Singular, one. A singular wireless charger I could simply charge my android smartphone. Simple!

In hindsight I should have bought one from the get-go prior to heading to Japan. It’s my fault.

– Gindaco Collaboration with Oshi no Ko. I genuinely should have tried these. I hate myself for not trying.

I eventually wandered into a McDonalds in hopes of purchasing a Godzilla special. I failed, instead obtaining everything else I normally wouldn’t find in Ottawa. Shockingly, these staff in Akihabara failed to speak English. I was unsure of my number constantly having to ask.

– Fries, various burgers, etc. I planned to have taken it hotel, or eat at a park, both weren’t an option.
– Fries, Spicy McChicken, McNuggets, and whatever burger I obtained.
– Burger time in a random run-down alleyway. Seat was wet (something I discovered after the fact), and the lights were dim, and it was ghetto.
– My McDonalds Meal. I came for Godzilla burger, I left with something else. I hate myself. Don’t get me wrong, it was good. I screwed up so many times.

I threw out my trash in a nearby Konbini. The McDonalds failed to have a trash bin.

– 3rd Anniversary of Blue Archive.
– Blue Archive 3rd Anniversary in Akihabara.
– Off to Ueno and my hotel I go. That interesting yellow and green glow.

I desired to cheer thanks to something special happening for finding the proper exit, first try. I had this strong desire to let out a loud celebratory cheer. YATTA!~ (Right gate; Exit gate).

– Making my way across the pedestrian bridge to my hotel while capturing Ueno & trains in the area.
– I was forced to purchase a generic ‘Aukey’ Sprint Wireless Series 10000 mAH device. I needed “something”, this was my “something”. It works for a full day charge and use. I have to charge it exactly each night for it to be of full use, otherwise everything is all panic. It would die halfway during the day prematurely if I was to do something overly active for image, video, and blogging purposes.
– The fridge was too cold it froze my milk tea. I attempted to defrost it to find it failed to defrost properly. Spoiler alert: I simply chucked it upon leaving the hotel. RIP.

I have to say this was a highly rewarding day. Sure, I stumbled and failed to purchase certain snacks when I had the opportunity to, I however was rewarded elsewhere. I had fun going to Kamakura via monorail, exploring the coastline of Katase Beach, and even the aquarium. It was all genuinely rewarding and fun. Sure, it could have been better with a significant other (of the female kind), I however have to make due with me being solo. I have to make the most of it on my own, and I had. Everything is a learning experience. I captured trains, scenery, creatures, sea life, birds, food, sunsets, stations, and everything else. I had fun. I even have a selfie from Enoshima Aquarium to have fun with. Awesome!

Sure, I failed to eat McDonald’s Godzilla burger, something I had craved and desired, but that’s on me. I can pretend I ate Godzilla burger by pretending the green-wrapped burger was it. Maybe it was. I’ll pretend it was. I need to lie to myself so I don’t end up venting on Twitter/X, though I may end up doing that regardless.

All my memories are my own, no longer needing YouTube J-Vloggers and other people to assume what is and isn’t in Japan. I can simply follow the Japanese on their experiences in Japan to see the real side of Japan. I’m also happy I avoided “over-tourism”, for the most part, in various parts of my trips.

More stuff happily and proudly crossed off from my Japan bucket list and life goals. I’m proud. Thank you for having me in Japan.