Farewell Battle Rondo & Diorama Studio – DS P7

Hello! Sad to say, but both Battle Rondo and Diorama Studio has just been terminated today – October 31st, 2011 Japan time – by Konami Japan. Konami wanted to originally terminate the MMO’s service on August 31st but for some reason or another it was prolonged till Halloween day. That was a blessing! Grateful for that!

However, I only managed to get up to 7 parts, with this being the 7th  Diorama Studio article. Rondo half will be after Halloween!

*Offers a box of tissue to those saddened by this news.*

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(All images taken from the now extinct Busou Shinki – Battle Rondo & Diorama Studio by Konami.)

When I first heard the news me and my blogging partner snapped with similar amounts of rage and disappointment. Similar to Tamagochis or Pokemon, we put the utmost care into our robotic gals. A part of us died, as if we lost a pet, a friend, or important memories from a very special travel.

Of course I tried stockpiling up on videos, images, and any other content that I might of missed. This will be the final part before I up a few more articles to ease the passing of a nice MMO.

I find this quite silly, but I guess this is a sick cruel joke made by Konami. Think about it! This  MMO is set to die on the day of the dead - Halloween – Cruel eh? Differs from region to region, but it generally means death due to fall leaves falling with winter incoming. Happy Halloween! *Snatches the MMO*

All they needed to do was to update the game for the Japanese fan-base! Add more events, more diorama stages, and polish up each modes. Instead, they kept it as it was while giving us new characters then shoved a death sign in our faces. Nobody even knows the real reason why Konami is shutting it down. Pretty sure it isn’t budget woes because the MMO was doing fairly well with payware content. Every opponent I came across had some form of payware content on their Shinki.


Related Articles:

– Battle Rondo Review:

– Diorama Studio Review:

– Shinki Renge – Type Ninetails/Fox – Review:

– Shinki Kohiru:

– Battle Rondo – Nostalgia Capsule:

– Tsugaru – Type Santa – Review:

– Fubuki – Type Ninja/Ninjya – Review:

– Diorama Studio – P2:

– Diorama Studio – Benio vs Renge – P3:

– Diorama Studio – P4:

– Diorama Studio – Music – P5:

– Diorama Studio – School Gym – P6:

My Shinki’s meeting up one last time within  the Diorama Studio section of the battle arena. They decided to catch up on some little chit-chat (off images) before reluctantly departing off into the distance.

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Two Kohiru images to play mess around with for a few seconds – Kohiru’s eyes and the background darkness.

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(Link – MySite) – Sharatang and Renge don’t have a proper sad face so they have sleepy faces instead.

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– Meanwhile in the tent………

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(Link – MySite) – Eh, just pretend it’s like those rich dresses exposing female’s backs.


Well, with that I salute Battle Rondo and Diorama Studio for being an awesome MMO and for welcoming me into the Shinki line. The MMO had such an awesome concept with the figures that I hoped they would of kept it like such. Too bad Konami never added the final OP with the new gals nor added a major update to polish the game, it could of still done so well if they were worried about profit.

So now I shall be staying to the figures, Battlemasters, and the Anime. Silly Konami, you had a nice game…….If you guys are reading this can you PLEASE add a Shinki space into PSN home? You got a damn Konami space in the North American game server! Take advantage of it! 😛

Happy Cruel Halloween! Shall be upping more Rondo & Diorama Studio related content throughout November!