Figma/Grail War – Intro

I keep acquiring Figma’s and only one seems to keep coming out at a time. I thought “maybe I should go back and replicate the Figma play I did when I first obtained Figma Lily Saber”. Time to experiment and see how exactly I can implement a “random story”, along with using the Figmas in the fashion I intended to do so from the beginning.

With that, will the “Figma/Grail War” be only an intro story or expand into more detailed story/image articles? Time to find out…….

(Link – MySite)

Somewhere within Canada, a new group of participants have been recruited to participate within another Holy Grail War. Unlike the previous Holy Grail Wars, this one calls upon well respected “heroines” upon various realms and dimensions. The Figma/Grail War! Reason? To obtain a mysterious prize when the victor remains victorious till the very end, beating the rest. Who shall survive and win till the end?

*A quick late note: Humor content (if any) depends on person.
Shana is the red headed girl.
Alastor is Shana’s necklace.
Saber is the one with the blonde hair and blue dress.
Melon-pan are Shana’s favourite bread.

Shana : “What did you do with my melon-pan?!”
Saber: “Melon… what? Is that a new Japanese invention? A frying pan for melons?”
Shana: “Urasai, URASAI, URASAI!! I want my melon-pan!”

(Link – MySite)

Alastor: “*coughs*….. melon buns….”
Saber: “Melon……buns? Pans? Fried water-melon buns? 0_o” (*whispers*: I’m going to have to ask Shiro about this…..snack)
Shana: “Urasai! I know you stole my melon-pan!” – *flame sword effects *
Saber: “…….” – *Saber attempts to visualize the melon-pan in her palm*

(Link – MySite and Flickr)
*Shana’s sword appears in a huge cloud of fire*
Shana: “I won’t lose, I won’t lose! That Yuji better be right about this…..hmph”.
Alastor: “Patience, my dear Shana”

(Link – MySite and Flickr)

Saber: “AH! melon-pan!….so THAT was your melon-pan?”
Shana: *hissy fits*
Alastor: “…stranger, better run now before she explodes”
Saber: ???
Shana: “Alastor, URASAAAAAAAAAI!!!!!”
*Saber spawns Excalibur in invisible form*

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*Saber reveals her sword as she pushes back Shana’s blade*

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*Saber block’s Shana’s jumping kick with her armored left arm as she falls back*

(Link – MySite and Flickr)

*Shana slips off Saber’s armor*

(Link – MySite and Flickr)

*Shana struggles to maintain her grip from falling off the cliff*
*Saber leaps away while looking back*

(Link – MySite and Flickr)

To be continued………..(as another article or in edited Flash Visual Novel form)


I hoped you enjoyed this little experiment of mine.

I have a few combat scenes that I’m willing to add and might extend it to be a bit longer. Either that, or I might make use of a flash visual novel software that has been created for my use and might end up hosting them on my main site in the future. I’m just wondering how to fully implement this………I’ll use this article as a stepping stone.

– Thanks for reading/viewing and hope to see you around within the next article ^_^.
Make sure to check my shoutcast and Flickr on the right hand side —->