Made it to Tokyo, Japan

Ya, I made it to Tokyo, Japan after getting the tickets as a secret birthday present. I didn’t want to ruin my chances of the flight being canceled or getting sick so I didn’t blog about it, until now ^_^. The air smells so nice, the breeze….nice and chilly. Narita airport, so damn huge 0_o. The flight, boring and long.

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(Update: April 2, 2010 – April fools – Tagged so you guys/gals know that this was my poor attempt at an April Fools joke.)

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It’s far too easy to get lost when one doesn’t know the Japanese (written and spoken) language. The sights and sounds are positively overwhelming for your jet-legged mind to handle. The occasional Jpop tune playing at random airport restaurants caused a few mind dizzying moments.

(Link – MySite)

Blah, not enough images and that red text ruined the image :(. Now you know (or already did) that these images are from Flight Simulator X. This was the highest I could run my FSX with my computer settings without making it lag like crazy on my computer.

I also detest April Fools for the reason some of you maybe cursing at (or enjoying) all the jokes appearing on the net, your area, and here.

Other random images from “Tokyo” within FSX land.

– Sunrise over Haneda airport (freeware add-on).

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With the poor April Fools joke aside I do apologize for those that actually thought I did go. I’m betting this’ll hinder my actual goal of going to Japan…….

I’m actually doing a “around the world” flight from Ottawa in FSX.

Ottawa -> St. Johns -> Iqaluit -> Whitehorse -> Yellowknife -> Vancouver -> Honolulu (current) -> Wake Island -> Narita, down through Japan -> Hong Kong -> and etc back to Ottawa.

Should be fun…3-7 hours at a time with a Canadian Airforce  CP-150 “Aurora”.
Timeline of tour:

This thing at Honolulu Airport:

(Link – MySite)

I want to do a “Mirai” or “Danny Choo” airlines if anybody has any texturing skills for FSX planes? Anybody want to help me out?
-> for ideas/examples.
-> Request Forum:


Update: Thursday, April 01, 2010

Since I “lied” to you guys/gals I thought I’d share some basic quality images of the Ottawa airport to make up for it. Might not be the best but it fits the flying theme. If I was in Japan or Europe I’d flood the articles with those images instead…..Damn, I fail (as with the article)…I just realized I also had European airport images I could of used inplace of these FSX images.

If it makes you feel better I got pranked by youtube.

Sony W170 Digital Camera used for below images:

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And a fully zoomed in Youtube of the “” plane taking off.

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If requested or if (me or anybody else is) interested I shall make a nicer quality article about the Ottawa airport and it’s scenery. Have a nice warm April Spring day(s)!