Trick-or-Treat! Shinki Halloween!

Happy Halloween! And as to be expected, Halloween photo-shoot with my lovely 15 cm tall battle bots – Shinkis!

(Link – MySite) – Muffins! Not just any muffins, muffins with Halloween cupcake paper!

(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – pancake lens.)

Got to love fresh home-made muffins! Kohiru decided to show off the seasonally themed muffins to tease your rumbling little stomachs. Again, if I’m not going out to cosplay or dress up in a Halloween costume I’ll have my 15 cm tall battle robots do that for me, or at least messing with Halloween food.


Related Articles:

– Trick or Treat – Halloween – Figma & Shinki Special:

– Trick or Treat – Halloween – Chocolate!

– Happy White (not so) Halloween night!


Quick-Note: Also, to make Halloween all that more non-enjoyable, Ottawa’s schools want school children not to have Halloween fun by not wearing Halloween costumes. Instead they should simply wear black and orange because it is inappropriate or something insane like that. Teachers always have the weirdest excuses for not allowing it, and students know it. Lovely! Stress them out some more why don’t you ;). Just what we need, another reason to make kids skip school! I did it, and they shall do so as well! Probably might be trivial, but if you guys want kids to stay in school at least try and keep them motivated!



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Hallow-Eve Encounter:

Can’t leave it at muffins so here is a bit of a light-show for you to enjoy. Thought I’d try my hands at some night-time photography once again by using Sharatang’s lighting. Have fun seeing red!

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Sharatang’s Arrival!

What got Fubuki and Benio spooked? Sharatang’s hovering! Benio Simply wanted to few view from a safe distance while Fubuki ninja’ed her way into the nearest mini-tree :P.

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– Kohiru and Halloween Cookies!

Cookies! What’s Halloween without some nasty sweets to ruin your teeth? 😛

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(Link – MySite) – *nibble nibble*

(Link – MySite) – A cookie big enough to blanket Kohiru.

(Link – MySite) – There is actually an indent in this cookie as well, just harder to see. Can you spot it?

(Link – MySite) – That’s more Shinki sized!

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(Link – MySite) – “Want some? You can’t have some!” – Kohiru

Benio’s Fright!

That samurai mask is quite scary, even more so in Battle Rondo. The actual real ones are actually quite nice while showing off the samurai’s pride. For Benio? It is meant to scare her opponents, I think. BOO!

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(Link – MySite) – Happy Harou~in!


Thanks for viewing and hope you liked the Shinki’s Halloween edition! I upped it early and left it incomplete because of Shinki-net being terminated causing Battle Rondo & Diorama Studio to poof. This is why I had to come back and edit my article with more Halloween images with fake-night shots. Shall try to hold back on publishing incomplete articles a a habit, don’t want to mess things up for both of us. Also have more ideas that I haven’t used that I wanted to use on this. Shall save for later looks like it. Halloween’s time ran out.

My fellow Shinki’s decided to wish me their final Halloween greetings before being sent into the trash-bin by Konami. Enjoy their last words! Nearly brought tears to my eyes. They will be missed :(.

Happy Halloween!~