Busou Shinki – Moon Angel – Episode 6

Hello! Busou Shinki episode 6 is available on the Japanese PSN for 400 yen, yet only viewable in the game via your room TV option. You’ll have to wait for the Blu-Ray.

Spoiler warning! Be patient to watch next episode, or scroll down cautiously!

(Link – MySite) – The search continues!

(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens of Busou Shinki Moon Angel on the PSP.)

This episode consists mainly of Tsubasa still attempting to find Kaguya after that nasty battle. A nice simple episode before the real fun begins in later episodes. Not much to say besides Tsubasa’s little special gift and Ken telling Tsubasa what Kaguya really is, along with where she is held.

Related Articles:

Busou Shinki – Moon Angel – Episode 5:

 – Busou Shinki – Moon Angel – Ep 4

Busou Shinki – Moon Angel – Ep 3:

Busou Shinki – Moon Angel – Ep 2:

Busou Shinki – Moon Angel – Ep 1:

(Link – MySite)

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(Link – MySite) – Search for Kaguya ends near a river just outside of the main city. Some nice homes could be seen across the river bank.

(Link – MySite) – Depression beginning to set in.

(Link – MySite) – Unpleased with Tsubasa’s presence they both wander off.

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(Link – MySite) – A nice little gift meant for Kaguya.

(Link – MySite) – Ken: “Searching for Kaguya?”

(Link – MySite) – You’re easily amused Straf.

(Link – MySite) – Deactivation of Tempesta form.

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(Link – MySite) – Straf: “You’re 01 Arnval!” – Arnval: “No! I’m Kaguya! Not 01.

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(Link – MySite) – “Come. Let’s return to the facility together. You don’t need your master. What do you say?

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– Meanwhile…..

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(Link – MySite) – Ken briefing Tsubasa on what Kaguya is, what she is meant for and where she is located.

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– To be continued….


Episode Breakdown:

– This episode continues off from where five left off with Tsubasa searching for Kaguya. Still no luck. He ends up running around in every area, minus the big city. Him thinking Kaguya seeking seclusion in open areas on the “outskirt” of the city? Wise guess is plausible.
– A father assists his daughter, though both get bothered by Tsubasa’s helpless expression. He lost a precious Shinkis, yet the two don’t know that. They just want their family privacy. I wonder, does Konami have a fetish for strangers purposely ignoring and mistreating others? Even Shinki wise.
– Tsubasa wanted to gift Kaguya (Arnval) a new head-piece, possibly after a natural victory after the battle that went wrong on both of them. While spacing pit with head-gear in hand Ken startles Tsubasa.
– Straf extremely excited to see Arnval’s Tempesta form to the point where she makes amusing facial expressions. Straf forcefully and bluntly brings Arnval back up to speed as to what and who she is. Now then, a truce? A hand-shake to confirm the deal of returning back to HQ.
– Elsewhere, Tsubas and Ken discuss what Arnval is. A weapon?! Shinki’s as actual weapons?! Did I hear that right Ken? Shinki’s used in the military as weapons themselves. We know they fight and may be considered weapons in school settings but in general? Shouldn’t be surprised, but I am.

– Lost in translation – (Couldn’t really make out the whole conversation)

– Tsubasa remembering and wanting to regain Tsubasa from the research facility. Nasty experiments are to be done! Research to use them as battlefield weapons! And we claim to be superior beings on this planet……….*sighs*
– A plan is hatched! Ken and Tsubasa form a rescue plan to snatch Kaguya from the nightmarish facility!

To be continued…..