Ha, 23rd B-day already? Wow, the birthday thing still has that nice ring to it. Also ended up getting some nice loot for the whole of March. Figmas? Sadly none this time around. I only ended up getting the Lumix GF1 and three Gundam model kits (1/144 scale) this month as I couldn’t spend that much :(.
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Getting back to my Gundam roots?
– Lumix GF1 – Article (Gifted)
Gundam Model Kits – 1/144 scale (This article).
– Astray – Blue Frame (Gifted)
– Gouf Ignited (Bought)
– Graham’s Union Flag Custom (Bought)
(I got more but those items would bore you to death :P.)
Astray – Blue Frame
(Camera used: Sony W-170)
I found out that the local T&T Supermarket’s Ynot carries Gundam model kits of various kinds. This one was also a nice gift for me so hey, can’t argue with the price :p.
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Great mini-model and a good mobile suit from the Seed universe. Poses well and is able to pose in semi-complex poses. I’m liking it’s armor and such.
Gouf Ignited
(Camera used: Lumix GF1. Kit obtained at T&T’s ‘ynot’ Gift Store.)
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Gouf Ignited….I can already hear the cries of heresy from the anti-Seed/Destiny group. Why? This suit is a modernized version of the Gouf and Gouf Custom from the UC (original Gundam) timeline and these people believe that it isn’t right to see things modernized from a nice classic; even if they are from the same Gundam series. People are just picky these days.
This Gouf Ignited poses well for it’s scale. The flight pack on it’s back doesn’t really hinder the free standing posing. The only thing that does bothers me about this model kit are the two beams on the sword. They don’t hook onto the top of the sword properly causing it to end up like a broken string on a guitar.
Graham’s Union Flag Custom
(Camera used: Lumix GF1) – Obtained at “AnimeStop” on/near Merivale.
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Quite a touchy Flag suit. The legs are probably the worst part of this model kit as they keep wobbling about. The arms sometimes comes off when trying to pose it and everything else starts moving like crazy. Very touchy. The two fins, next to the head, also move about whenever I try to pose or place the gun into it’s flight mode.
It didn’t come with the stand that Stargazer and Gouf Ignited had so I ended up using the Gouf’s stand.
Britannia Beach – March 26, 2010.
(Sony W170 Camera used.)
I was hoping for a beach flooding like the last two years. I’m highly disappointed as it simply looks……bare. Look for yourself….
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Birthday – Twenty Three.
Ya, 23 and still strong with Anime. If Power Rangers, Sailor Moon, Pokemon, Digimon, Gundam Wing, Gundam Seed have never aired on TV I wouldn’t of been an Anime Otaku at this point in life.
– Fried Noodles with Beef:
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– And then the Shrimpy version of the above.
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Also had some Kamakazi Salmon sushi (the big pieces) just to add that “Japanese” touch to my birthday. I also have to thank Mother Nature for not letting the rain pour on my head while out and about the city today, haha. It started raining at the 7 pm timeframe which is now pestering my thought processes, again. Damn you rain!
And two previous articles from a year ago – Like this thread on the same day ^^ and the second part to that same article lol.
Before I finish, does anybody know an extremely good restaurant that serves/sells the best possible Ramen or Tempura in the Ottawa region? I’ve been craving it for quite some time now and can’t find any good ones.
(Updates: Removed some comments from the shoutbox. Do behave >.>)
– Thanks for viewing this article and thanks for your patience ^^. I’m forecasting around two articles for April and many for May.