[E2046] – Saber Wounded & Holo

Greetings! I have batches of two share from you from E2045 of Saber (Wounded) & Holo prepainted figures from E2046. Both appear to be lovely figures that even I am tempted in purchasing them. Time to tease both myself and you guys!

(All images from E2046)

I hope you don’t mind me sharing E2046 images, they’re of two figures that I’ve taken a great liking to – Saber Wounded & Holo. Both of these figures look gorgeous and both have great detailing on them, or so can be seen on the images I was shown.


Saber Wounded:



Saber Wounded:

Saber has always been my favorite servant ever since I watched Fate/Stay Night back in 2006. The aura, personality, and even her battle style attracted me towards her, especially when she pushes herself to her combat limit.

Seeing her battle spirit being transferred into the following figure pleases me, catching my attention whenever I see her image. Seeing her gear battle-damaged along with blood spattered all over her character to an already, especially if one doesn’t desire perfection in their figures. Meaning, one doesn’t want to see figures perfectly dressed along with looking at their finest, yet their finest in combat.

One thing that stood out to me was her cat-like or demonic yellow eyes (pupil being vertical), making her look battle-focused or possessed within battle. Her Alter form is showing in her eyes.

Saber’s base looks interesting enough. Simple, yet pleasant to look at. Nice Fate/Stay Night logo placed on the stand. As a an ex-Saber fan (Into Caster Extra now), I approve of this figure and would purchase her myself. I love the battle-damage and scars she has.



Holo has always been one of my favorite character from the Spice & Wolf Anime. For those that haven’t watched may want to entertain themselves with Holo’s wise adventures in Spice & Wolf where you get to see her put her intelligence to good use, most specifically with Lawrence.

This Holo figure has her sitting, most likely observing and teasing Lawrence in his wagon-cart or in an Inn bed. She looks quite cheerful, mostly from afar. I guess expressions change depending on perspective. If anything, she might be pouty at Lawrence for not purchasing a whole barrel of apples, nor the apple pie in the window. Regardless, this figure is nicely detailed containing her symbolic apple the the palm of her hands and her most precious wheat pouch on her chest.

Remember not to touch Holo’s tail or you will face her divine punishment. No amount of apple or beer will bribe her either heh. Such a lovely tail she has on her, nice and spread out on the base. Her figure makes use of the base nicely, her nice (fluffy) tail and all.

Oh Holo, why do you have to tease me so? Such simplistic beauty – elegance – to tease me with. I approve of this figure and would take her around to my usual image photoshooting spots along the Ottawa River & parks. Sadly, my funds are limited. Do what I can’t?


Thanks for viewing and hope these two figures are to your liking. Also, hope you don’t mind me doing E2046 posting of figures I find interesting. Sharing what I love and wouldn’t hurt to share with those that love such. The joy of teasing one’s self with figures he can’t have, especially with lack of space. Until next time!

Pst: I want Holo & her!