Trip to Japan – Round 2 – Day 17 (2024)

– A nice sunny day in Japan. Mostly sunny, some partially cloudy, and other parts going cloudy.

This blogpost covers the day of February 12th, while in Fukuoka, Japan.

Woke up fairly late. Dreamed of Ottawa having a power outage. I took too long getting ready to the point I was even nudged for a hotel room cleaning while washing up. Sleepy, making note of the weather, and catching up on the usual Azur Lane & Blue Archive stuff. Same with Twitter/X. Went to Lawson, walked to Tenjin, and back into the underground, basically retracing my steps to recapture Fukuoka Tower properly. Museum first, Fukuoka Tower second. I had other plans, they however fell through with how sluggish I was that day.

I had a lovely slow walk from Fukuoka Tower to a temple-like area, and eventually to Maizuru Park. A simple slow day taking in things at a much slower pace. Sadly, my lungs failed me causing me to huff and puff, even to the slight concern of the locals constantly looking at me in awkwardness. I still had great fun. I was also sadly denied in eating Hakata Ramen. My mood for the night was shot down by a server going ‘X’ with his arms. Good thing everything else was decently enjoyable.

Japan Trip 2024:

[Day 1] – [Day 2] – [Day 3] – [Day 4] – [Day 5] – [Day 6] – [Day 7] – [Day 8] – [Day 9] – [Day 10] – [Day 11] – [Day 12] – [Day 13] – [Day 14] – [Day 15] – [Day 16]

– Loosely keeping an eye out for the Sasebo KanColle bus. I was in a rush, not desiring to camp out. I was in a rush towards Tenjin station by foot. Even eating out at a Konbini enroute to Tenjin Station’s underground area.
– Admiring the beauty of Tenjin Station’s underground area. It’s insanely vast.
– Admiring this beautiful water fountain for some boutique place, or so I recall. It’s more impressive in a visual sense than it is being shared in a digital sense.
– Making note of the station stops. Airport line to Nishijin Station to visit the local Fukuoka museum.
– Happily revisiting Fukuoka’s city museum, this time properly.

I arrived, even asking the museum staff for both a ticket and an ink stamp. Was provided many a few, happily stamping them into my ink stamp book. Nice! Made my way into the exhibit, curiously viewing each carefully. Learning, pondering, and being curious. Learning more and more of Fukuoka and of it’s historical significance.

– Decorative face masks.
– Making note of the museum’s floor plan. I genuinely admired the scale sailing boats on display. I wish I took a picture of the boats. They were that highly impressive, especially for back then as well.

Toured through various areas. Observing various ancient, sailing, vehicles, expo, and other exhibits. Was awesome. Even how the locals celebrated with oversized floats.

I’ve also considered checking out the Sailor Moon exhibit, something I passed out on. Felt awkward, and I felt I was needed elsewhere in Fukuoka. I know, I know, missed opportunity, even if I had grown up watching Sailor Moon as a kid in Carlton Place, Ontario. Basically a farming town south of Ottawa, Canada.

– Simply making note of my surroundings.
– Admiring these arches. I genuinely admire the architecture Japan proudly builds with.
– Making note of the alternating hedge colours.
– Once again viewing the Fukuoka Library and Fukuoka Tower. Nice!
– Admiring the beautiful view of Fukuoka Tower.
– Burudon.
– Gradually making my way towards Fukuoka Tower.
– Testing out the local 7/11 Hotdog while drinking some great tea of the Ito En variety. Admiring the beauty. I agree, the hot dog is “meh” when you could eat real Fukuoka meals. I regretted this so much, it however had to be done.

A tour guide was whining and moaning about the queue. Maybe even vulgarly, and possibly obnoxiously, attempting to round up her group. Just being an annoying vocal nuisance.

I waited in line, eventually, if happily attempting to make up for my previous night’s mistakes. Fear of heights, feeling awkward, etc.

– YAY!~ And Suisei Hololive figure with a secondary ticket. Proof I was on Fukuoka Tower for a secondary time.
Screenshot_20240212_153344_Pokmon GO
– Making note of Fukuoka Tower via Pokemon GO at 3:33 PM.
– Admiring the glass window ceiling of the secondary waiting lobby area.

Once again, took my backpack off, heading straight into the left elevator.

– Admiring the day-time view this time around.
– Proof I was in Fukuoka Tower upper floor. Yes, even with one of my favourite designed building in the background.
– In hindsight, I probably should have traveled over to the other side. I should have visited the other side for the mall, the views, and a nearby shrine viewing back towards Fukuoka Tower.
– Video – My fear of heights constantly kicked in, I however had to fight it. I needed my rewards. It’s not every day I’m here in Fukuoka. Making note of the traffic off in the distance.
– Mini stamp rally. I went around obtaining all the stamps this time around for my ink stamp collection.
– More random zooming in to make my secondary trip more worthwhile.
– Digital screens making note of what’s outside. An original Macross character

It was amusing hearing other people speaking in Japanese asking what the mecha is. To me, it’s an off-brand Macross robot flying up onto the height of Fukuoka Tower. It’s Macross, yet isn’t, because of licensing issues. It’s a bland. Various animations would play ever so often, sometimes even a bit too far apart making taking selfies or photo captures fairly frustrating.

Sometimes a UFO would pop up, or a baseball would hit the window, or the window would break. Various animations would play.


I wish I knew how to speak to Japanese people, especially to the two Japanese (or maybe Korean) guys helping me out taking a picture of me in the above image batches. I attempted to gesture the animations took forever, failing to get that point across. It let to them assuming I desired a picture taken with myself, something I awkwardly took them up on. It was constantly strange. I tried to thank them, and I bet they were also awkwardly laughing about it also in a weird way. It was a very socially awkward situation. Language barriers, delayed animations, and my fear of heights.

– Sky Gacha Content – 1 play = 500 yen.
– Video – Making note of peaceful traffic in opposite direction as above.
– Went back in an attempt to capture a selfie with this ‘Macross-mecha’ wannabe character. Macrosss, yet isn’t.
– Original Character.

It’s just amusing to me hearing the Japanese say – ‘Origina Chara’ – using borrowed English words and phrases in their own languages. I find it “cute”, or “neat”, if anything.

– Yellow bus.
– Making my stay worthwhile.
– Helipad on top of a building.
– Goddess of the Six Moons.
– Message from the goddess of the moon.

“Curiousity killed the cat, satisfaction brought it back.”

I’m happy with this fortune. It’s however a bit depressing how other foreigners (of the Korean-Chinese variety) chose to attempt to throw their trash into this fortune telling bin, one you try to grasp fortunes from, such as the one from the above. It was a neat experience feeling the novelty and gimmick of Fukuoka Tower.

Now, let’s try the one I attempted during the previous night. Can I get better luck?

– From ‘Low-luck’ to ‘Future luck’…. Common!~

Spoiler alert: I wasn’t allowed to try any local Fukuoka food because I was hand-gestures in an ‘X’ I wasn’t allowed to eat, even though Google Maps noted they were clearly open. I attempted to seek out other places to eat, failed to do so. Granted, I did eat a snack, at a castle-park area, something you’ll see further below.

Love: It looks like you won’t find a good match very soon. Meanwhile, you can use the time to improve yourself.

Wish: It is difficult to suceed when it’s not within your ability. Start from small tasks.

Health: I know Hakata food is delicious but don’t eat TOO MUCH.

Work: Watch your actions. If scolded, just say sorry. A short temper is not going to help you.

I made sure to obtain any remaining ink stamps, any remaining easily to obtain souviners, and to wait in line to head back down via elevator.

– Video – The descent in the elevator. Fear of heights forcing me to look away.
– I genuinely admire Japanese vending machines, the best thing ever!
– Pokka Sapporo. A surprise seeing it down here in Fukuoka, if a neat surprise. Went for a coke instead.
– Went for a mini Coke this time around, especially for a quick figure photography moment. Artistic touch.
– A beautiful day-time view of the beach.
– Attempting to figure out what the mini-island is in the far background.
– Retracing my steps on this beautiful, sunny day.
– Panorama.
– A very beautiful area. Admiring the beautiful walkway.
– Boat.
– A certain boat caught my interest. It’s nothing special, it however caught my interest in a very special way.
– Such beautiful waters. Lovely water, lovely island, and beautiful scenery.
– A beautiful view of Fukuoka Tower.
– Admiring the stone walls and barriers at the pier. The local water wildlife, and how neat everything is.
– Ah! The beautiful beautiness of the area. Simple elegance.
– In hindsight: I should have visited this very area I was taking pictures of for a shopping mall, the views, and new experiences.
– Fukuoka’s stadium is neat, loosely reminding me of Star War’s Coruscant Senate. The hotel is awkwardly placed, yet brings out a certain charm to the area at night. People gain a neat view of the area.
– Making note of two uniquely built structures in Fukuoka. The one on the left being my favourite, and the one on the right appearing neat, if funky. It has its neat charms.
– Happy proof I was in Fukuoka. 😉
– A nice area with my own selfies.
– Lovely stone steps, something I admire greatly. I wish we had more of these in every area.
– Lovely stone steps, something I wish we would see more of in urban settings. Urban, rural, etc.
– A lovely elegant view looking back at the pier area, a place I’ve visited twice now. Two proud visits.
– What a beautiful sight!
– A lovely tropical view of Fukuoka Tower. A nice shelter, tropical trees, and Fukuoka itself. A glimpse of it’s summer aura.
– A JAL323 caught my attention having me search what plane it was. Japan Airlines.
– Remember the red boat earlier? It caught my attention once again, this time having me search it up via a marine tracker. Koryu Maru.
– Koryu Maru.
– Koryu Maru.

I even attempted to race it in an attempt to capture a parallel view of Koryu Maru passing by. I desired a clear side-shot, something I failed to capture. It genuinely amazed me at how fast water vessels travel, especially on water. I’m aware they aren’t slow, it however still caught me off guard all the same in a personal perspective. I was able to witness this with my own eyes, with my own senses, and it baffled me how the boat outpaced me. Granted, I had to also race into the pier by speed walking (not running), something which caused me some time. Either way, it was a nice precious little memory for myself racing a boat in an attempt to capture it for blogging purposes.

– Fukuoka Stadium and a hotel.
– Fukuoka Tower and a slowly-setting sun.
– “It’s dangerous from here on out. Please refrain from trespassing.” – Fukuoka City Port Bureau.
– My mind slowed down enough to take more happy Yuudachi & Suisei images. WOOO!~
– POI!~ POI!~ POI!~
– Poi! Poi!
– A tad bit closer towards this little island. I can even see some previously observed tall buildings off in the distance.
– Peace!
– Walking my way towards a nearby pedestrian bridge. I’m desiring crossing over to see this sports arena up close by simply walking by it.
– Looking back one more time prior to heading to alternate areas.
– What a nice beautiful view.
– Crossing the pedestrian bridge. Semi fearful, mostly fine. Documenting everything ever few moments for blogging purposes.
– Looking the opposite way. Bridges!
– Wheel! It’s also a compass pointing north, south, etc.
– I admire these sorts of decorations.
– Lovely gazebo. Or, at least, shelter. Decorative birds placed on top.
– Making my way the other pathway. I genuinely admire how they designed this, especially with the stone buildings. There’s something highly charming about stone structures, and I admire them more than anything else.
– You’re here! Japan! Footsteps to Japan.
– Sailing boat.
– The beach attached to Fukuoka’s stadium. Cosplayers scattered about and around the arena. May have been an Anime-related convention at the time, or a standard gathering.
– A lovely, misty perspective.
– A lovely soon-to-be Fukuoka Sunset. Could easily be romantic, that’s however something I can’t partake in. Not allowed. I can however, in the meantime, admire the scenic beauty. 😉
– So beautiful.
– A tiny bit closer to this island.
– Zooming in on this island.
– WOOOSH!~ Quick boat.
– Quick boat. It was neat how it rounded the upcoming corner.
– Time to make my alternate way to Nishijin Station. I had nothing else on my plan, only to head to Nishijin to eat food.
– Admiring the beautiful scenic walk. Lovely river, pathway, and just my own thoughts while in Japan.
– Something caught my attention. Is that a shrine? In the middle of the image, behind the tallest palm tree.
– Chirp! Chirp! Birdies! Birds! 🙂
– Admiring the view I came from, especially how decorative the bridge is.
– Happily crossing one intersection to the next, and onto this neat pathway. Japan is a very walkable place, and I admire it greatly for that.
– Lovely homes, lovely scenery, and lovely temple-tower appearing place.
– Well, this is unique. Daibutsu Daienji.
– Basically one temple area attached to another, connected as one. To me, it appears old meets new, connecting as one.
– Admiring the beautiful view. It’s unique, that’s for sure.
– Neat place.

Sadly, I hated how much I was huffing and puffing in this area. I must have been speedwalking more than I should have, breathing heavier than I desired, constantly huffing and puffing. Breathing heavily, especially to the point I accidentally stared at other locals to which they would stare back, probably in concern of how weird I was being, how out of breath I was, and probably how I’m being a stupid foreigner in Fukuoka.

I genuinely hated, and even now, how much out of breath I was. I walk constantly day per day, yet still suffer from breathing problems. Depressed a bit over that part. I’m happy I investigated things off the beaten path, yet depressed over the state of my health.

– A more zoomed-in perspective of this two-part unified shrine area.
– A quick perspective of a shrine.
– A train for the kids! CHOO!~ CHOO!~
– Thanks to my detour I lined myself up with a nearby train stop. I was heading for Tojinmachi at this point.
– Saw people picking up food here, curiously desiring to obtain the same.
– Hakatatoyotei Tojinmachiten.

I ordered my meal by pointing at the menu, paid by cash, waited, and was given my meal. Others had also came before and after, something which noted it was a neat place. Google Reviews may note otherwise, and it may be true. I still gained a nice experience out of it. I had to pay by cash, and I’m glad I had the cash on me.

– Stopping by at this train station to obtain a few ink stamps before obtaining a new idea of heading towards Maizuru park to eat at Fukuoka Castle Ruins.
– I rarely take pictures of train stations. Figured I might as well capture this image for documentation purposes, and because of a game called ‘Exit 8’.
– I genuinely admire Japanese stations, they’re highly beautiful.
– At first I was baffled as to what was floating in the water. They’re birds! Birds are sleep-resting on the water for the night.
– A bird on the netting.
– Three birds floating by in a similar fashion as an R/C boat would. Three birds admiring their time in the water.
– Noted in being closed at the time of visit. Still beautiful all the same.
– Heron.
– Gorgeous now, more gorgeous during spring and summer periods.

I knew I wasn’t going to beat the incoming darkness, I however still attempted to do so in reaching the destroyed castle prior to full sunset. I desired to eat my food in some sunlight. Seeing various landmarks in the sunsetting experience became highly surreal.

– A lovely semi-covered resting area, ones I greatly admire. I wish we had this back in Ottawa.
– Spooky~.
– It’s a cat! Nyaa!~ (Meow).
– Nyaa!~ Cats are skittish, as they should be. At least they won’t be eaten alive here.

Eventually made my way to a further-than-needed pedestrian walkway, something I mentally noted others prematurely crossing the road when they shouldn’t have. I get it, it’s painful to walk to another intersection, I however respectfully done so at a designated area. I walked across, confusingly made my way up a hill, and to where I assumed the castle was. I even attempted to seek out signs, Google Maps, and anything noting where this castle’s upper area was. I eventually made it.

– Lovely stone walls at night.
– Semi familiar perspective of shrine huts, gates, and other neat areas. Loosely reminding me of Genshin Impact, as much as that game is shunned for it’s highly toxic community.
– Inner building area. A very neat place, somewhat European, or maybe actually European. Still neat, all the same. I love how the moon pops up in the night sky.
– Making my way further up the castle. I’m genuinely admiring how the moon shines in the sky.

At this point I was overly frustrated with certain aspects in life, as I’ve vented about time and again, at how it’s needlessly difficult in finding love, as my fortune had noted. Thinking back to my fortune, venting at it in how I’m not allowed to have a romantic partner, or simply a female friend in a non-romantic level, yet still friendly terms. I can befriend all the guys I desire, it’s always the females that are highly difficult. All I’m seeking (with numerous other guys) is simply have a an overly simplistic female friend, of the female variety, especially for non-lewd moments. You know, those portrayed in Romance Anime in non-slutty manners, still properly human, and allegedly ‘Alt-Right’ by Liberal political activists. I was starting to vent more and more, especially verbally (out-loud), if still to myself while assuming nobody else was at the upper areas of the castle. Simply verbally venting out loud, frustrated, and annoyed at how artificial everything feels. Everything is needlessly unrewarding because of stupid idiocies in the world. There are too many needless barriers in the world.

A simple act of – “Hey, you play “X” Anime games right? Let’s play together. Here! My in-game tag…” – type of things would be great if I heard it coming from a female. I’d be happy, as would any guy. KanColle, Azur Lane, or whatever. It’s so much easier to ask my fellow male friends for favours 90% of the time, yet females always 98% of the time fail to do you any non-lewd favours. From females, asking help always leads them to shooting you down majority of the time. Want help? Nah, it’s always above them. Princess “better-than-thou” attitudes….. Frustrating.

Why the hell is it so hard to find a female partner, let alone a romantic one. Doesn’t have to be for +18, only for companionship, and just general company. Seeing the Fukuoka Tower off in the distance with its valentines day theme setting me off. I mean, I am happy I had two moments of talking with Japanese females in Yokohama 2023 and Mount Moiwa in 2023. Everything feels needlessly restrictive. As noted previously, I may have to pray at more Japanese shrines the next time I’m able to. I feel those two situations were response to my Kamakura shrine praying moments at both times.

I stopped venting to myself once I realized people were up there. If they understood English I would be publicly embarrassed. Annoyed, I silently continued to venture up onto the more scenic part by walking under arches, up a modern wooden stairway, and simply documented things for blogging purposes. Still frustrated (if silently at this point) at how artificial female companionship has become. Both Western and Japanese side of things.

– Spooky green glow. Neat though, if semi-Halloween vibe style. I genuinely admire old architecture like this.
– It made me proud knowing I walked from Fukuoka Tower to Maizuru Park. Sadly, the Valentines Theme on Fukuoka Tower soured my mood. Made me depressed. Everything was fine up until I saw that theme. I became more grumpy.
– Let’s go further up!
– I genuinely admire how scenic this is. Look at the past and present perspectives. The lovely walkway, fencing, and how you can see the city scape around you. Passing through felt awesome. I admire more traditional style ways of life. Seeing Fukuoka Tower off in the distance is also neat.
– What a gorgeous view!

At this point I mentally made note of where I was geographically. I allowed my mind to grasp the general location of my being, of where Fukuoka is located, where Japan is located, and how far Ottawa (Canada) is from this location. It felt blissful. I felt at peace, desiring I could always feel this at peace. Sure, I may be partially peeved about the whole Valentines Day frustrations, artificial social barriers when it comes to companionship (female friends). Other than that, everything was bliss. I felt 99% happy, or close to it. I wish I could have stayed in this place, in this state, for a longer period of time. I was finally at peace. Proper peace.

– Panorama – Maizuru Park – Fukuoka Castle.
– It’s a love-hate thing. Bittersweet vibes. I’m admiring the genuine serenity, beauty, and how “old meets new” vibes. I felt surrounded by urban structures in a more magical, surreal sense than of visual perspectives. Everything was more sense related.
– The lovely Japanese cityscape of Fukuoka, the setting sun, and the moon. The moon gave off a neat vibe to me, almost similar to an eclipse.
– My god, this is so beautiful!
– I’m now more obsessed with how these stairs appear on the castle. How neatly, elegantly they attach themselves to the castle. The style. I love this sort of architecture styles.
– Neatly lit up stairway.
– Past meeting the present.
– Feeling more at peace. Found a spot to eat, something I decided to dig in quickly. Enjoying a nice touch of rice and meat. Yummy!~ A Japanese meal. 😉

(Side-note: This meal probably makes up for my unlucky visit to a Japanese restaurant denying me entry. The staff signaled me off with an ‘X’, something I was able to enjoy this meal more over an attempted Hakata Ramen meal.)

It was awkwardly amusing how a couple sat in front of me on the other side of the platform, especially with their small dogs. I was eating, they were sitting with their dogs, and the dogs were highly wary of me. If I moved one way, or the other, they would bark at me. I finished my meal, grabbed my other camera to capture the night view, to which the dogs would bark more often (territorial), to which the couple gradually left.

– The sun fully set at this point, this time bringing out a brighter scenic lighting on each building. The depression-causing Fukuoka Tower, the hotel, and other neat buildings. Made me happy seeing it with my own eyes, especially with the fresh night air.
– A very beautiful area. Peaceful.
– A darker shot, this time with the moon above.
– I admired this view a heck of a lot. I wish I could have stayed here longer!
– So simple, yet so beautiful.

Satisfied, I slowly started making my way through Maizuru park while keeping onto various pathways. I desired to head back to Ohori Station, this time seeing what else I could see on this main part of the park.

– 30% Battery while translating various signs. No Skateboarding in the park.
– Potential shrine area. Or tickets, washroom. Something like that.
– Spooky, yet peaceful.
– Loosely admiring the park while roaming through it. A green light for a nearby traffic light, the one I was aiming for to cross over to the other side to head into Ohori Station.
– A neat elevated pathway-stairway. Neatly designed.
– I came just in time to see some pink flowers. Cherry Blossoms?
– Making note of a Konbini on the other side. A Ministop, I believe.
– Making note of my transit.
– Ohori Park & Station – Sakura emblem. *Heart Emoji*

Ohori Station to Tenjin Station.

– Ferrari Jacket.
– I love Fukuoka! (And Ferrari Jacket guy).
– Interior decoration.
– Various murals in the area. Anime poster on the right side of the mural.

I tried eating at a ramen place situation right next to an arcade. I was declined, gestured with an ‘X’ hand gesture, something which depressed me highly. As I left, I was also given a standard formal greetings of “Welcome, come again” type thing. I was peeved, let down, and frustrated. I circled around trying to find a place to eat, something you can see me doing in the above pictures both prior and after heading into the arcade.

– I had the staff chuckling. I also overheard other folks commenting, chuckling, laughing at the funny lines.
– Video – Gesturing & talking display.
– Video – Part two of the the various amusing talking moments.
– Exchanging a few bills to play a few games. Even the same gacha gadgets you see to the right.
– Playing a racing game.

I also happily played this game, if brute-forcing the options here and there, as I would any Japanese games. Just guessing and feeling my way around a game. I’ve done decently well until certain AI racers would irritate me to the point I began verbally noting one-word frustrations out loud. A Japanese guy next to me observed me doing so a few times in curiousity, maybe to help, or to simply see what’s up. After a decent while I felt satisfied, checking out other arcades in the process.

– Whack a mole!
– Scenic decorations of Cherry tree branches and fabric. Looking for a place to eat, something I was unable to do. I was frustrated.
– Taito Station, and a hidden restaurant to the left of it. I probably should have tried another area.
– Basically visiting one arcade after another… They had lovely vibes, and I wish I could have played them to win prizes. I admired at least skimming their selections.

I basically drank my typical Milk Tea and some Fried Chicken. That’s about it. I considered going into more tourist trap restaurants, something I probably should have done. I was frustrated I couldn’t eat more local foods, dejected from the rest of the night. I probably should have stayed at Fukuoka’s castle for a little while longer. Maybe some nightly Azur Lane AR mode, or something.

– A car to the right (the blue-white car), something others failed to spot.
– Car is further down the road.
– At this point I’m loosely heading back to the hotel while passing by some very interesting places. Fancy fashion boutiques, this 1930’s appearing place, and others. It was nice. Shame I didn’t get food, but at least I happily obtained images of these sorts of places to rest.
– Making way back to hotel. Just a random image. That same car as above passed by for third time, missing it. It was basically joy-riding while going in circles.

Walked back to the hotel, retired for the night, catching up on Azur Lane, Blue Archive, Twitter/X. The usual stuff. I had to prepare for my departure from Fukuoka to Himeji & Kure. And because I briefly failed geography I would make my way to Himeji first, prior to visiting Kure. It was a dumb move on my part. That’s a next-day problem, not this this day’s problem.

I genuinely admired my revisit of Fukuoka Tower, even recapturing certain shots. Even happily zooming in, obtaining ink stamps, selfies, and other memorable moments. Even chasing a boat down, walking to a shrine area. I also admired some side street food. It’s a shame I couldn’t try Hakata Ramen, probably because my Japanese luck was both ‘Low Luck’ and ‘Future Luck’. My luck was horrible at the time, and I’m sad it had to be that way. Shows why I can’t have basic stuff in life. Everything has to be a struggle and a pain. Everything else was fine. I genuinely admired my stay at Maizuru Park, also reminding me of 2023’s Maizuru trip, as suggested by Nara’s tourist guides. Japan flows with the divine, and I respect that. Maybe not fully, though mostly.

My breathing issues may have been horrible, I however still enjoyed how walkable both Japan and Fukuoka are. Admiring everything, and all the landmarks. It was awesome. It’s why I hyped up Japan as much as I do.

Thanks for having me, even if there were things working behind the scenes in pushing me out of Fukuoka. Working against me in having bad luck, low luck, future luck, etc. Still a highly memorable visit.

Thanks for viewing, hope you enjoyed! See you in the next Japanese blog posting!