Trip to Japan – Round 2 – Day 16 (2024)

– Roaming around Yakuin Station while trying to get myself to various places. Seeing this bus while attempting to figure out where I’m supposed to be going.

This blogpost covers the day of February 11th, while in Fukuoka, Japan.

My plan for today was to visit various landmarks in the more “downtown” areas, and on the outskirts of downtown. Basically, exploring every area with as minimal transportation transfers as possible; The path of least resistance. Visit Hakata Port Tower, Fukuoka Tower, and anything else of interest along the way. I also desired to visit Fukuoka’s Tower thanks to the general VRChat VKet 2022-2023 world vibes. I felt guilt of not having visited Fukuoka on my prior trip, now being immune to other foreigners visiting that location. I shall have my memories, especially ones I can hold up high, and of my own awesome personal importance.

Prior to all this, I sadly woke up at 3:40-3:50 AM in a panic. I woke up in a panic. I was freezing, I had shivers, and my TV was off. The shivering was somewhat bad, and not normal. The general mood was off in general, and everything has always felt off, especially upon my initial arrival to this hotel room. I also, accidentally, flung a TV remote against the wall in my sleepy state, something which caused me to curse while retrieving it from the other side of the bed. I was panicking, and somewhat afraid. I was previously uneasy, especially on my initial arrival at this APA Fukuoka hotel. I feel torn if I should note if the hotel room is haunted or not, it would make me appear crazy if I stated it was actually paranormal. I’m doubtful, though the mood was highly uneasy. My stay in Hiroshima 2023 felt highly spooky, as had my stay in Sapporo 2024’s APA hotel. It’s just weird how things function, especially when I wake up in a panic, cold, and shivering. Something has to be up. Three uneasy stays in certain parts of Japan with weird functions. I can understand the TV turning off, but the lights in a washroom? Or the general coldness? The shivers? Could be stress? Maybe. Felt weird in those three places, and in that current Fukuoka APA hotel room.

I don’t want to confirm that 3:40 AM wake-up as fully paranormal, especially when I can expect people to mock me, berate my perspectives, and to eventually note – “You think everything is paranormal” – further frustrating my social interactions with people. I’m neutrally making note. Neutrally, for blogging purposes. Everything is always low key with these spooks. A feeling, and just general off-beat behaviours. A sudden case of being woken up when you shouldn’t, feeling the way you shouldn’t. Semi-explainable stuff.

Japan Trip 2024:

[Day 1] – [Day 2] – [Day 3] – [Day 4] – [Day 5] – [Day 6] – [Day 7] – [Day 8] – [Day 9] – [Day 10] – [Day 11] – [Day 12] – [Day 13] – [Day 14] – [Day 15]

I, more appropriately, started my day at 9:40 AM by having woken up at that point. Readied myself, played Blue Archive dailies, tended to Azur Lane, and Twitter/X. You know, the usual. I basically left roughly around the 12 PM mark. Late, I know. I blame my scare at 3 AM, for whatever reason that had occurred. Something, or someone may have been messing with me during the night. Or maybe it’s simple travel fatigue, I however doubt that. I was far more relieved in Fukuoka than I was in Sapporo 2024 so I’m more willing to forgive Fukuoka. Sapporo 2023 was far better than Sapporo 2024 (hotel wise), and I’m aware of the vibes. I digress.

I went to a nearby Konbini to purchase 2 spicy chicken and water, among other things. It was also very windy for the day with many locals and tourists going around both casually, if some protecting themselves against the wind.

– Attempting to figure out where to wait, where to get on a bus, and being overly frustrated in how Google Maps treats bus information at Yakuin Station.

I arrived at Yakuin station, as Google Maps had indicated, attempting to seek out my #20 bus to head to Hakata Port Tower. I could have easily walked my way there, though chose a bus instead. Felt easier, safer. I was genuinely confused, and highly so. I eventually made my way up the stairs, across the bridge, and back down the other side. I consulted the bus indicator signs to note what goes where. I, regrettably, also noted my bus going the direction I desired to go. Confused, I ventured back to the other side attempting to seek out my bus.

(I also seen a lovely Ferrari or Lamborghini, a vehicle which had hastily sped by preventing me from capturing it for blogging purposes.)

I accidentally caused a miniature scene at Yakuin Station in Fukuoka. All by mistake. I feel bad for agitating, frustrating, and having the Japanese be angry at me, but I was confused… I’m sorry. I accidentally must have stood where I wasn’t supposed to, a path which a cyclist desired to go by causing him to shout in general, and at himself about how dangerous and reckless what I was doing was.

Watch out!” – “Careful!” – “What you’re doing is dangerous“, or something to that effect. The guy was nearly boiling mad at my clue-less foreigner self.

*sad face* 🙁

Well, that’s not a good start to the day, even if I do perceive my stay in Fukuoka to be positive. I will admit there may be things pushing me out of Fukuoka, both physically and maybe even spiritually. It felt as if I wasn’t allowed to be there, even if I may have viewed Fukuoka mostly positively. Not fully, yet mostly. It’s a rough 90% positive, 10% negative.

I eventually caught my desired bus, even finding a seat next to the window. I would eventually notice an KanColle bus, something I had hastily booted up my phone’s camera app to capture an image of. I was in a rush. I’m at least happy I caught “something” over nothing. I was happy with the KanColle bus capture! WOOO!~

Look, I may hype up Azur Lane constantly, but I still do admire and respect KanColle highly, even if KanColle has thrown everything onto the ground, including it’s own self-worth and self-pride. I still admire KanColle.

– KanColle (Kantai Collection) Sasebo 2023 bus! WOOOO!~ I finally documented it for my own pride, and my own hype! 😉 (I can at least be happy with the sight of a KanColle-themed bus. Anime keeping me both positive and alive.)

Sasebo was also on my travel plans for Japan, and I attempted to loosely change my plans on the fly. Sadly, everything was held tight on my travel plans preventing me from even planning to visit Sasebo freely. I had to stick with Fukuoka for the remainder of my days. I had to head up to Kure, Himeji, and eventually (regrettably) Tokyo, eventually back to my broken nation of Canada. I have to also note Sasebo is on my list thanks to Kantai Collection, hence the bus capture. Kantai Collection. If I didn’t admire KanColle I wouldn’t have traveled to Yokosuka, Kure, Maizuru, Tango-Yura, and other similar places influenced by Kantai Collection. KanColle has noted it’s anti-foreigner desire forcing me to play Azur Lane more than KanColle.

Maybe on my third trip, if everything goes as planned, I shall visit Sasebo in one of my stops in Japan. That is, if Canada returns to its standard pre-2015 corrupted self, and if the Japanese friends I had befriended do no unfriend me in the timeframe between now and then. As noted previously, I’m openly aware of how people have overtly unfollowed me on Twitter/X, and have effectively thrown me under the bus, as the saying goes. I’m not as special as other social influencers in Japan facing similar issues as my own, or are pretending to be happier when they genuinely aren’t. I’m aware social media in Japan tends to be sketchy, as also noted via ‘Oshi no ko’ Anime. Western media is corrupted allowing Asian and Japanese social media and media to be viewed normally, and positively. I’ll however still respect those who respect myself as an actual human being. As an actual friend. I’m still however hurt when falsely accuse me of things I haven’t done, or desire me to falsely apologize for things I hadn’t done, or others had actually done wrong. People always choose to wish ill will on me causing me to be further frustrated with ill-minded people. It makes me more reclusive, more wary of people’s general intentions, and more silent. Makes me jumpy in social settings. It pains me when people treat me like trash, especially falsely accusing myself and others of crimes we haven’t actually committed. I admired my two Japanese escapism (2023 & 2024) for allowing me to be human again, and away from vulgar-minded individuals. I desire honesty and genuine intentions.

If my third Japan trip is possible I’ll attempt to place Sendai, Sasebo, Kure, and other desired places into my travel plans. I need to eventually visit other glorious places in Japan.

It’s a shame I have to be in negative standings with various Japanese folks, even though I admire Japan more for it’s common sense approach and certain levels of honesty. I’m aware Japan isn’t perfect, and I do see the various flaws of Japan. It however hurts feeling the effects of Fukuoka attempting to shove me out physically and spiritually, and even (eventually) via Twitter/X. It hurts. It hurts being constantly rejected in a social manner, physical manner, and just in general. Even if my initial perspective of Fukuoka was positive (on a visiting tourist level), I also (at the time) noted the various social struggles in Fukuoka. Even the lacking presence of white-skinned foreigners of North America and Europe. Sure, there were Chinese, Koreans, etc. No Canadians, no Americans, no Europeans, and it actually felt refreshing to myself also. I could finally, truly see Japan in a proper Japanese lens. The real, true Japan.

– The #20 bus route. I could have easily walked this route, especially in the distance the bus had to cover. I however chose the bus for time and comfort purposes.
– Dropped off a bit shy of my location. A few others had hopped off the front of the bus at this very location near Hakata Port Tower. I sped-walked to the traffic light, eventually having those recently having came off the bus catch up to me waiting at the light.
– Construction, Hakata Port Tower, and a tourist bus.
– Admiring the haze on the tower. It’s popping out nicely in the mostly sunny conditions. Also noting the car park on the right.
– Making note of the touristy area around here.
– Samurai-themed vending machine.
– Making note of the tower, also noticing how it’s supported. The main structure being grey, the additional trim (supports) being in red.
– Making note of the various exhibits and displays.

Satisfied, I checked out the map on the floor of Fukuoka. A satellite image of Fukuoka. I even attempted to make sense of where I had recently been, where I currently was, and where I was going to go in the satellite image of Fukuoka.

The number of people in the area also dropped down to more tolerable levels, something which had me feel comfortable to head to the main tower. I checked the price, even noting where the ink stamp was. Happily taking an ink stamp for my ink stamp collection. Nice!

Waited, and went up the elevator.

– The view up here is beautiful.
– A symbol of the port of Hakata.
– Italian, or Mexican flag. I sent this image to my Mexican Anime friend having him research this image of his own accord. He told me this was Marine Italy, not Mexican.
– Admiring this mini-church like building in the middle of a bustling cargo port area.
– As rough as this area appears, it’s still genuinely beautiful. More beautiful in summer period, I bet.
– Making note of the stadium in the distance. Both the stadium and Fukuoka tower.
– Video – Making happy note of cars traveling on the bridge while thinking back to the Sasebo KanColle bus.
– One of my more nostalgic perspectives of Fukuoka, Japan.
– Traffic perspective.
– Lovely boat perspective.
– Peace! Proof I was in Hakata Port Tower.
– Myself, and a lovely designed boat. Red and white boat focus.
– Feels overly surreal seeing planes taking off from Fukuoka Tower, especially when from a vantage point of a tower.
– Making note of Japan’s various towers. Some are missing, though most are there.
– V!
– An happier V! 😉
– An interesting parking lot style. You can see all the cars are pointed outwards, all in case of emergency situations.
– Video – Capturing a boat heading out too sea.
– Beautiful.
– Attempting to find further KanColle Sasebo buses.
– A lovely image of a cruise ship and the recently departed boat.
– Video – Cruise ship and mini-boat.
– A tour boat? Service?

After a while I felt uneasy. I noted I may have started feeling the effects my fear of heights, the swaying in the wind, and general discomfort. I’ve attempted to stay as long as possible, even documenting everything I was able to spot at that very moment. The various zooming into locations, and other interests.

I had to leave. I desired to venture towards the edge of the pier and the park to see other stuff.

– Kushida Shrine Hamamiya.

Out of respect, I never entered this shrine. I simply desired to document the shrine area externally, refusing to enter into its general sacred vicinity out of both respect, and fear of any divine retribution of any sort. I wasn’t thinking of it at the time, I however wouldn’t desire to anger ANY Japanese Gods, spirits, nor deities, especially with my shivering cold, and panicked wake up call at 3:40-50 AM. I refused to ring the bell, or pay actual respects out of fear of angering anything supernatural, or messing with something I’m not genuinely familiar with. Loosely, not fully.

You. Do. No. Mess. With. The. Supernatural….. Ever!

I chose to be respectful, just in my own way. Documenting for blogging purposes, and moving on.


Capturing various boats in the area. I was even loosely thinking back to various Anime, including Air TV, Kanon, Great Teacher Onizuka, and others. I almost cried in a nostalgic manner at the time, and I’m certain I left a few Tweet/X posts relating to my nostalgic vibes of Japan.

Japan knows how to make Anime very relatable, attractive, and nostalgic, especially to the point a foreigner like me can almost cry on location in simple happiness and reflection. Crying out of relatability and memory of the Anime I’ve watched from 2000+, or even 2006 onward.

Find the opening sequence (OP) to an Anime called ‘Air TV’. Slice-of-life and romance Anime know how to hit you where it emotionally hurts.

– One of my favourite images. An intentional artistic touch of a red boat on left side, white boat on right side. 🙂
– The lower section of that tower is dedicated to tourism, meanwhile the upper deck is dedicated to general marine traffic in the upper portion. Hakata Port Tower functions similar to an airport air-traffic control tower, but for boats.

I was seeking out a somewhat secluded area to make note of my stay in Fukuoka, about Hakata Port Tower, and how I felt nostalgic for specific Anime type vibes relating to Fukuoka’s scenic beauty. Then there are times where I’m simply trying to avoid the masses to focus on my own media captures, talking to my Mexican Anime friend in parallel. I failed to capture any Azur Lane AR mode stuff, I should have. That slipped my mind.

There were also other folks roaming the area, if in a few and far manner.

– A closer perspective (from Hakata Pier) of the flowing flag belonging to Italy, not Mexico. A person can be seen at the base of the flag.
– Video – Happily boat-spotting in Fukuoka. Boat spotting seems like an overly fun thing to do. 😉
– “Artistic shot”. Admiring the beauty of the area.
– Happily making note of Hakata Port Tower. There were also guys practicing their dancing in the park there.
– Stuck around the area for a bit to snack on some konbini snacks and to drink a quick drink.
– Artistic shot. You can note the lower level is for tourism, upper floor being for marine traffic itself.
– Passing by a car-park providing an alternate view of Hakata Port Tower.
– Hakat a Wharf Information.
– Admiring Japan’s pedestrian tunnels. Feels nice.
– Admiring the beautification of these pedestrian tunnels.
– On the other side. Where am I going? I planned to head over to Tenjin for general purposes, and to eventually pick up a ride (by train) to Fukuoka Tower.
– Traveled a fair distance already, especially noting taxis, cyclists, pedestrians, and other local Fukuoka behaviours. A nice vibe seeing stuff at a slower pace.
– Minding my own business while making gradual progress towards Tenjin.
– Ladies All Star. Dynamite Boat Race. Making note because of “Anime”, and the contrast with the red flowers in the garden hedges.

Passed by a few more locals, through an intersection (or two), by a noteworthy overpass, and through a larger swarm of people. I eventually gathered my bearings. Located Daiso, Volks, and a general hobby shop. I visited them all.

I also had trouble breathing constantly with how much I was rushing around while walking. Huffing and puffing, something which would turn into a negative memory for me in the next following days while visiting other parts of nearby Fukuoka.

– Making note of Frame Arms Girl type advertisements by Kotobukiya. You can also see a Shinden aircraft model kit on top left corner. The Shinden is one of my favourite aircraft, next to Canada’s Avro Arrow.
– Making note of Dollfie Dream Sister Karin (DD-FF), specifically for the face type. I solely desired her face type for my Arctic Fox themed Vara. I also obtained two hand gestures for her, I still have yet to show her hand postures off.

I also kept an eye out for anything resembling a fox mask (white or black) for my Vara to wear. Being Japan, they’ve went out of style long ago. As I’ve noted on my first visit to Japan (2023 Akihabara), and my first visit to Volks, I’ve attempted to seek out the fox masks then. Sadly, sold out. Long sold out, especially with how Japan aggressively rotates between merchandise. As I’ve noted then, and I shall now, I was still holding some grudges for being thrown under the bus by various people after having been actively sabotaged by my workplace and social settings in hobbies in 2017. I exploded, I vented, and I wasn’t allowed to have fun with people after being falsely labeled, blamed, and accused for half the stuff I hadn’t done.

Haku unfollowed me, even after having promised me they would assist me in obtaining a black fox mask. Nah, I’m not allowed because I’m always a piece of trash to people. Everything is always my fault, and I’m not allowed to be human being, like other people. I always have to apologize for things I haven’t done, and always sidelined in the manner in which causes Japanese locals to suicide themselves on trains, bridges, and in suicide forests. I’m wary of people, even reclusive for this very reason with how people betray, gaslight, and pretend you’re some villain. I’m still livid over Haku, and other people. I can’t even enjoy my hobbies either without being accused of some false nonsense. Or people view me as some sort of threat, or something childish, trivial, and idiotic. I simply desire things to be properly normal, and I want to enjoy my true self. My true hobby perspective. I don’t want to lie, nor make pretend. I desire to be my true self, and I won’t apologize for things I haven’t done wrong. I won’t apologize for make-believe pretend situations.

With that noted, and after I had visited a thrift-shop like store, a hobby shop, Volks, and then Daiso, it was time to seek out the underground airport line leading to Nishijin. I needed a train route leading me towards Fukuoka Tower, even if it’s not directly connected to such.

– Struggling to follow signage leading towards Fukuoka’s Airport Line transit station. Fukuoka’s underground areas are massive, classy, and glorious. Similar to Sapporo, Fukuokas underground is insanely massive, elegant, and elegantly decorated.
– Old fashioned, yet beautiful. What a beautiful place!
– Blurred image. The lighting was a bit dim, and I rushed my image out of social awkwardness.

Fukuoka’s underground is awesome. I would genuinely love to come down here more often.

Sidenote: There “may” have been a case where I was initially lost in Fukuoka’s underground while seeking out the airport line transit. A passage way may have been hidden, or other detours may have had to be taken in an attempt at reaching my desired train line. Another person may have also been as lost as I was, even with others noting both theirs and my own confusion. Possibly an older foreign couple confusingly going the wrong way, as I had nearly done. We both, indirectly, eventually found our way onto our train.

Sorry for the wording, the memory is very hazy.

– Tenjin to Nishijin.

I recall being next to some unique group of people, possibly Japanese street punk type folks. Friendly, if doing their own thing for the fun of it. They may have kept an eye on me, and vice-versa, especially being in the last train car, and all. Once my stop came up I stood up, even heading out the door noting eyes on me. Subtle, yet noticable.

I waited to obtain my ink stamp from Nishijin Station, eventually happily obtaining it.

– Second image because of ‘Maizuru Park’. Brought back happy Japan 2023 trip memories. Fun times. 🙂

Everything in Fukuoka was truly different. Everything felt different. I also noticed a higher rate of being briefly stared at during my foot travel from Nishijin to Fukuoka Tower. It also baffled me as to why Fukuoka Tower isn’t connected by a train line.

– Making specific note of all the bikes on the side.
– The journey by foot was interesting. I even had a tree in my way while trying to keep to the right. Yes, I was speed walking.

I was also amused by how I was greeted by a school security guard. A nice happy “Hello!~”

– I’m seeing my destination in sight. Fukuoka Tower is in sight! Attempting to cross over to my left, and then upwards, or whatever comes first. Documenting this area, an area also giving me rough Vancouver vibes.
– Crabs!

This area is neat with a nice mini park with a set of statues in it. Few people noticed I desired to see the statues, even making way for me to see it. I admire this Japanese politeness. Nice!

– A Sailor Moon exhibit in the nearby museum, something I could have easily explored.
– Fukuoka Tower and Sailor Moon exhibit signage for the nearby Fukuoka City Museum.
– Fukuoka City Museum front exterior. I’m genuinely amazed and mesmerized by this design. I love how there is an arch and fans decorating the area.
– Beautiful park area. A nice pool of water with statues and buddha statue in it. The city museum appears overly beautiful. Sadly, by the time I arrived everything was noted in being closed. I came too late.
– Admiring the arches.
– A few statues and decorations off in the distance.
– V! Proof I was in Fukuoka, and in the general vicinity of the Fukuoka City Museum.
– Admiring the general beauty of the area, especially the mini statues in the water.
– An elegant, if slightly imposing gate leading into the museum. Impressive.
– Elephant.
– This whole general area caught my attention. Nicely designed, beautiful. A lovely view of Fukuoka Tower.)
– A lovely decorative display, a library, and Fukuoka Tower in the background.
– A tourist guide noting how to get to Fukuoka Tower and Nishijin Station. I wish the station was positioned a bit closer towards the tower itself, but I can’t tell the Japanese what to do. A simplistic small mono-rail, or something. The walk is nice though, and I’m happy they placed noteworthy national decorations along the route.
– Owl Statue.

I considered venturing into the library, I however felt intimidated by the simple fact I’m unable to read Japanese. That, and everybody is intellectually far more superior to myself, and I’m simply an outsider who doesn’t belong in that Japanese library. High levels of disconnection all around.

Not really dejected, just aware of my situation. I pressed on towards Fukuoka Tower.

– I genuinely admire how Japan decorates their cities. Ottawa (Canada), take note. You need more of these spreading all across the city. 😉
– Even if it doesn’t have water, it’s still gorgeous.
– A proud view of Fukuoka Tower.

I found myself being caught up by other people attempting to capture images of this tower. I, with others, attempted to go around, or walk on the side. I took my pictures, they took theirs, and we waited for one another to be done. I admire that level of respect from people, even if some level of confusion, and maybe slight dismay may have been present. I admire Japan’s level of social respect.

Ottawa, Canada needs to regain Japan’s level of respect again. We need to revert back to when Canada was Canada, and when we could be friends again; Where Canada can be viewed on equal social terms as Japan, and vice-versa. 😉

– Granted, I was the impatient one at times, as noted by the guy in blue on the left. I had assumed I had him out of frame. He wasn’t.
– Various Buddha statues.
– The opposite side.
– The general view of Fukuoka tower. It’s a straight tower with no decorations branching out at the base of the tower.
– V!
– V!
– I took this image solely for VRChat introducing me to this statue. I’ve seen this statue digitally, even happily taking images prior to my true visit to Fukuoka. VRChat & reality mixing together. Awesome!
– Mukai Boryu?
– The base of Fukuoka Tower. Note the tower, the middle connection, and the secondary location.

The tower itself is overly simplistically built. Straight up and down with a slight barrier. The middle section is the tourist ticket area, and the blue square building is the Konbini, gift shops, and other side shops. An upper area for “something”.

– Panorama – A vertical panorama.
– Fukuoka Tower – A Place to Encounter Sky and Sea.
– Rushed-Scuffed selfie.

The line-ups were insane. 80 minutes wait just to get to the upper floors with line-ups leading straight to the back. I would also eventually find out the line-ups could even be longer than 80 minutes. Both prior and after the ticket gate. Brutal stuff. I could have easily visited the museum prior to my visit to Fukuoka Tower, even if I noted the museum was closing. I could have still barely explored the exhibits comfortably. What’s done is done. Time to visit the coastline! A windy coastline.

Making your way from Fukuoka Tower to the beach-side is also weird, similar to how one travels from Nishijin Station to Fukuoka Tower. It feels a bit lazy.

– Fukuoka Tower area is still in a state of winter celebrations.
– Admiring the beauty of the area. The tower, the decorations, architecture, and the area.
– You can make out the tourist areas on the Fukuoka Tower on the upper floors. The area at ground level is supposed to have water in the middle section.
– Decorative.
– Making note of various neat architecture.
– Happy selfie! 🙂
– Admiring the general beauty of the wedding venue. I may feel out of place, still however going around admiring and documenting the area.
– Beautiful architecture. Sure, it may look rough in January & February, it’ll be far more visually pleasing in the warmer periods. The atmosphere was still there with how awesome it was in person. The personal vibe was awesome.

Various areas around here felt more like romantic dating spots, something which I obviously noted. Something I’m not allowed to admire, I’ll however admire everything else. I also admire the brown-blue building in the background, one which I perceive as a loose style of London’s Big Ben building.

– Felt like going on another journey to the other side of the beach to find a quiet place to also make a video note for Twitter/X. Just exploring.
– A wedding venue, a place I won’t go next to out of respect. I’m sure I won’t be allowed to go either way, though I can loosely make note of it from a far. A nice moment for those currently there. 🙂
– Birds in the far center of the image in distance
– Flock of birds.
– Admiring the various European-influenced architecture in the area. It’s neat, it obvious, it’s however nice. It’s a nice atmosphere.
– I was tempted in checking out the neighboring area, the area you see on the opposite side. Decided against it after seeing nothing of interest on Google Maps at a glance.

In hindsight: I could have visited Toyohama Park because Japan makes awesome parks. There is also an AEON Marina Town mall, a place I most likely should have visited with how brutal the line-ups were in Fukuoka Tower. I should have been more observant on Google Maps.

– I’m glad I could happily see Nokonoshima Island. Yes, even in the lower cloud cover, semi-foggy, windy, and threatening to rain climate.
– I genuinely love the vibe this area gives off with the funky buildings. It’s funky, but in a good way. The stadium, hotel, Fukuoka Tower, and newly built towers handling residential, hotel, or other uses. I admired this view. I was staring at this location for many minutes; A few hours. Gorgeous!
– No diving!
– Possibly the same flock of birds now resting on the water.
– As rough as Fukuoka is, I genuinely admire this area. This area is gorgeous.

The brown dome at the back, the one behind the hotel and the wedding chapel area, reminded me of the Star Wars Coruscant Senate building. It had the rough shape, style, and appearance to pass off as a similar building to that. One would simply need an 1:1 replica, or R/C, Star Wars vehicle to fly around, and possibly into the ‘Mizuho PayPay Dome FUKUOKA’. You know, Star Wars spacecraft flying in to land on a landing pad, the pad being on, or in the PayPay Dome.


I genuinely wish I could own property in that brown-blue building just so I could teleport into it, from Canada, and enjoy my days off in Japan before teleporting back. I’m aware this comes off as a moot point when you have countless other foreigners desiring to venture to Japan, etc, but to me this is special. I wish I had my own special portal, one people can’t abuse, and to just to do my own fun legal things in Japan. Proper escapism. Granted, I’ve also noted self-imposed restrictions of only being allowed in Japan for short periods of time, meaning 1 day, or few days (2-4 days) at most. Or, same day travel…. If only.

For any times I feel sad, depressed, or not allowed to have fun in Ottawa I wouldn’t mind a nice lovely walk along the beaches of Fukuoka.

I had so much fun admiring the beauty of the area, even if it was windy, moody, semi-miserable, and things not going my way. I still made things go my way, in certain ways.

– Attempting to make note of boats off in the distance.
– One of my more memorable images.
– I genuinely admire this area. I don’t know what else to say,…. “It’s just awesome”.
– Attempting to make note of the visible floors of Fukuoka Tower.
– May be hard to see, though a neat contrast with day and night. That, and the waves in the area.
– Various areas starting to light up for the night.
– Fukuoka Tower starting to light up, if still hard to see.
– Video – A peaceful time at the beach. Windy, wavy waters, and a lovely pan towards the Fukuoka Tower.
– Gradually making my way back while passing by people on their bikes, rollerblades, and walking their dogs. The area is nicely uplifting. May look visually rough, it’s however beautiful.
– Admiring the simple beauty of Fukuoka’s beach. The vending machine, greenery, sand, the hotels in the back, and everything. It’s all beautiful.
– The lovely romantic area with lit up winter tree decorations, a rounded area, and Fukuoka’s tower.
– At this point I was genuinely attempting to figure out where to eat food. Where should I go?
– Nice selection of food. I may have stumbled a bit on my basic Japanese, I however attempted to tell him the food was great. He appeared confused on how to handle me. Even if my confused way of speaking the two words I told them both meant “delicious”, if in two different ways. I’m certain of that. Basically “tasty” and “delicious”, but in Japanese. ‘Oishii’ & ‘Umai’.
– I ordered Coke, sausage, and squid. I only received sausages and squid, no coke. I felt the pain of not having a Coke. The food was great, I however sadly overpaid by a bit. I didn’t want to cause a scene so I obtained a coke from a vending machine later. Eventually visiting a proper vending machine for proper Coke. 🙁 Also, Suisei & Yuudachi were with me on my journey. 🙂
– Admiring the boat-life and scenery from the beach. This scene reminds me strongly of Croatia, Tucepi when I saw boats from the hotel room in the morning. I was woken up by my mother to see the boats fishing in the close distance of the water (middle section of the water).
– Beautiful nightly view from the beach.

I was walking around the area to which a phone camera on a tripod fell down from the wind. I tried signaling to those nearby if it was their camera. I didn’t want to touch other people’s property in fears of being told I’m stealing, thus making me look like an idiot in the process. I tried signaling, to which a group of female Asian tourists came running noting it was theirs. Satisfied, I walked away while noting they were doing their own thing. Righting the tripod back up, and attempting the picture-taking process again.

– Fukuoka Tower lit up in Valentines Day themed mood.
– Happily received my delicious coke from the nearby vending machines. Sadly, I have food marking on my cheek.

I genuinely had more fun with this drink of Coke than I had with any other drink. It satisfied my thirst so much more than anything in Canada. Granted, it was the hype of the vending machine, the lessened amount of sugar in the drink (Japan portions), and the general vibe of the area. I was happy I was free, and I was enjoying Japan the fun way.

– An overly gorgeous view of Fukuoka Tower, the pyramid decoration, and everything else. What a gorgeous area!
– Video – A quick pan behind Fukuoka Tower viewing the light displays, the water trickling, and other neat atmospheric vibes.
– I admire Japan when it illuminates various areas.

I went around the tower, still noting a very long line-up to get inside the tower. Dejected, I walked to the front to take more pictures and videos of Fukuoka Tower.

– Video – The front of Fukuoka Tower themed to Valentines Day. I admire the illuminations, just not the theme of the illuminations.

It pains me to see anything related to “love”, “romance”, Valentines Day, or anything aimed at couples. I’m aware people would tell me to stop venting, but because I actually vented about it internally, I do have to make note of it. Basically about how I’m not allowed to have a girlfriend, how girls aren’t behaving in very approachable manners, and I’m on the mindset of how I’ll simply be “forever alone” for a very long time because of their cold-shoulder attitudes. There are times where I’m happy to be alone, then there are times I wish girls/women/females were overly friendly, as they once were in the past (1990~). Willing to strike up conversations, or just hang out, or actually be as they are portrayed in Romance Anime and slice-of-life Anime. If I wasn’t sabotaged, and if I actually had managed to travel to Japan sooner, and not when I had, I probably would have been in a much more positive situation. If I wasn’t actively sabotaged by Ottawa, and forced into severe depression, I could have been in a much happier place. Basically the same situation as those portrayed in realistic Anime shows of the slice-of-life and romance genre variety, or isekai, and certain sci-fi shows. They aren’t fiction. They are based on reality, as much as Americans tend to pretend they are fiction. They enjoy being brutally critical to the point they self-sabotage themselves, but that’s off point right how. It’s a shame how socially confused the female kind has become, and how degrading the social climate of the Western world is to the point you tend to see guys with Asian girlfriends, wives, partners, etc.

I’ve found Japanese girls to be “nicer” than Western girls of the Canadian, American, and European variety, and they’re more attractive for this exact reason. More approachable, if in their own stubborn bubbles, as others had also noted. But because I’m a tourist, and because I can’t speak Japanese, I’m still locked out. I’m still screwed, and I can’t have fun with girls in general (not lewd). Just in general, no other desires which would be considered “creepy”. I wish the girls/woman/female kind could be as nice as my Yokohama 2023 experience with a Japanese Ramen coin shop female server having given me an overly formal knee bow, almost as if she was spreading out her imaginary skirt to give me her highest praise. She only gave me the overly formal bow, bent her knee, pretended to spread her skirt, and to enjoy my meal. She did this to me, and to nobody else at the time, or so I noted…. The few obnoxiously loud white males made note of this, even hyping it up to overly annoying levels to the point I was equally proud, as much as I was annoyed at their observation. Sure, I was proud, if annoyed my mood prevented me from giving a simple bow back, or thanking her for the bow. I was moody from my day, but I did make note of the special gesture. I needed that Ramen to warm me up, and I was overly grateful for it, if I sadly didn’t show it. I failed to thank her kindly in return. I did make note of her overly fancy, and respectful bow for me to enjoy my Ramen. Secondly, Kumiko, a Japanese girl who had traveled to Vancouver, Tokyo, and then Sapporo (2023) openly asked me if I was fine while we were both on Mount Moiwa. We entered a decent conversation. Sadly, nothing came of it from the after conversations. Only the mountain, and that’s that. It pains me so much when simple things are hard to reach, and when everything is made more impossible than it should.

I wish talking to girls would be as simple as the two situations noted, such as the overly formal bow (not done to other customers at the time, just me), and Kumiko, a Japanese girl who had asked me if I was fine while on Mount Moiwa. If I can find more down-to-earth girls like these then the balance of the world is restored for others and myself. Granted, I wished for love at the shrine in Kamakura back in 2023, and that may have helped. I may have to visit Japanese shrines more often. Because I didn’t, prior to my travels within Japan for this year’s 2024, I probably prevented the Japanese Gods from attempting to assist me. They weren’t as forthcoming.

After all that, I’m still overly happy to see the tower, and the fanciness of the illuminations on the tower, it however made me sad. I felt hollow inside. I’ll never be happy on a romantic level.

– Beautiful, yet painful.

I just wish girls/woman/females could simply be approachable again, as they once were in the 1990’s. I wish they were human again. Humble, down-to-earth, proper, modest, and genuine. One proper simple gesture of simply expressing how much they respect you (the male) goes a long, long way. Doesn’t even have to be a romantic gesture, just a nice genuine strong compliment. Asian females seem to know how to treat guys better than Canadian & American girls, and same with European ones. Even European girls had bitchy, slutty attitudes, or at least from my experiences. They pretend they’re worth more than they actually are, or were constantly pushing others away, cold shoulders, actively sabotaging, and other negative behaviours. Self destructive, at that.

Romance and the love-life is painful, especially when girls/women/females also have forgotten their place in the world. Can’t have a normal conversation anymore, especially with those who have adopted the “kill all males” and are “pro-LGBTQ” nonsense. I’m not happy with how fake the Canadian & European mindset has become to shame males into depression, suicide, and self-regret. I wish everything was restored back to its original self. It feels as if I’m being intentionally punished, and I’m not far from the truth on that. I hate how fake everything has become…

– Looking at this was awesome, if highly depressing.
– Beautiful, if depressing. I had to come to Japan during Valentines Day. I must be a sadist….
– Beautiful, if painful.
– Walking my way towards the bus stop. A POV from the bus stop, dejected I couldn’t make my way into Fukuoka Tower, nor present with a female partner. Constantly thinking “Forever alone” while still sipping on my bottle of Coke. Numerous Japanese staff were lined up in a way preventing others and myself from passing through. A very stiff line leading from the building, and onto the bus stop.

Depressed, disappointed, and dejected, I made my way to the nearby bus stop to head back to the hotel. I continued to drink my coke prior to the bus leaving. I barely made my way around a line of local Japanese to my bus stop in front of the ‘Lawson, TNC-TV Building Corporation’ with many Japanese blocking the way in a solid line. Nobody desired to move from that bus stop in front of that building. I waited on the side of a building with others once I managed to make my way past the line, and onto the actual building with the bus stop. Drinking my coke, pondering, thinking…. Somewhat depressed about the theme of Fukuoka Tower with the Valentines theme, and how long the line-ups were at the tower. I’ve even observed a bus making their way from the above TNC building, to the stop, and venture beyond to a different location. The simple things are nice in life. I’ve even observed a family doing their own thing, and others waiting. Just casually, something I can’t even recall of what they’ve even done. Just acknowledged their presence, is all.

My night could have easily ended there…….. A bus ride back to my hotel, dejected.

The “One More Try” attempt – Fukuoka Tower:

I don’t know what clicked, I however desired to try “one more time” prior to heading back to the hotel by bus. I walked back the way I came, even eventually lining up for a ticket. I basically went back in line when majority of the line was finally gone, though still had to wait an eternity for prior to heading up to Fukuoka Tower’s upper decks. 20-30 minutes wait, and then I had fun on the upper decks.

– WOOO!~ Finally purchased my ticket to view the upper floors of Fukuoka Tower! I however now had to wait an extra 20-30 minutes prior to being elevatored up.

Either this, or during my first attempt, a group of rude tourists were in the area with a tour guide also being fairly obnoxious herself. She was rudely trying to rally her rogue tourists to be placed in a line-up with some fairly questionable wordings and phrasings. Off putting, and highly concerning. Figured I’d note that. Otherwise, everything went mostly smoothly.

– I admired the blurred window. Simply seeing a blur while being far away. I desired to take this image sooner, if socially afraid someone might complain if I had taken one with others in it.

our time eventually came when a staff membered grabbed a certain set of tickets. Other English tourists, and my own. Stamping other tickets, possibly. The line-ups were insane, and done in the way a line-up is handled at Universal Studios by going up, and around, while constantly looping. I took my backpack off once I had to enter the elevator. I was scared of the fear of heights, looking away.

– Hastily grabbing an image while fearing the heights. I have a brutal fear of heights.

The interior of the place is nice, if fairly cramped. It’s as to be expected, especially of such a slim tower. It swayed in the wind.

– A calmer take of the scenery.
– Trying to capture everything while I’m here, attempting to not waste the moment.
– I was rushed by both my fear of heights, and by people. Social pressures.
– Painfully blurry! You can see in how much of a distress I was at the time.
– Trying to calm my nerves.
– Of course, the only “good one” ends up being a “sky gacha”. Figures.
– If my friends from Vancouver were with me during this moment they would be laughing their butts off. They would be making fun of how fearful I am of heights.
– Sky gacha!
– Figured I would try my attempt at some Japanese fortunes. Small luck. Talk to random people, be aggressive in things you do, be sociable, to obtain what you truly desire.

When I hear that, I think of Aqua-chan (Hololive) catchphrase when she’s upset. When Aqua-chan is upset, frustrated, or peeved off with something she screams out – “NEEEEEEEE!~” – which is hilarious. Mou is also something I’m overly familiar with, and wouldn’t using if it was appropriate to use.

Anta, Sukaaan!
(I don’t like you!)
Shy passive-aggressiveness in a loving manner? Noted.

I would be more open to people if people weren’t so happy to betray others on a drop of a hat. I’m wary of people. Though if people are genuine, we can talk for hours, and hours, and hours. Granted, there have also been times when I desired to talk to only be hampered by my own fatigue, stress, and social uncertainty to where I simply sit in place like a ghost. I was more focused on other concerns than I was at things during the present time. I wish I could be more sociable with more honest people, as I was with many folks in Kure, Tango Yura, Maizuru, and with Canadians from 1990s; The few during my travels in inner Canada heading to Vancouver, or plane spotting at Vancouver Airport’s southern terminal, and maybe a few other locations.

I should have accepted my ‘Small luck’. Instead, my Fukuoka luck dropped further the next day after. 🙁

– Image recapture, this time noting the beautiful carpetting.
– I needed more proof I was up in the Fukuoka Tower, and not some chicken crap. I also should have noticed I had stuff on my cheeks. Shameful.
– Great view! V! I was in Fukuoka Tower!

I began to feel more and more uneasy as time went on. I had to wait next to an open window blowing in cold air, especially on a very windy day. I had to feel the sway of the tower, and I had to contain my fear of heights. I, however, obtained a few ink stamps prior to my exit, something I’m highly proud of. I also obtained 2 tourist coins as mementos of the journey.

If anyone was to note I could have better during my various stays at certain landmarks, you’re correct. I could have actually done better. I panicked too much, I feared heights too much causing me to fail on capturing other prime point of views from that vantage point. I genuinely could have done more.

Once the long wait was over, and an elevator trip down, I ventured to a nearby Lawson for some Karage and water. I needed a simple snack and water. It was still very windy. I also walked by a McDonalds, even noting a Japanese girl looking out the window and back down, some street kids, and other stuff. Just them doing their own thing. Various skateboarders where the Buddha statues are, etc.

– Karage and water.
– Went back to take my #15 bus for real this time. Hatsubutsukan Kitaguchi to Watanabe-dori. It was a peaceful bus ride.
– Taking my peaceful bus ride back to my hotel while trying to take the whole Fukuoka experience all into consideration. What buses go where, and the general vibe of the city. Places I could potentially eat, places I could be, etc.
– What I admire is this live-feed bus feed of when, and where, the buses are. Very handy.
– Busing by Mizuho PayPay Dome FUKUOKA.
– Tesla Dealership.
– Pado – Kero!~ Kero!~ (I genuinely admired these frogs, and same with others who had noted this while on the bus.)
– Google Maps being weird. Making note of my location. Probably a building I saw, or simple navigation curiousities.
– The ride on this bus was genuinely awesome.

Riding on a Japanese bus is a whole different experience, especially when Ottawa’s bus rides tend to contain hipsters, drug addicts, and weird people who feel out of place in the city. I paid my fare, hopping off at Watanabe-Dori in the process. Took a picture of ‘Sun Road’, a place which my hotel room overlooks. Not onto the pathway itself, but across into where people cut food, among other things.

– Making note of ‘Sun Road’, an area my hotel room overlooks on the upper-side of the arch. Trying to capture as few people in an image as possible.

Made my way to an slightly weirdly accessible 7/11 on the same block branch, if connected to the hotel’s roadway in a semi disagreeable manner. Two blocks away, a car being weird, and just Fukuoka behaviour, I guess. The mood was of the night-life variety with things being normal, if with slight off-beat nature of things. You’ll know what I mean if you know how Japan behaves at night, especially in slightly quieter urban areas.

Obtained a rice bowl, beer, and extra stuff.

– I didn’t want to argue with restaurant staff, or anything, hence why I obtained simple Konbini food. I simply desired my food, and I simply desired to eat. Simple as that. Yes, I should have eaten at a restaurant, and I do agree with you. I wasn’t in a normal state of mind.

Settled down into my hotel room to some Azur Lane & Blue Archive. TV viewing, showering, and just taking things in a relaxing manner. I had completely forgotten about my morning spook, especially when I woke up at 9 AM. I only made note of it for travel log purposes, and I highlighted it further for blogging purposes. I basically had a relaxing night, and I enjoyed my adventures, if a bit regretful I chickened out sooner than later while in Fukuoka’s tower.

I had my fun at Hakata Port Tower, especially learning more about how it runs, what it does, and how neat it was seeing the planes taking off in the area. Fukuoka may be crude at times, it however is genuinely a nice place. My walk to Tenjin was also beautiful seeing how walkable Japan is. Some towns and cities are more walkable than others, though it still genuinely surprised me how I could easily walk from Hakata Port Tower to Tenjin. Japan is positively walkable, and I admire it for that. I’m still said I’m still scared of heights, even to the point I end up feeling weird. The higher up I go, the more my palms sweat, and the more panicked I become. It was the worst in Fukuoka Tower, Sapporo Tower, and Tokyo Tower. I could only imagine what would happen to my state of being if I had entered Tokyo Skytree. My mind would probably give me a genuine heart attack. I wish I could scale the Tokyo Skytree properly, and without panic…..

Tenjin’s underground tunnels are also a surprisingly neat shock also. The neatly designed trimming, walls, passage ways, and how one ventures to the trains. I wish Fukuoka had more trains, it however links up to where you roughly desire with walking and bus linking up the rest. I love how respectful the Japanese are whenever they desire to converse. They were mostly on the quiet side while I was roaming in Fukuoka. Polite, respectful, if angry whenever they perceive something goes against the Japanese social status quo.

Even if I may have struggled around Fukuoka Tower, I still enjoyed what I saw. I had my peaceful moment at the beach of Fukuoka Tower, and moody state of the ocean. Yes, I was depressed then from the lack of a loving partner, and the high levels of bullying from Ottawa crawling back to me. Intentional berating, degrading, and vulgar behaviours in a general sense. I also blame that on corrupted Western society teaching females it’s perfectly fine to berate, degrade, and kill the male kind, while also being both slutty and bitchy. All sorts of excuses are made, many of which make absolutely no sense, causing further social degradation. People find true happiness in being honest, something they’re actively taught not to have. It’s a shame. Japan struggles with that as much as the Western world, if nudged in more romantic-spawning situation with more romantic spots. Generally depressing with how romance is suppressed. My love life is sadly stuck on the “forever alone” hour on the clock, along with countless other people, and it’s just depressing when I see the Valentines day heart on Fukuoka Tower. I don’t hate females, as Liberals and political activists have falsely stated. I hate mentally corrupted females who desire to kill and degrade their male kind at every step. I hate fake people, fake girls/women/females, and I have no patience for false emotions. I admire positive female activity, especially of the non-lewd variety. I miss the 1990s when girls would be willing to strike up conversations, hang out, and just be normal human beings. Sadly, that’s taboo, racist, and transphobic in the Western society. You’re not allowed to do human things anymore. Being a normal human being is transphobic, oppressive, racist, Alt-Right behaviour, and insulting to the corrupted side of the Western World. Real females are shamed into being bitches & sluts, and that’s why they also don’t have traditional womanly values. Body count is all that matters to them now. They’re shamed into being masculine, and then forced into suicide. Modern society is messed up… No wonder guys go for Asian girls…. I’m angry at all this fake, plastic nonsense.

Even with all that venting, depressing side-thoughts I still had an overall great experience, if on a weird note. Everything was visually pleasing, emotionally stimulating, even if I have a hard time showing it. I attempted to try more local food, especially of the Fukuoka Tower kind, and I’m happy for doing so. The sausages, squid, and whatever else I could try. I however wish I wiped off the remains off the cheek. I’m also happy the Japanese Coke variation hyped my mood back up, yet sad certain stupid things had to occur on my outing. I apologize for my confused behaviour at Yakuin Station while attempting to seek a #20 bus. I genuinely wasn’t myself, especially with how I was rudely awakened into a panic, feeling cold, having shivers, and the like at 3:40-3:50 AM mark. I’m not allowed to be me, and I apologize for by abnormal behaviour in Japan on this day. I’m not saying it’s 100% paranormal, it however felt somewhat paranormal with how it went against the norm.

*Apologizing bow*
(For causing a disruption at Yakuin Station while a cyclist was trying to get by during my search for a #20 bus to Hakata Port Tower.)
(I apologize for what I have actually done wrong, not for what I’m falsely accused for by political activists, especially on the Rising World gaming forums.)

And during my stay in Fukuoka, on this very day, maybe a handful of white foreigners were seen. A very few, and only at tourist destinations. Maybe 2? 4? Felt like 1, though may have been 4 with how I had to pass through Tenjin’s underground tunnel. They may have probably ventured to Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo, and similar destinations. I’m fine with that! The less foreigners I see, the better. I’m tired of dealing with my intellectually dishonest fellow foreigners constantly sabotaging everything they touch. I however wouldn’t mind conversing and interacting with genuinely intelligent ones, just not the morally corrupted ones wearing coloured hair, also willing to spread falsehoods, lies, and academic forgeries into Universities. I prefer proper foreigners. People may assume I’m vulgar, but if you look back on traditional Europe & Japan, you’ll see tradition has kept everything together. I wish I could have prolonged my stay at the beach pier area to simply meditate, be lost in thought, and be lost in Japan to allow me to purge more negative vibes from my self. Lower my guard as low as possible, and be at peace. I’ll always expect people to always look down upon me, bail on me, and cast me aside. But to those who still hang around, treat me as a human, and do everything they can on a human level shall always be rewarded positively by whatever Deity and God they believe in. And because I lightly prayed in a Japanese shrine in Kamakura, I feel as if I was lightly rewarded in 2023. I should have done the same in 2024. I should do the same in 2025, or whenever I’m allowed to return to Japan. This goes both ways (in honesty), and is why I keep praising Japan as much as I do. I admire Japan’s level of respect, even if others in Japan are not as trustworthy, having thrown people off their radar, etc. I’m not naïve to believe Japan is perfect, just that Japan is “better” in numerous aspects, especially in honesty creativity, hobbies, transportation, food, and general hospitality. Canada has forgotten itself, losing its place as Japan’s brothers in the process. Shame.

KanColle Bus:
It’s no joke that Anime has kept me alive. It showed me what a true world should be, how people should genuinely be true to themselves, and how creativity & philosophical thinking is a blessing, not a sin. It reminded me of how girls should behave, and how they themselves should behave. They should be true human beings, not fashion-chasing, cold-shouldered individuals. They should do as they had done in 1990 by striking up conversations by actually being properly casual, if still modest girls. Simply being true, honest, and especially not a political fake Trans individual makes you a true human. Seeing a female being respectful to a guy (and vice-versa) brings out the best in humans, as had been done in reality pre-2015. And as I had noted with the two (or more) girls who were surprisingly nice to me in Japan, among others. Being genuine, desiring natural desires, and being your true self is who you should honestly be, not some air dyed weirdo pretending to admire Japan, or some fake political activist destroying the world. Anime has kept me alive for its genuine escapism teaching me the true value of human worth and value. Do not disrespect real human beings, and treat everything with proper respect. Go for what you truly admire, even if it costs you everything. Stay true to your favoured hobbies, not what someone has chosen for you. Be the real you, not the internet clout you. I enjoy my Isekai, Romance, Sci-fi, and Slice of-Life genre Anime. Basically any Anime. 😉

Honesty is your best policy, and that’s how you get things done! I’m happy there are still true Japanese aspects, especially in Fukuoka. Even if I had a few hiccups, Fukuoka was visually pleasing. Fukuoka felt true to itself in certain regards, even if it felt it was struggling with itself in some varying forms.

– Mini Panorama created by Google Photos. 2-4 images stitched as one. View from Hakata Port Tower.

Thanks for reading, and hope to see you in the next Japanese blog post!