My Figma Favorites and Miku’s eggs

Hello again. Thought I’d go back through my blog articles and image gallery to find the best images I could find and place them in a timeline fashion. I did something similar on as my first post and thought I’d expand on it here just to see how much I improved in both the photography skill taking and Figma posing wise. Just wanted an article to look back on to compare past, present, and future content. Also, thanks for the comments on, I appreciate it ^^.

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– August 11, 2008 on a Korg Keyboard. Probably the first real pose I got my Figma in. I had her act as my own cheerleader when me and my friend would play UEFA 2008 while playing as Slovakia vs any other nation, fun times.

Figma Haruhi was my first Figma that I purchased and brought to Europe. I never really did photoshoot her with the European scenery background, wasn’t brave enough back then :(.

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– Around September 15ish on a Europe trip back in 2008. I was gifted a nice Ferrari ^^.


And since people kindly commented on my first article I thought I’d return the kind favor by directing you towards their blog. Win=win situation?

Absurd Normality:

Crystal Valley:

Within a Flash of Lightning:

Optimistic Penguin:


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September 24, 2008 – I bought Konata and Tsukasa after reading about them in Europe. Someone thought Tsukasa’s arm went into Konata’s ear, it was unintentional lol. Once you’re in love with Anime its hard to let go….like smoking or beer addictions, I guess?

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– November 20, 2008 – I tried taking Haruhi out on one of those popular “Figma photowalks” that you see in other Figure/Anime related blogs. Figures with skirts + Winter weather = bad idea; cold (illness/temperature).

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– December 19, 2008 – Figma Saber Lily arrives in a box that Tsukasa pushes in causing everybody to hang around. Kanu snoozed, Haruhi grew impatient, Konata took a break from her MMO game, and Tsukasa was busy texting on her phone. A fight broke out with Haruhi and Kanu….Image on is different. Don’t know how it avoided being on the blog.

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– March 12, 2009 – Figma Shana and her flaming aura. I like this image in the way that Shana blends into her box’s background. She might be blending in a bit too much but I kind of like it like that.

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– May 12, 2009 – Haruhi rock climbing. Tried out some new camera techniques I read up on the internet and how to take pictures of still objects.

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– May 12, 2009 – Haruhi exploring for aliens as she attempts to block the sun shinning into her face with her hand.

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– June 13, 2009 – Haruhi snapping away with her new camera. Can you spot the face?

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– October 8, 2009 – Shana kicks and slips off Saber’s sword causing her to fall off a small cliff. I just like this image as this (the one without the effect) is the kind of image quality I’ve been seeking since I got my Lucky Star Figmas. This article contains rest of the images of similar quality images – Figma/Grail War – Intro.

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– October 19, 2009 – Haruhi and Mikuru enjoy their Spring Break ^^.  I know it was late when I posted the article because of the rain and constant cloudiness when wanting to do a figma photoshoot review.  I did manage to get the image quality that I was expecting out of these figma photoshoo – Win! (Spot the spider)

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– October 19, 2009 – Haruhi and Mikuru play ball!

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– October 19, 2009 – Haruhi acts all cute.

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– November 10, 2009 – Meiya being ambushed by a pack of Scorpions.

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– December 5, 2009 – Shana steals and drinks a limited edition Coca-Cola drink that is almost as big as she is. I like this shot because its the first indoor image that went the way I wanted to with image quality and such. What if Shana was evil? This would be it. Image and article were both taken during the Santa’s welcome parade in Canada, Ottawa.

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– December 8, 2009 – Rin exploring the winter wonderland of Ottawa. The sun, the snow, and Rin….this basically sums up what winter is like in my mind – Sun sets quickly, cold, and dark (look on Rin’s clothing).

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– December 8, 2009 – Basically a slice of life of Anime characters -  Rin and Shana snowball fighting without winter gear. The accessories came out a tad bit too late for me to use it in the last two images.

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– December 24, 2009 – Figma’s celebrating early with their Christmas feast heh.  The image might be blurry but the mood is still contained within the image though, woo!

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– January 23, 2010 – Saber’s Winter curiosity peaks. Simple and too the point?

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– January 31, 2010 – Saber peacefully eating her rice. Probably the third best indoor image I actually like, still blurry though.

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– March 1, 2010 – Probably not the best of images but at least I have Ryomou acting like a maid should. “Super Special” above her head also adds some redeemable qualities back into the image…I should try doing this a few more times until I get the appropriate results.

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– March 1, 2010 – Saber finished her meal and is eying the spicy crab Sushi ^^.

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– March 15, 2010 – Signum striking a pose for the camera as she hasn’t been in her own article yet (I’ll get around to her getting an outdoor one).

I’m still impressed as how detailed and how much abuse these Figures can take; the accessories are a different story. They can hold, pose, and behave in the way that you wouldn’t expect other figures to pose in. They’re basically the modern version of what Leondaro Da Vinci wanted in Assassin’s Creed 2 – Wooden ball joint figure. Not much to hate about the way these Figma’s pose as you’re bound to get the types of poses you thought of. The only limitations to these figmas is the owner’s own imagination/creativity.


Oddly Forgotten Image:

I’ve noticed quite a few images that never made it onto my blog that should have. I seen these images on my Deviantart and my Figma gallery but they oddly haven’t appeared on my site….I’m puzzled as I normally post things as after I snap such images.

(Link – MySite & Deviantart)

– June 16, 2009 – Haruhi last seen with her Sony W1## Camera. She must of lost it in the exact spot I photoshooted her in. Its long gone with all the rain and snow :(. I’m unsure as to how this never made it into a blog article as I did have it on my deviantart. Can we get Figma accessory packs? I want Haruhi’s camera pack. Can someone more vocal push for one?

The next four images are from August 15 -> September 20th 2008 – Europe trip in Slovakia, Bratislava and Croatia, Tucepi. Basically they’re just random images during the same time that Haruhi’s Ferrari image was shown above.

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Looking at that Slovakian flag makes me want to find a Canadian mini flag for my Figma and my mini Gundam models. I also hope I didn’t lose any other images of these Figmas.

More from Europe:

Most of the Figma articles are archived here:


Newer Images:
(Images taken with Lumix GF1: All images before these (except for Signum) where taken with a Sony W170 Camera).

And now for a new Figma photoshoot update! Staring Miku Hatsune and new Chocolate finds heh.

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– March 16, 2010 (all Miku images) – Miku playing with Kinder bueno and Lindt eggs. In the background you can see a box containing mini trio Kinder egg bunnies.

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Just a random image that I thought looked nice.


I see a few people used my shoutbox while I wasn’t looking lol. Just keep your cursing to a minimum please, even the light cursing types ^^.

I’ll see about further fluffying the image quality that I’ve seen on other blogs, figma galleries, and deviantart groups while adding more into one image then numerous ones. Also wanted to take a few night time images as I haven’t taken any yet.

Guess thats a wrap as I can’t find any other lost or new Figma images. Hope you enjoyed my Figma photoshooting timeline, the lost, and the newer images :). Thanks for viewing and hope to see you soon in the next article^^