#AzurLane – The Various Flaws of Azur Lane

– Azur Lane’s various S.O.S warnings calling out for help.

As much as people know me for hyping up, praising, and religiously playing Azur Lane, I also do actively make note of the various, numerous flaws within. I may be more forgiving, as I was with KanColle when I’ve actively played it, though there are times where you simply have to call things out, to the dismay of both your own enjoyment of Azur Lane, and to those who find the game interesting. I’ve been equally critical of both KanColle and Azur Lane, yet sadly the Japanese people of the KanColle camp may only see me being critical against their KanColle game, not Azur Lane. I attempt to be critical of both, and I’ll show you what I’ve been holding onto for these past few years. After having been betrayed by Nagato META’s awkwardly announced “revision” I felt overly betrayed and belittled. I had to make note of Azur Lane’s various flaws in hopes they would eventually be made more aware, mended, or treated with more respect.

Like with anybody else, everybody has their breaking point. I have my own, and same with Japanese KanColle players with their own games, as noted with mass-migrations to Uma Musume, Azur Lane, and other mediums. Or maybe even entirely different hobbies and games all together. I’m still going to play Azur Lane, I however still have to note flaws when I see them. I’m not going to cover my eyes and pretend everything is sunshine and rainbows.

I’m still going to keep playing Azur Lane, if with a few grudges and annoyances being carried through the playthroughs. Similar to how one acquires debri attached to a ship’s haul while sailing, as shall I while playing Azur Lane. It’s up to Yostar/Manjuu to decide if players shall gain their occasional “rinse” to further motivate them in playing their own products for a prolonged period of time. The more you berate, betray, and pretend to be hospitable causes more people to jump ship onto other mediums. The more I’m betrayed, the more likely I am in deciding to bail on these games. Only so many hours in a day, and time speeds up the more you age in life. More obligations, more things to do, and less time to deal with nonsense and unprofessionalism. I’m not going to bail on Azur Lane, just noting for Yostar/Manjuu not to take things for granted. Don’t pretend everything is always fine and dandy at every hour of the day. Make smart, proper, sound, and professional decisions.

The ‘Aquila’ Revision:

– RN Aquila – Original Version with breast curtains
– RN Aquila – Version 2, with a covered top.

This problem is simple, if frustrating. You’re promised one thing, provided another. Basically a frustrating “bait-and-switch” nonsense. You’re advertised in having a tastefully teaseful Aquila with breast curtains one moment, sadly revised into a more covered-top in the next. The issue is easy to solve, if annoyingly caused. Simply provide a toggle feature to toggle between breast curtains and a covered top.

To be clear, and for the record, I’m fine with both versions. I’m however annoyed at the “bait-and-switch” tactics from Manjuu/Yostar. They behave all sloppy and unprofessional releasing one version, hastily releasing a revised version muddying the waters turning everything into an unprofessional mess. You know what they say – “Haste makes waste” – with more caution and care needing to be placed in announcing these shipgirl releases. They need to double, triple, and quadruple check these prior to announcing these. Community managers need to be far more cautious in what they release to the public.

Sadly, another stigma appears in shaming, gaslighting, voiding, and berating people who admire Aquila with breast curtains over a properly covered top. God forbid people admire a tasteful tease of the feminine form.

“Dear gods I am so glad we didn’t get that awful version of Aquila with no actual top on. Those “breast curtains” are degrading and have no place in the game; it’s a horrible shame some girls have them. No self respecting woman would want to dress like that.” – Hiroshi Mishima.

This comment comes off as highly baffling, on numerous levels.

  • You’re on an Azur Lane Discord server making this comment making it feel highly out of place. Feels like an imposter pretending to play Azur Lane. This isn’t a Minecraft Christian server, this is Azur Lane, a game based on Japan’s Kantai Collection. A throw-away game made to stay for a longer period of time.
  • You’re playing an Azur Lane game where shipgirls are both warships, and are attracted to the Commander. Similar case for KanColle, if highly toned down, if still present via dialogue lines.
  • Japanese female artists and creatores desire their teaseful desires, hence the numerous Hentai, doujinshi, and overly lewd character designs out-lewding male conceptual designs. View Fate/Grand Order female characters, Neptunia characters, Bayonetta, and etc. Every female character on the Anime/Hentai front is equally desired by an female (Japanese & foreigner) to the point they can express themselves. They have to stay moderate for appearance, yet actively desire to be openly sexy, attractive, and their true selves.
  • Just because the minority of people dislike a genuine clothing attire it doesn’t automatically equate it as it’s a bad thing. As noted, females desire to be feminine, they’re however sadly openly shunned by society to be suicidal, masculine, or violated in overly horrific ways.
  • Hiroshi Mishima’s comment comes off as an imposter, a similar one to the “how do you do, fellow kids” meme. [Source to: “How do you do, fellow kids.”]

Any gaslighting attempts, similar to what Hiroshima Mishima is just that, a voiding tactic. Reality doesn’t match up with people’s fiction, as both sourced and expressed by numerous female artists and creators creating overly suggestive female characters. The same female creators desiring to be as expressive as their lewd female Anime characters of 2D & 3D variations. People with a similar mindset to Hiroshima Mishima are clearly on the wrong server, and what they have said simply further downgrades Azur Lane into an unplayable state, or less likely to be desired. Females (Japanese, in this point of view) desire to be overly attractive, especially in regards to attracting their fellow man. It’s biology, and it shouldn’t be shamed. They desire to be overly attractive, beautiful, and highly pleasing, similar to how a Peacock would display their feathers to the opposite gender. They need to be, it’s biology. It’s how society reproduces and lives on. Denying this, especially denying Aquila’s teaseful breast curtains flies in the face of human reproduction and visual pleasures. Prude.

Solution: Simple! Toggle feature.

Being a Scrooge with Apologems:

This one is simple, and fairly noticeable. During the early days of Azur Lane players would receive more frequent gems to spend on whatever desired. Every maintenances, every celebration, and every occasion would provide red gems. The quantity of gems would also be highly rewarding, of a higher quantity than what players receive currently.

Azur Lane may be facing various financial issues, or may simply be far more greedy than initially presumed. Compared to Blue Archive, a totally different game (under Yostar banner), providing larger quantities of Pyroxene to their players than Azur Lane does to their own players. Blue Archive is known for throwing Pyroxene (their blue gems) like cash out of a money bag. Meanwhile, Azur Lane only does so sparingly on overly rare occasions. The two games are indeed different, though the method of attraction is far different, and highly noticeable. Once charitable, now more stingy.

Granted, they do supply more coins and fuel/oil to have more fun in the game. I’m not against that. They do provide more research documents for your priority research shipgirls, and that’s fine. Any negative comments I had about this, especially on Twitter/X, can be voided. But only that, nothing else. Every week you’re provided a free supply of oil allowing you to sortie more often into combat.

Solution: Be more respectful of your community. Do not bribe, or take things for granted.

Pola and Zara Likeness (Resolved):

– RN Pola
– RN Zara

During their initial announcement, release, and eventual addition to my fleet I was overly disappointed how similar their likeness was. They appeared highly similar, if with a different hair colour, causing me to confuse the two as copy-and-paste shipgirls. I viewed it as laziness, especially during a time a friend viewed Azur Lane girls as entities being churned out at an overly rapid rate. Rapid fire release. I was highly disappointed to the point I vented on Azur Lane Discord’s group, and even in a customer service e-mail, both respectfully acknowledge.

I eventually accepted both their appearances. I let the matter go, even noting how I was eventually satisfied with the design the more I allowed it to sink in. They’re also sisters, and their slight varying differences eventually stood out. I eventually saw their unique characteristics on their own merit.

At the time, I highly preferred the far more regal-appearing Pola and Zara, especially with how influential Zara (from KanColle) was in my fleet as an aircraft-carrying Italian shipgirl, something Azur Lane’s Pola and Zara have yet to earn. They have yet to earn their in-game prestige, as the highly more precious Zara (KanColle) had done for me. I have far more precious memories with Zara Due from KanColle than I do with Pola & Zara from Azur Lane combined.

– KanColle’s version of Zara. Zara, Zara Kai, and Zara Due.
– For Example: KMS Koln with her ASW-Helicopter (Flettner Fl 282 Kolibri) for anti-submarine warfare.

Yes, this may indeed be a more personal, and trivial issue, and that may be true. I’m however noting more shipgirls need more of that specialized prestige feeling, as Zara Due (KanColle) was for me, or how Koln is with her ASW-Helicopter only needs.

Solution: Attempt to make shipgirls standout on their own merit, as had been attempted with Koln. Provide more seaplanes, more memorable moments, and more unique avenues to connect with various shipgirls during a sortie. Randomly generated maps to provide a higher degree of replayability, on similar notion of Operation Siren and ASW S.O.S feature.

Azur Lane’s Submarine S.O.S Feature & Submarines Overall:

– Submarine Fleet – Support role only.
– Submarine support in combat: Red upper rectangle is their active patrol & support range, and the red square on the right is their tactics. You can actively reposition them to another location via fuel costs.

Azur Lane (Manjuu/Yostar) has a serious submarine issue. They’ve tried making them worthwhile, they’re however struggling with implementing any worthwhile lasting feature. The currently active submarine feature, as noted in the above image, is one of a support fleet joining your own in a passive, or two supporting role (active, and in combat) providing support in both the map field, or in an actual fleet battle. They can be moved, ordered various basic commands, or even told to simply be passive (inactive).

>Placeholder for S.O.S Recon Support Mission<

S.O.S Recon Support:
They’ve attempted in implementing an S.OS Recon support, one which utilizes ASW equipment, though can’t currently find it for blogging documentation purposes. One would obtain randomized help signals on a map requiring an ASW equipped fleet to clear out the map to obtain various ASW & torpedo related drops. It was horribly implemented to the point even developers were openly seen (on livestream) not partaking in the very feature they themselves have implemented. An icon noting 5-8 daily tries with a cool down to obtain more attempts at a later time.

>Placeholder image of submarine roaming a mine-field infested area<

Supply Line Disruption:
A tiered leveling attempt at obtaining progressively better equipment and gear the higher the difficulty becomes. One requires to select, equip, and sortie their submarines of choice into a waters infested with minefields, Sirens, and an eventual boss at the end. One must think tactically, reserving torpedoes and specials for the correct moment and time. Once cleared, one can sweep the map.

– Azur Lane – Supply Line Disruption (4 times per week; Previously, 2 times a week).

The biggest gripe, something KanColle manages to handle better, is how one is able to sortie submarines into combat, while Azur Lane can’t. Submarines have been a thorn in Manjuu/Yostar’s backside/stern, and it shows. They genuinely do not know how to handle submarines, hence why they’re the weakest link. They indeed behave like support, though they also need their moments in the front-lines. They should be allowed to sortie, in a similar fashion to ‘Supply Line Disruption’ daily (weekly) missions in a similar manner as their KanColle counterparts. Have their torpedo and deck gun moments, maybe even accompanied by repair & munitions shipgirls (Kashino, Princess Hime, Ritsuko Akizuki, Ting An; Akashi & Vestal), and you’re set.

If only Manjuu/Yostar invested in a submarine specific sortie map, or provides extra alternatives to sortie submarine shipgirls (as one would in KanColle), the submarine shipgirls would have far more personal prestige than they currently do. More up-close and personal moments would be highly desired, and even preferred.

Submarine shall always be a thorn in Manjuu/Yostar’s backside. Even those presenting on livestreams were noted in not partaking in their own submarine features.

Solution: Make submarine sorties more personal during sorties. More up-close and personal. Even attach them to Repair & Munition-class shipgirls for their sorties. Provide alternatives in currently crafted maps for submarines (multi-fleets; Wolf-packs) to clear out maps with alternate results. Provide Submarine-specific randomized maps.

The ‘Kashino Incident’ -The Anime Tourist & Prude’s Tantrums:
(Covered in Blog post: https://arcticukitsu.com/Blog/?p=7656 )

(This one isn’t necessarily Yostar/Manjuu’s fault, more of the type of people attempting to sabotage Azur Lane at every step of the way. The same people I have to occassionally interact with in the Azur Lane Discord, and especially of the moderator variety. People forgetting what type of game Azur Lane is, and what themes it is going for. Political activists, politically charged Liberals, social justice warriors, imposters, and immoral gatekeepers disrupting the natural order of the world.)

– Azur Lane – Kashino’s outfit causing people to lose their sanity. Anime tourist (those who do not play Azur Lane) whined, moaned, and complained about Kashino’s overly enlarged breasts, ones which females do tend to have. Females even came out noting they have large breasts, or even desire to admire them. This is more of an intellectual retardation problem amongst people viewing everything as a threat, including Kashino’s over-sized breasts, which naturally spawns in reality, yet is shamed because everything in the world is viewed as a sin to people who are politically charged.
– As my point stated: No normal individual would be upset about Kashino, nor do normal people use the word ‘CIS’, nor ‘Incel’. Normal minded individuals admires a proper feminine body, even if it’s of the Kashino variety. Intellectual dishonesty is encouraged on Twitter/X, hence the false opinions noted by Chanisa, and others. It’s always the political activists whining, moaning, and tantruming about every little thing in life.
– Exactly! God forbid girls/women/females born with these types of breasts (grow into them) actually exist, which they do. They exist, and they roam this Earth. These mindless activists don’t even play the game, nor do they care. They only desire to destroy everything they touch. Destruction of property. Intellectual retardation. They enjoy being retarded, and they hate being told they’re genuinely retarded over their constant whining, bitching, and moaning. Kashino exists for a reason, and it’s for the real people in the world, not some tourist pretending to care.
– Video – Shylily noting how females are also into Kashino’s gigantic fanservice. Females are just as horny for female assets as any normal or horny guy.

Solution: Solved by Manjuu/YoStar. Simply keep being honest, seeing as how “honesty is your best policy” they were rewarded by other people’s intellectual retardation. Just keep doing things properly, and honestly without cutting any corners and you’ll be rewarded for your genuine honesty. Also, people who have complained about Kashino’s fanservice have ousted themselves as being poorly raised and parented, and are of no value to this general society on the planet. They are intellectually retarded, through-and-through. Kashino has done nothing wrong, and the mental retardation of these politically charged Anime tourists has simply helped boost Azur Lane’s popularity further.

Azur Lane’s Fear of Tattoos:

– Note Giuseppe Garbaldi’s chest. She has a tattoo on her breast, just not in game.

Azur Lane has this strange fear of tattoos, even if various shipgirls had initially obtained their tattoos in prior advertisments. Ulrich had hers in a promotional video, one of which was eventually removed from her in-game character. A similar case with Giuseppe Garibaldi from the Italian faction of Azur Lane. No reasonings were given as to why, nor are the developers actively encouraging artists from doing so.

A wasted potential has been created by various alleged fears, paranoia, and phobias. There are however solutions to still have them, if still having them hidden from view.

– Ulrich’s PV showcasing Ulrich has a back tattoo. (PV Source – Tower of Transcendence Event). Have a look for yourself.

It didn’t stop my favourite artist, Cirilla, from drawing Ulrich and Garibaldi from having tattoos. They should be encouraged to do so, regardless of it allegedly offending Japanese, or not. The normal Japanese mindset is that if you admire something you should be free to admire it, just as long as it isn’t political, disruptive, or criminal in any way. They are accepting of foreigner’s hobbies, if to a degree, and shunning tattoos is a weird way of going about things. You’re not in an onsen (hotspring/bath) making it more agreeable to allow tattoos in Azur Lane.

– Ulrich from Azur Lane’s Iron Blood faction (Taken from ZeroChan).
– Giuseppe Garibaldi (Azur Lane) – (Pixiv Source)
– What I found overly strange is how Baltimore’s ‘Black Ace’ contains tattoos, while Ulrich & Garbaldi doesn’t. Baffling. Return the tattoos!

Genuinely baffling decisions. I’m happy, if slightly relieved, Baltimore has her tattoos making this whole tattoo situation all the more weird.

On a side-Note:

– I was genuinely surprised by how an overly prudish, and arrogance-boasting game called ‘Victory Belles’ gave Soryu her dragon tattoos on her back. For an overly prudish, restrictive, and gatekeeping community, they’ve done more on the tattoo front than Azur Lane has on their own front.

I have to give respect where its due, and I’m giving Victory Belles the medal of respect for diving into the whole tattoo department with Soryu. They’ve actually applied tattoos without fear, something Ulrich and Garbaldi had to forcefully have removed. I recently found out Baltimore’s ‘Black Ace’ has tattoos, and I’ll keep that in mind. Cherish her more for that respectful sentiment.

Solution: Have tattoos hidden by default only being visible activating and shown via toggle/filter. A button or two presses later and you can showcase tattoos on characters, especially in AR mode. Provide more outfits on the level of Baltimore, but on appropriate levels of expression.

The “Saratoga & Warspite” issue – Generation 1 Artistic Rushing:

– USS Saratoga.
– HMS Warspite

It’s no secret Azur Lane was initially geared to be a throw-away game, hence why the character designs appear the way they do. Artists have been quoted in being less motivated in creating actually proper shipgirls, even hellbent on actively sabotaging Azur Lane in their attempt. Manjuu have also been noted in creating the game in a highly hasty manner expecting the game to a short-lived experience, something ‘Blue Oath’, and ‘Warship Girls R’ had eventually experienced. Azur Lane, surprisingly, being the longer-lasting shipgirl navy game, one which even overtook Kantai Collection’s niche void thanks to KanColle’s ongoing fear of expanding into a fun medium. Azur Lane came, shocked at their success, now stuck with somewhat mediocre designs from their first generation shipgirls.

The few shipgirls I have issues with being Saratoga, and even Warspite. They do not match their KanColle counterparts, nor do they command proper pride and respect even in their own Azur Lane universe. I’m sure Azur Lane loyalists may note otherwise, the truth however needs to be eventually told how Saratoga needs a major revamp. Same with Warspite. Yes, I do admire Saratoga in certain appearances (image below), she however eventually needs to catch up with the rest of the Azur Lane universe and game. She needs a proper make-over. As for Warspite? I’ll admite her exposed string panties, and her attempt at being an older warship shipgirl. She was briefly a PVP Champion, sadly losing any personal prestige for other shipgirl’s favouritism. Azur Lane’s Warspite however missed out on the actual regal nature, one which KanColle’s Warspite commands.

– KanColle’s Saratoga on the left, Azur Lane’s Saratoga on the right.

Azur Lane’s Saratoga makes me want to emotionally cry. I’m sure there are Azur Lane Commanders who admire Saratoga through-and-through, more respect to them. She however needs a KanColle-like appearance, something which Bismarck achieved. They can admire Azur Lane’s Saratoga all they want, I’m however left dejected and disappointed at how the artist failed to capture the actual elegance and beauty of Saratoga, one which was captured strongly on the KanColle side of things just because of how Azur Lane was initially perceived as a throw-away game. Active sabotage, and all that fun stuff.

It genuinely pains me to see Azur Lane’s Saratoga be so poorly drawn, especially knowing how Azur Lane was initially handled prior to its current state of gaming.

– USS Saratoga: “…Excuse me, why won’t you look at me?! My script says I’m the attractive dancer!”

It’s your art style. No care or attention (maybe a little care) was placed on your design, especially when artists were quoted in saying they didn’t expect to see Azur Lane live for 1 year, let alone 6-7+ years for bothEN and JP anniversary. I was highly frustrated when Saratoga had the nerve to pretend to be this overly beautiful shipgirl when her art did not match her beauty.

I’ll admit Yostar & Manjuu both attempted to beautify Saratoga, and I’ll give them that. She however won’t be as majestic as KanColle’s Saratoga. Not even close. She is also level 120 in my fleet, she is however only allowed to sortie with her Hibiscus outfit only.

– The only way I can admire Saratoga is through her cute, and charming ‘Hibiscus-scented Idol’ outfit. It actually brings out her proper charms and cuteness. Her other outfits come off as boring, and uninspiring to me. Also, thanks to my bias towards KanColle’s version of USS Saratoga.

One of the few times USS Saratoga (Azur Lane) actually comes off as cute (as in above outfit) is also her two scenes in a recent event relating to her, and USS Lexington’s state of health. People need her in the real world.

– Saratoga stuck in a dream world-wide pandemic desiring to stay with USS Lexington, not facing her actual real-world reality. She desired to be delusional, hiding from the true facts of the world.
– Saratoga forced, by her sister, to wake up and face reality. People need her.
– USS Saratoga & USS Iowa from an anniversary music video. Note the attempt at making Saratoga appear cuter. The attempt is noteworthy, hence why I’m praising it.
– USS Saratoga & USS Iowa from an anniversary music video. Saratoga appearing far cuter.

I can accept Saratoga in the above updated modernized appearance, similar to how I eventually admired Shouhou’s updated appearance in KanColle.

– KanColle – Shouhou. She was neat in her first form, eventually becoming far cuter, more adorable, and more elegant in her updated form. I’ve always sortied Shouhou Kai whenever I had the chance, even if she was prone to being actively sabotaged by stoke-inducing bad RNG mechanisms in the game.

When Shouhou (KC) is compared to Shouhou (AL), I do favour her KanColle (Kai) form over her Azur Lane form. Granted, I do admire Shouhou’s retrofit more than her original, which is also the case in KanColle’s case. Shouhou needs more beautifying outfits to bring out her proper charms. Not fake “cuteness” (what Azur Lane’s Saratoga suffers from), but actual proper beauty and charms, as displayed by Shouhou Kai from KanColle..

– Azur Lane – Shouhou & Shouhou Retrofit.
– KanColle’s Warspite on the left, and Azur Lane’s Warspite on the right.

They may appear loosely similar, I however still strongly prefer and desire KanColle’s softer, more regal approach our old Queen, a ship(girl) who refused to perish. A Warspite who refused to be scrapped, fighting tooth and nail to stay alive. More respect needs to be given to Warspite, something I now feel is “too little, too late.”

I feel it to be a major disrespect, even in Warspite’s Azur Lane Retrofit form, for her to be as disrespectful as she is to the mighty Warspite for being as old as she is. KanColle’s artistic touch is far more regal, more aged, holds onto actual Royal Navy attributes, and is of actual value.

Everything roughly from Generation 1 feels like a throw-away design, and it’s frustrating. KanColle wins in Generation 1, meanwhile KanColle and Azur Lane are in unison from the rest onward. Both have their proper charms with the varying style fitting each Commander’s taste. Warspite and Saratoga? Nah, that is suffering. Again, I am however glad an attempt is being made to beautify Saratoga, an effort I’m not actively seeing on HMS Warspite’s side for Azur Lane. Shame.

– My glorious USS Saratoga from KanColle (2024). Hearts and love!
– My glorious, and precious HMS Warspite! My waifu! My pride and joy in the KanColle universe. 😉 (Azur Lane’s Warspite has nothing on my majestic KanColle Warspite!)

Solution: Provide more updated, aged-up versions of Saratoga and Warspite. Various regal attempts in outfits, and even proper META variations nearly matching KanColle’s pride and joy of Saratoga, Warspite, and other shipgirls. There’s no way Yostar & Manjuu shall fulfill my desires, it however shall be glorious if they ever shall mend these glaring issues, ones which KanColle admirals actively attack knowing full well of Azur Lane’s early flaws.

HMS Anson – The “Anson Incident” (King George V-Class Battleship):

This one was a nasty storm thanks to the massive oversight caused by both Yostar/Manjuu, and the artistic side of things. You would eventually find out this is a running theme, one which appears to be encouraged by the sloppy nature of Yostar/Manjuu’s community management team. It was highly offensive to the point even the Chinese populace chimed in on this repulsive take on HMS Anson, something which wasn’t the first, nor shall be the last. Various Chinese influencers allegedly stormed into Manju/Yostar’s building, even forcefully getting into contact with them. More incidents shall occur to degrade shipgirls in the Azur Lane universe. People comparing her to Blue Archive’s Cherino, a mustach wearing Stalin wannabe in a Russian themed school.

– HMS Anson (prior to her eventual revision).
– Blue Archive – Cherino. People compared her to HMS Anson and vice-versa.

Thankfully, after much backlash, Yostar/Manjuu reversed the decision, instead providing another shipgirl in her place. Friedrich Carl may have already been in the pool of shipgirls prior to HMS Anson’s laziness reveal, or she may have been provided hastefully to appease, and fill in any voids for the players for the ‘From Zero to Hero’ event.

– Azur Lane – Friedrich Carl, in place of HMS Anson.

This incident didn’t stop people from openly mocking, having fun, and making note of the lack of uniform unity, as her prior shipgirls in the Prince George-V Class battleship have followed (as noted in the first image). Or how Northern Parliament all follow a uniformed snowy artic themed attire.

– How to draw a horse, and ruin the neck of the horse in the process. Can’t follow the flow of the Prince George V ship class traits.

It’s also been mockingly noted how Yostar/Manjuu spins a wheel on shipgirl designs to simply push them out in half-assed manners. It may be true, as noted by HMS Anson, and other shipgirls.

Solution: Take better care of your word-of-mouth community manager position. Have more actual care and attention without rushing things out of the gate. Make sure it’s something the community actually desires, and you’ll strive to do anything to give the community what they honestly desire, not what Anime tourists desire.

The Fear of Minor Nations:

– HMAS Shropshire (Not HMS).

It’s a well know fact Azur Lane refused to branch out their nations for being a formally a 1-2 year throw-away game. It was supposed to last for 1-2 years, not longer than that, to which many nationalities tend to be grouped up together, one preventing national representation of others.

  • HMS Vampire = HMAS Vampire.
  • HMS Shropshire = HMAS Shropshire.
  • & Etc (Placeholder examples; More was noted in the previous years.)

People have made numerous excuses, lame ones at that, which fail to hold any weight, air, or validity. They allegedly claim too many nations would clutter up the menu, one which falls flat straight onto the ground. Basically moot, invalid, and irrelevant points, ones which are simply maid to alienate and degrade people who desire their nationality in Azur Lane. We’ve obtained META, we’ve obtained Tempesta faction, and we’re obtaining more as the years go by, yet somehow (allegedly) adding Australian (ANZAC), New Zealand, Canadian, and etc somehow is offensive. All excuses are moot. Not sure how, but it shall somehow cause the world to explode. They’ve existed in reality, they’re however not allowed to be in Azur Lane.

People have desired their Australian Navy, New Zealand, Dutch, Swedish, Finnish, Romania, and every other genuine navy. Gaslighting attempts were done to bring in the Swiss River Navies. People are dumb and boring when they constantly tantrum of adding actual navies having participated in the war, such as the Greek. Look at the navies Warship Girls R provided, as rushed and scuffed as they were.

– Various navies added into Warship Girls R, something KanColle initially introduced in various areas. Azur Lane has the potential of implementing these nationalities in their proper manner. Even if Warship Girls R is now dead, and sloppy, it at least provided an example of what to strive for with more focus on quality.

HMAS Perth has been noted in KanColle, and same with Gotland, yet it somehow fails to register for Azur Lane.

– KanColle – Gotland get! The only shipgirl I proudly obtained from the Summer 2024 E-1 event. (HSwMS Gotland (1933))
– HMAS Perth in KanColle.

I’ll probably never obtain HMAS Perth with how difficult the game has become through nonsense RNG practices, I’ll however boast the proper representation and the artistic quality of what KanColle has to provide, even if I may have accidentally slandered KanColle in the process while favouring Azur Lane. KanColle, as internally sabotaged as it is, has done various things correctly, such as the proper representation of national shipgirls. My point is noted via HMAS Perth and HSwMS Gotland, among others.

Solution: Stop being stubborn. Update, retcon, and implement ‘Minor Nations’ into the game. If side-factions such as META & Tempesta are allowed, so are minor nations. Any excuses are just that, excuses. All excuses are moot when other similar actions are taken when noted it couldn’t be done. Any false excuses of ‘UI cluttering’ goes out the window. Unprofessional, degrading, and pathetic. Have pre-retrofit have HMS, have after-retrofit updated to HMAS, and their proper national designations, as KanColle handles things. No excuses.

The Fear of Canadians | RCN | Maple Monarchy:
(Related Blog Post: https://arcticukitsu.com/Blog/?page_id=8074 )

– HMS Fortune notes she’s an F-class Destroyer, and how she was transferred from the Royal Navy to the RCN/Maple Monarchy. This was noted back in 2017~, in 2018, and is now a constantly growing desire, one going into 2024+.

It honestly baffles me at how fearful various naval WW2 developers are of the Canadian presence. Yes, Canadians were tied to the Royal Navy, they however were their own national navy, hence the HMCS. Not HMS, but HMCS, and their Maple Leaf emblem. They’ve existed, yet are constantly shunned for the whole fun of it, not for the whole professionalism of it. They had their massive fleet of Destroyers, 2 Light Cruisers, 3 (or more) aircraft carriers (1 pending; Essex-Class CV), 3 Armed Merchant Cruisers, and numerous other vessels.

As a Canadian, I had hoped Kantai Collection would have allowed me to connect with HMCS Haida. A fellow American gaming admiral had sent me gifts (and a note) wishing me luck in obtaining HMCS Haida for KanColle. She’s sadly still not there, nor can she be found in Azur Lane. Every attempt is rudely blocked, gaslighted, voided, and insulted. It’s frustrating, especially when seeing Dragon Empry being present in the Azur lane universe.

– Canada Day celebrations from Azur Lane Official. Teased me with the Canadians, then shunned us all. (A Mari Usque Ad Mare.)

I feel the community manager’s attempt at being festive was a rude ‘bait-and-switch’ attempt at celebrating Canada Day, especially when HMS Fortune’s dialogue lines note Canada’s presence in Chinese, Japanese, and English dialogue. Her sisterships note being part of Canada in various ways, yet are rejected in being a part of the Azur lane universe. It’s depressing. I feel hyped up for no reason, especially when I switched from KanColle to Azur Lane in hopes of connecting with my Canadian nationality. So close, yet so far, and not allowed to admire my fellow shipgirls, presumably because it offends various people, or nationalities. Whatever the case, I feel lied to.

One moment I heard the call of the Canadians, the next they’re not allowed to partake in the Azur Lane world to fight for freedom.

Canadians want to fight! Americans desire us to fight! People desire their HMCS Haida, and other Canadian shipgirls! Let us Canadians fight, and stop being cowardly. Stop being scared of Canadians!

– World of Warships – Banzai moderator – “No Canadians allowed” & “Rejecting reality”. They lied, and all moderators lie through their teeth thanks to “absolute power corrupts absolutely”. People genuinely, 100%, hate Justin Trudeau, WoWS failed to provide HMCS Yukon (especially to Azur Lane as a priority research shipgirl), and etc.

Moderators are always right, even when they’re not. A bunch of “rent-a-cops” with nasty egos, righteousness, and horrible logic. Hired from the corruption of Reddit to spread lies, filth, and degradation. You’re supposed to moderate, not destroy a game. I’ve only spoken the truth because anything else is simply a hassle. I have no time for lies and falsehoods, only truth and “to-the-point” stuff. Moderators may have all the time to look at furry porn and jerk off. I don’t. I have to catch up on Azur Lane, Blue Archive, and cycle between various games. I miss out on Japanese 2024 blog posts, and everything else.

Just give me my Canadians, and “fuck off”. I’m aware it’s unprofessional to swear and cuss, but fuck off. I’m done playing stupid games. Fuck off! Provide me my Canadians without playing stupid games and gaslighting me on every step, turn, and angle possible for clout and hollow ego boosting idiotic bullcrappery. It’s not my fault the folks in the U.K sold their souls to the devil going along with political destruction of their own nation. The constant rapes, violations, and abuse going on there, and everywhere else.

All this can be easily solved by providing one, or numerous, high quality Canadian shipgirl, or at least in Azur Lane quality. Simple! It’s as simple as that!

Steps to success:
Shipgirl + Canadian emblem & uniform + HMCS + Historical traits +Warship guns = profit.

How fucking hard can it be?! Even copying and pasting Royal Navy, turning into Canadians, and advertising it as Canadians is enough. As long as you slap HMCS & a Canadian Maple Leaf emblem? It’s as fucking simple as that! Jesus Christ,……… May God have mercy on those who continuously lie to me day in, day out, lazy and tardy to do the correct things in life.

– Canada’s proxy fleet in Azur lane. HMS Comet, HMCS Crescent, HMCS Cygnet, HMS Fortune, & HMS Foxhound. Pre-Canadian identities, prior to turning Canadian, whatever their eventual Canadian appearance may be.
– JoJo Talks Too Much – Wishing and desiring to see Canadians in the game and Anime. Wish and hope Canadians would find their way into the game, back in October 12th, 2019.

There are numerous requests desiring Canadians on Discord, Reddit, Twitter/X, and anywhere people can request them. I’ve sent requests via in-game surveys, and any method I was able to. I’ve made numerous blog posts, and still counting.

I feel alienated. I feel as if I’m being told people should urinate on the graves of Canada’s WW2 naval contributions, as had been done throughout the years. That needless stigma of ‘Minor Nation’, even if Canadians fought above, and beyond. Fighting tooth and nail, even throwing Coca-Cola cans and potatoes at German U-Boats, running over U-Boats, among other crazy antics. Canadians were genuinely proud of HMCS Uganda (later HMCS Quebec) being their biggest boat in the fleet, up until they’ve obtained their proud aircraft carriers (all WW2 wartime built). Canadians desire to connect with their actual Canadian pride in Azur lane, sadly continously mocked and degraded by clout-chasing lunatics. The thrill of degrading people just because they can, something even Azur Lane Discord moderators jump in on.

– World of Warships – HMCS Yukon provided to the Canadians, if sadly attached with ‘HMS’ prefix. Unprofessional.

I had hopes, and wished for fellow Canadians (RCN/Maple Monarchy) would be provided a Priority 7 Research vessel for them to research, such as this HMCS Yukon, one which Wargaming attempted to appease Canadians with. They screwed up, community members behind it being drunk with power, and everything falling to ruins. Azur Lane & World of Warships are connected together, hence the strong desire to connect with a fictional paper warship for the Maple Monarchy Canadian faction. But no, we have to step and urinate on each Canadian wargraves because that’s far more classy, and hip thing to do. Disrespecting the Canadians and Canadian navy every step of the way.

(Canadians also had 3 planned battleships pre-WW1 of the Queen Elizabeth-Class Battleship, ones which could potentially be upgraded to Azur Lane’s WW2 timeframe. HMCS Ontario, HMCS Quebec, & HMCS Acadia.)

God forbid Canadians had their Canadian fun in Azur Lane…….

Solution: Simply stop being stubborn by simply adding Canadians into the game, and properly. Full on proper representation and respect. RCN or Maple Monarchy, and with HMCS prefixes. Current, past, and near-future ships as shipgirl representations, as noted in this segment. DDs, CL, BBs, & CVs. If all it takes is copying and pasting Royal Navy traits onto Canadians, then turning them Canadians, then do so. Stop making excuses as to why it can’t be done. You’re simply making it worse while providing me more ammo for other people’s intellectual retardation and idiotic fears.

*Sidenote: May God have mercy to those who have lied to me about Canadians being unable to be added into Azur Lane (and KanColle), while pretending it’s the hardest thing ever. I do not take kindly to people telling me obvious lies and false excuses.

All you have to do:
Shipgirl + Canadian Identity + warship parts + historical traits + Quality Control = Profit.

Nagato META – Version 1 & Version 2 (Bait and Switch):

– Azur Lane – Nagato META – Version 1/Original Version.

Nagato META is the main reason why I made this blog post, and is the reason why I’m still livid noting every flaw and controversy witnessed throughout the years. She was initially showcased (as shown above) as an actual fighting shipgirl, one she desire to be. Far more slim, more eager for a fight, and an actual attitude to be fearful of. Her original design commanded actual fear and respect, something her eventual update (V2) design now fails to capture. META is supposed to showcase a shipgirls decent into madness, depression, and corruption. It’s supposed to showcase the worst of a shipgirl, her actual war-torn perspective. Her regrets, her fears, and her actual desire to fight.

– Nagato META – Original – Make note of her genuinely spooky expressions. They still appear ‘Nagato’, if more META like. The purpose of a META is to showcase “depression”. Basically corruption, war scars, and a break down in individuality. To showcase PTSD giving them a cruder form. Instead, Nagato META V2 appears as if she was pampered while sucking on her thumb constantly.

Later, a strange decision was made, one of which caused 80% of the community to riot against Yostar/Manjuu. Sadly, roughly 20% of the people favoured Nagato META’s updated appearance, just not me. I feel betrayed. There are those who admire her Version 2 form, not me. Why? In an unprofessional attempt at making her appear more ‘Nagato’, when she already appeared as such, and in a grown up manner. At least in her late teens, or something. She’s back to being a toddler sucking her own thumb like the pampered shrine maiden that she is. She should have outgrown her thumb-sucking ways of life…… Too pampered for her own good, and people agree with this. 80 vs 20%, even if it angers Azur Lane Discord moderator’s feelings.

– Azur Lane Official noting the “updated” version, something which is an actual regression. A total screw up.
– Original on the left, updated on the right. Keep in mind she has to stay META, meaning she has to appear dark, depressed, and visual representations of war flashback. She has to appear as if she has seen the worst of the worst, something the left is noted in seeing, yet the right is pretending to. An imposter! Scamfox!
– Nagato META – Original on left, newer on right. Zooming out, you can see her stocking laces have been removed, something which gave her thighs positive attraction. Her thighs are now rudely chubbier.

Others, including myself, are genuinely baffled by this. So genuinely screwed up. Again, 80% in favour of her original, and 20% are in favour of the updated. Why the anger? Look closely!

  • Her face has been made rounder, softer, and less war-torn, as her fellow META counterparts appeared. She appears to be pampered with too much make-up and baby thumb-sucking way of life.
  • Her chest has been pushed lower, and made chubbier.
  • She’s less scary, less of a shipgirl, and more of a toddler. She commanded actual fear and respect in her initial appearance, something her updated form fails to command. She simply appears ‘regal’, and that’s about it. Regal pampering.
  • She’s missing red trims on her chest opening. She’s also missing her red trim on her breast coverings.
  • Her necklace is hidden on the updated version with a needless hair cover.
  • Nagato META was made wider, chubbier, even giving her panties an “V” shape, not a flat shape.
  • Additional hair decorative on her head. Trivial.
  • She appears to be a cosplayer of META (pretending to be a META shipgirl), not an actual shipgirl inflicted with the META illness. Scamfox.

I’m peeved! I’m livid! I was initially looking forward to working to unlock her in the 7 days it requires to obtain her. Work to obtain her, farm for her, and even sortie her on Day 1. Now? I feel less invested, less inclined to do so, seemingly because Yostar/Manjuu allegedly gave in to the minority of the community, not the majority. They decided to belittle, pamper, and cover every single protrusion in the environment with mattresses and blankets. Any more pampering shall cause her to bleed blue blood, even at the slightest of interactions. She appears she’ll bleed if you simply sneeze in her general vicinity, something which META shouldn’t be able to do.

– Shut the fuck up! I do not have the patience, nor time to deal with your childish ways. All moderators are the same these days. I’m going to tell things as they are, especially when I’m someone who desires to show things as they are. I was baited and switched, and I’m pissed off I was given a false product in return to what was initially provided. Just because you’re offended by the actual truth (the 80% vs the 20%) you can go get fucked. Not my fault Azur Lane hires people who gatekeep, corrupt, and prevent needed features being added into games. We’ve provided our feedback, Yostar/Manjuu failed to listen, and now you have to reap what you sow. Again, go fuck yourself. I’m not going to lie just because it hurts your fragile feelings.
– As on Twitter/X, Reddit, and elsewhere, people are peeved with the backpaddling of the design. it’s a genuine downgrade.
– Don’t believe me? Here! Situations like this allows KanColle loyalists to trash on Azur Lane, and in this case, rightfully so.
– How about Reddit? People desire the original version over the update, hence the 80-20 comparison.
– Part 2 to the above, and people wondering why the update even happened. They allegedly saw no complaints on the JP side. Maybe the CN side? It has to be the English side, seeing as how I had a few people send me deranged and delusional comments.

Here! Have a whole batch of Twitter/X, posts. Well, 6 images showing a good chunk of my 80-20% ratio estimates. People are both livid and baffled by this needless change.

– “She’s become younger, and less META-Like.” Exactly! She’s no longer META.
– A few may enjoy the updated version, the majority prefer her original version. Manjuu/Yostar overcooked Nagato META turning her into a very plain shipgirl. They royally screwed up.
– “The first design was much better” *angry face*
– What a travesty! What were you thinking?! You guys drunk or something? How dare you downgrade a shipgirl who was perfectly fine as the way she originally was!
– Preferring the older version. She appeared more META-like than the updated version.
– People preferring the original, or so translation noted.

With this, it genuinely is a case of 80-20% divide. No ifs, ands, nor but’s, about it. Just look at Reddit, at Twitter, and Discord. Granted, those on Discord are of the politically charged variety, but even so, you can clearly see people are peeved on Discord, as sampled and shown above. People defending any decision to degrade and corrupt Azur Lane tend to be found on the Global English Discord group, no surprise there. With the whole Kashino outfit with her breasts spilling out uproar, and all that.

In conclusion, I nearly obtained a stroke over this with how Yostar/Manjuu betrayed my trust. They threw others and myself under the bus, especially when they actively downgraded a shipgirl for no absolute valid reason. Removed her red trim? removed her puffs on her stockings? Hide her necklace? Make her appear as if she sucks on her thumb all day, like the pampered baby that she’s depicted as? In the English 6th Anniversary story she’s noted as desiring to finally fight for herself, for what’s right, hence why she finally gained courage to link up with the Eagle Union. She finally connected with her battleship pride, her her own growing character growth, yet these political activists and Yostar/Manjuu had to trample on that, especially when her fighting pride was shown in her initial design.

Just because we have delusional, retarded gamers who can’t comprehend that younger Nagato isn’t actually their fictional real-world daughter delusions everybody now has to suffer. Just because they’re projecting their helicopter-parent delusions on Nagato they’re forgetting she’s a fictional character based on a real-world battleship. She has to grow up! She has to grow as a character, as a fictional battleship character based on a real-world Japanese battleship, especially in her more “I’ve seen everything” vibe in her META form. She’s a “loli”? Who cares! She’s a battleship, and she needs to be shown growing as a character. She has to show she has teeth, the bark, and the bite. She’s not going to suck your male genital, similar to how she’s forcefully supposed to appear as if she sucks her thumb all day like a little pampered child she’s forced to be made out to be.

– One of the numerous quotes of Nagato desiring to break free of her shackles, especially from those imposed by those desiring her updated version trample on her own free will, desires, and fighting spirit. She’s a shipgirl based on a battleship, not your imaginary daughter in the real world. Grow the fuck up.

It’s honestly disturbing how you have various Azur Lane Commanders treating original Nagato as if she’s their real world daughter. They confused fiction with reality, and its both disgusting and distrubing. They’re trampling on her in-game will to become a better fox shrine priestess shipgirl, one desiring to fight. They’re trampling on her fighting will power. How degrading, and repulsive. Nagato isn’t your stand-in for your imaginary real-world daughter. She’s a fictional shipgirl, one who needs to represent Japan’s mighty real-world Japanese battleship. She’s not your thumb-sucking whiny little daughter wannabe. Snap back to reality.

– Yes, Nagato is cute in this form. She’s even cuter when she’s far more genuine to herself. She commands more respect and acknowledgement in her original form, her original Nagato META. Not Version 2 appearance. Not her thumb-sucking baby pampered V2 downgraded form, as the majority of people have noted.

As stated, I feel less inclined to sortie Nagato META over Manjuu/Yostar’s drunken madness. They have little, or no care about what they’ve actually done, nor will they openly acknowledge the situation. I’m also tried of dealing with power-hungry moderators gatekeeping stuff, even pretending they’re doing the correct thing. I’ll state it how it is, and I’ll share things as they are presented to me. Once Nagato META’s form is reverted to the original I’ll feel MORE inclined to send Nagato META into combat. People have falsely told me to take apologize and take responsibility for things I haven’t done, that’s an actual advice I have to send towards Manjuu/Yostar, and even to those over in KanColle development field. Take responsibility for your own errors. Majority of people desire Nagato META, return her back to her original self.

It’s honestly sad Manjuu/Yostar had to push for this updated change causing me to have a melt down, nearly having a stroke in the process. Stomach pains, 2 nights of poor sleep, and just outright moodiness all out of principle of “quality over quantity” to only see the reverse being done. Trash over quality, as Manjuu/Yostar desire it. I feel so heavily betrayed.

Solution: Revert the changes back to Version 1. Stop being drunk at the helm, stop prematurely disrupting the chaos and flow of things, even with the majority (80 vs 20) desire original Nagato META back. We shouldn’t go through this with Aquila, nor HMS Anson, nor even Nagato META. We shouldn’t be doing this in the future either with future shipgirls. Highly unprofessional. Revert back to the original, the community has spoken. My anger stems from the principle of “quality over quantity”, not “regression is best” mentality.

For all the good things they have done to Azur Lane, they have also done many stupid things. It’s a shame. It’s genuinely a great game, and it can be even better if fear, phobias, and paranoia can be push to the side. More professionalism, less running around in chaos.

I genuinely admire Azur Lane, it’s however a shame it has to hit numerous road bumps. Though, that’s the case with every game. It still makes me sad to see overly scared behaviour of fearing to add things into the game, or removing them over weird decisions. I’ll still play Azur Lane, it’s just depressing and dejecting when common sense no longer ends up being common sense.

Even though I’ve played Azur Lane for 1-2 years prior to jumping onto Global, I still have overly fond memories of Azur Lane. CN account, then JP account, then joining Azur Lane Global side on Graf Zeppelin & Bismarck main event. I thankfully caught Kizuna AI prior to everything, sadly missing out on Neptunia event and a few other characters from Kizuna AI. I genuinely desire the Neptunia event to rerun, especially to obtain Vert. I’ve steadily played Azur Lane, even if I had a jumpy transition from one account to the next.

You can even ask my various friends in both Canada and Japan how much I play, admire, and boast about Azur Lane. Or how I tend to get in trouble for sending off commissions while at work to get those timers going, as I had done with KanColle Android prior to region blocking. I had a few friends huff and puff, scold me, and simply be disappointed I would play Azur Lane when I shouldn’t be. Or accidentally running Azur Lane out of habit when I should have been talking to Japanese friends in Osaka. It however feels honestly painfully horrible when you end up betrayed over messy, corporate decisions. It becomes harder to defend Azur Lane when stupid decisions and actions are constantly applied to the game. It becomes especially harder to defend Azur Lane from KanColle Loyalists when they see actual questionable errors and mistakes coming from the official side of Azur Lane. Needless revisions, poorly represented shipgirls, and other odd decisions. Again, I’ll keep playing, it however pains me how betrayed I am in regards to this game. I can’t even connect, nor admire original Nagato META over weird, drunken behaviours thanks to Manjuu/Yostar’s needless changes. Don’t fix what isn’t broke.

Let’s make Azur Lane great together. I hope Yostar/Manjuu stop being drunk, and to actually make Azur Lane an actually great game for the present and future times to come. This, when we’re on the edge of Azur Lane’s Japanese 7th anniversary stream.

Happy Hunting! 😉